Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Was this even made by an official whitehouse photographer? It looks like a really bad vacation picture. They both have a really bad posture in the picture too. I expect a little bit more from a staged photograph. They need a coach.
Was this even made by an official whitehouse photographer? It looks like a really bad vacation picture. They both have a really bad posture in the picture too. I expect a little bit more from a staged photograph. They need a coach.
The saturation has been amped up beyond reality levels.
Also, this:


There's an interested parallel between those idiots on the right who spout shit of which they have no knowledge. We love to point fingers at them and laugh at their ignorance. But those on the left are not immune from this blind-spot ideology and say the same stupid stuff, just from a different angle.
Horseshoe Theory and Zealotry of the Convert.
It makes me so angry. She says she agree with Mattis 100%, that his words are true and "long overdue", then has the audacity, the AUDACITY, to say she is "struggling" about whether to vote for him in 2020. There should be no struggle, Lisa, if you agree what he is doing is terrible and divisive.

Political parties need to die. When the best you can get out of a GOP senator is that she "might" not vote for the guy that beat and gassed American's for a photo op that she publicly agrees was terrible, then you are voting for party interests, not the Constitution, and you fucking know it.
I am so angry with him I can barely form coherent arguments right now. He is a coward. A spineless, witless, fucking toady firmly attached to Trump's asshole. I have voted against him every time I have been given a chance, but I think at the next election for him I will be donating my time to help any and all opposition.
I am so angry with him I can barely form coherent arguments right now. He is a coward. A spineless, witless, fucking toady firmly attached to Trump's asshole. I have voted against him every time I have been given a chance, but I think at the next election for him I will be donating my time to help any and all opposition.
Hes running this november. This is his opponent. I cant say I know much about him, but I can tell he's not Lindsay Graham so he's an improvement.
I am so angry with him I can barely form coherent arguments right now. He is a coward. A spineless, witless, fucking toady firmly attached to Trump's asshole. I have voted against him every time I have been given a chance, but I think at the next election for him I will be donating my time to help any and all opposition.
I feel this way about Ken Buck, but I feel so powerless to get rid of him because of the makeup of my district.


Staff member
Mattis, a General in the US Armed Forces, who has commanded troops around the globe, and witnessed Trump's leadership first hand, was mislead by news reports? Mattis, who has access to classified reports, intelligence information that no news report will ever show, and is surrounded by a network of information gathering officers whose job it is to filter out fact from fiction, and minimize bias, was duped by the "liberal media"? Are you fucking kidding me?

Just how stupid do you have to be to believe Lindsey Graham right now?

*sigh* There's going to be a lot of people who believe him, aren't there?
Mattis, a General in the US Armed Forces, who has commanded troops around the globe, and witnessed Trump's leadership first hand, was mislead by news reports? Mattis, who has access to classified reports, intelligence information that no news report will ever show, and is surrounded by a network of information gathering officers whose job it is to filter out fact from fiction, and minimize bias, was duped by the "liberal media"? Are you fucking kidding me?

Just how stupid do you have to be to believe Lindsey Graham right now?

*sigh* There's going to be a lot of people who believe him, aren't there?
All of us who have relatives reposting Fox News and Prager U bullshit to Facebook, it is time to facepalm in solidarity.
All of us who have relatives reposting Fox News and Prager U bullshit to Facebook, it is time to facepalm in solidarity.
I left a long, but respectful* comment explaining why one of the videos my stepmom posted explaining why it was so full of shit. She did not comment back and my dad has ignored my texts today. So thats fun.

*Yes, really
I've said it before, but it would not surprise me if they have to literally drag Trump kicking and screaming out of the White House. Every day, that looks more like a legitimate possibility.

I hope it's televised from multiple angles because it will be GLORIOUS.
I actually expect him trying to postpone the election.
For all the articles I've seen saying he really can't, and isn't allowed to, and legally isn't able to, and the Constitution says.... I still expect him to do it, for Republicans to support him doing it, and for the media to wring their hands and then move on to the next news cycle.
Found an article today that is a bit hard to read but seems to go into the history of how people like Lindsey Graham happen.
Here's another regarding a study from 2003. The synopsis is that a person tends to vote for what they personally believe unless they belong to a political party, in which case they will instead tend to vote for whatever position the PARTY is promoting even when the party's position runs counter to that person's individual beliefs.

I actually expect him trying to postpone the election.
It's likely he can try, but luckily for us, the Constitution does have protections versus this. First, election days are handled by Congress, not the President. This is specifically written in the Constitution.

“The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”

Now let's say he somehow get's around this, and does it by tricking Congress into postponing the election for him, he now has to deal with The 20th Amendment.

“the terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January.”

In simple terms, this means the President becomes a civilian at noon on the 20th of January at the end of his four year term, unless he has won an election. Should the 20th of January come, once noon rolls around Trump would once again be a civilian by law and would be escorted off the White House property.

This is why it's so important that (a, democrats own the house, since that means they have great control over election postponement, and b) the military isn't backing Trump over the Constitution. Trump would need the military to basically keep him in office in defiance of the Constitution, otherwise January 20th they would escort him out of the White House, and a interim president along the "lines of succession" would be sworn in until an election can be held. It all comes down to what is most important, the Constitution or the President himself, and we will see how that turns out this year.
Which is just... So counter to what it should be. Why are you part of Party X if Party X doesn't hold the same values as you do?
Sure, on small matters, but on the important bits? Gah.
Which is just... So counter to what it should be. Why are you part of Party X if Party X doesn't hold the same values as you do?
Tribalism. Our values are only as strong as our need to feel we belong. It's why Cults form in the first place, because more then anything the Cultists want to feel they are a part of something even when it turns out that something involves ritual sacrifice and mass suicide.

I mentioned before that many Republican's don't care about Trump's policies, values, or actions. They only care that they win the game, and assure their status on the eternal hierarchy.

Honestly if you want what I feel is a fair take on the different ways Liberals and Conservatives see the world, I would watch this video. It's a fun series from awhile ago and feels even more relevant now through all the polarization. There are other videos that go more into the "tribalism" aspects of it all, but this one I feel is the most fair to the right as a viewpoint.



Staff member
Which is just... So counter to what it should be. Why are you part of Party X if Party X doesn't hold the same values as you do?
Sure, on small matters, but on the important bits? Gah.
It's because there's only two real parties, and they've demonized each other the point that switching over seems like it's a greater evil. "Yeah, there are some things I don't like about ____, but at least they're not a ______."