The Random Crap Thread

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I use sunscreen until I burn. Once I burn and tan once a year, I'm good for the rest of the summer. I can go out in direct sunlight at early afternoon in 35C heat and only tan more, baby.

I win.
My Irish/English/Norwegian ancestry definitely kicks the shit out of me in that department. I eventually tan, but still burn with each new layer of tan. I try to avoid getting burned as much as possible.
My ancestry is Hungarian/Romanian/Yugoslavian. It's worked for me so far...

Just to chime in on the make-up topic: one of the things I initially liked about my wife (and still like) is that she doesn't usually wear make-up. She has enough ethnicality to lend her features a kind of dusky coloration that doesn't really call for enhancement. She might throw on some mascara if we're getting dolled up.
I burn like a lobster. The sunscreen, it does nothing.

Though, this summer, that was slightly better. Didn't tan, but didn't burn, either. Oh well.


Staff member
I once went to a swimming pool for a quick swim. I stayed there for an hour or so, didn't stop to lie in the sun or anything. I just swam.

I did not sleep on my back for the next two weeks, and used about two hectars worth of aloe.
Just got my hair cut. I wish that my hairdresser wasn't so socially inept, because she gives me the best damn haircuts ever.

Also, it's hot out, and I'm out of refreshing beverages, so I'm having a beer. At 10am.
She says nothing at all, and when she has to, she's kinda bitchy about it.

And I'm drinking a shitty although very refreshing kind of beer.
I need to find a regular barber. I gave up going to unisex salons, because it felt too girlie. But I haven't found a barbershop that I really like, and can commit to. Which sucks, because I'd like to find one guy, who will be my guy, you know. The kind of guy that you can just sit in his chair and say "The regular, Tom."

Even if his name isn't Tom.


My wife cuts my hair. I figure that makes it easier since she is the only one I really care about liking my haircut.


Staff member
I go to the same hair salon as my mom :eek: But she does my hair perfectly!

<-- This picture? Taken when I was in Ireland. The barber I visited there didn't know s*it about natural curly hair!
Ah, for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage
To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea;

Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage
And make a Northwest Passage to the sea.
Just got my hair cut. I wish that my hairdresser wasn't so socially inept, because she gives me the best damn haircuts ever.

Also, it's hot out, and I'm out of refreshing beverages, so I'm having a beer. At 10am.
I find that talk-as-little-as-possible-hairdressers give the best haircuts.
Just got my hair cut. I wish that my hairdresser wasn't so socially inept, because she gives me the best damn haircuts ever.

Also, it's hot out, and I'm out of refreshing beverages, so I'm having a beer. At 10am.
I find that talk-as-little-as-possible-hairdressers give the best haircuts.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind that she doesn't talk, necessarily, but she seems like she doesn't wanna be there. Kinda cold and bitchy.
Earlier on my blog, I had a comment on my atheist post from someone in Israel. I deleted a second comment from the same site because it didn't make any sense and it was starting to look spammy.

Today, my blog got hit with a spam attack today (unrelated, probably, to the security attacks on WordPress since mine was not affected by that), with 64 comments coming in a four-minute space. It looks very likely that the spammer(s) came from the United Arab Emirates.

Is it too much to ask that people not use my blog to simulate the Gaza Strip?


Staff member
I discovered that VLC can play video at speeds in .1 increments. I've been using that to watch Revision 3 shows at 1.3x. Keeps my attention better than normal speed, and the shows' theme music makes me laugh.
Yesterday, I downloaded a nice little app for my iphone. The AirMouse.

And I'm fascinated by it. Now I can use my iphone as a remote trackpad and/or airmouse for my laptop...

And what's even cooler... I can even use my phone as a remote keyboard...

Fucking amazing!
Yesterday, I downloaded a nice little app for my iphone. The AirMouse.
Sometimes there are apps I just really wish I could justify buying. This looks really cool but I have absolutely no use for it. Too bad there's no demo version.
It was CHF 3.30 (approx 3.30 $)... Considering that it replaces my wireless keyboard and wireless mouse to use the laptop on the big HD-TV, it is really a good deal. And it works as a charm. The touchpad... I'd say it's at least as good as the built in mac-pad in the laptop... Or even better, as the iphone surface is silky smooth.

If you don't use a computer on a beamer or a tv in the living room, I guess you won't need this app. But if you're the occasional couch-surfer, it is well worth the money.


Staff member
My student teaching/observing in a gifted social studies class starts today. Time to go to the university library and raid the children's textbooks. :D just found em this week.
At 12:30am I alt+F4'd from a fail raid. I had work this morning, dammit! So, I hurried up and pissedoffdly took a shower and got in bed. Boyfriend came in after me and we started talking... until 2:30am! I knew I would be regretting it this morning, but I am pretty awake!

I love having him around :3
Earlier on my blog, I had a comment on my atheist post from someone in Israel. I deleted a second comment from the same site because it didn't make any sense and it was starting to look spammy.

Today, my blog got hit with a spam attack today (unrelated, probably, to the security attacks on WordPress since mine was not affected by that), with 64 comments coming in a four-minute space. It looks very likely that the spammer(s) came from the United Arab Emirates.

Is it too much to ask that people not use my blog to simulate the Gaza Strip?
Fair enough. Can I still use the comments section to sell enhancement creme? These penises aren't going to enhance themselves you know.
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