Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
Is Trump trying to brag about his ability to make his political opponents disappear? Is he implying he's had the whistleblowers killed?

Trump brags about making whistleblowers disappear.png
No he's implying that the whistleblower was an agent of the Democratic Party that they are hiding because it would undermine their case. Even though everything has been corroborated by numerous other sources, including trump.
Such a sick burn to a stupid statement. No one is buying your bullshit "Trump is being persecuted" crap unless they simply don't care what the facts are, Jordan.
The whistleblower became irrelevant once everything he said was confirmed by others. At this point it could literally be Hunter Biden and it doesn't matter.
Honestly, all this complaining about "pizzaz" just seals the fact that most of these people only watch bullshit like Judge Judy and reality TV. Anything can have "pizzaz" if someone is willing to scream at you enough about it.


Staff member

NPR also has the story.

"Some current and former Pentagon officials say the pardons, while legal, could undermine the military justice system. "

The two he pardoned committed murder. One of those was also found guilty of obstruction of justice.

Remember what I said about how there won't be an election in 2020 if Trump isn't removed from office now? He's testing the waters to see who in the military is okay with war crimes. He wants to stay in power by military force.
Shooting that girl seems to be the least of his crimes. Might as well go ahead and pardon a fucking serial killer, because that's what that guy was doing.
I’m sure that’s inspiring confidence and loyalty among our military leaders...
You'd be surprised. If they'd had free reign during Iraq and Afghanistan, we'd have probably leveled the countries with saturation bombing and called it a day. The idea that they could have the backing of a leader that would ignore or encourage them to use effective (if monstrous) tactics would definitely be appealing to the folks who joined to military to blow shit up instead of rebuilding nations. I'm also sure some Airforce Generals would love to have someone that would ignore their outright grift with the F-35 program. You don't become an Airforce General to serve the nation, you do it to get a fat check from Lockheed-Martin when you retire.
Guys, relax, cheeto almost died yesterday, no I mean had a free weekend so decided to get half of his annual physical over with, no wait I mean rushed to the hospital without his shirt and tie to visit a gravely ill veteran and just get some of his physical over with while there.