The Random Crap Thread

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OW! While eating hamburger helper (and my addition of extra food including peas, parmesan) I sneezed.. and out my nostrils came one, two THREE peas..and a noodle!
I once laughed so hard while eating chinese food that I made chicken chop suey come out of my nose. It was painful, gross and hilarious all at the same time.


OW! While eating hamburger helper (and my addition of extra food including peas, parmesan) I sneezed.. and out my nostrils came one, two THREE peas..and a noodle!
I once laughed so hard while eating chinese food that I made chicken chop suey come out of my nose. It was painful, gross and hilarious all at the same time.[/QUOTE]

Please note I am laughing with you! Not at you! But that sounds absolutely hilarious too!
Beer is an epic one - drunk sniffling yay!. Mountain Dew leaves everything smelling citrus-y. Pepsi is just plain evil once it hits the sinuses.

The running game around the precinct is "Who can make Officer_Charon snarf first?" Usually doesn't take too long. St. Patrick's day was open season on me. *wry smile*
Pepsi is just plain evil once it hits the sinuses.
I have an interesting theory on this, actually. For a while drinking Pepsi used to leave me with a really nostalgic aftertaste that I didn't like but couldn't quite place until years later:

It tasted like the inside of my throat when I was suffering from an allergic reaction.

To this day I think Pepsi is designed to fuck up one's sinus and congestion and allergies and shit.


Staff member
I'm at work right now. The phone is ringing. I'm calling to confirm the housing status of a Ms. Godeaux.

I am waiting for Godeaux. :awesome: different spelling but still funny


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Man, every letter is so damn crucial. I was just sending an email and I was calling someone a smart ass, and I almost wrote "shart ass."


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Weird thing happened the other night while I was studying. I heard this horrible scream from a woman in the parking lot. She was crying and shrieking, so of course, I ran to the window with my phone to see what was going on. All I could see was a guy standing over a girl who was cowering against a car. So I dialed 911 and told them it looked like a mugging or a fight between a boyfriend and girlfriend or something. I have never heard such a horrible scream. Well, they got here a little bit later. Turns out the girl has some mental problems. She's on some kind of medication, and either she's not used to it yet or she just had some kind of attack. The guy was her boyfriend and was trying to calm her down. I felt a little bad, like I jumped to conclusions, but I was too scared to leave the house and get a better look. Nothing happened to either one of them, though; the police just left. It was a weird night.


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I am judging you so hard right now.

See what I did there? I just... I just connected what I asked you in ToD. Get it? GET IT?!


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I can polish off 5 lb of boiled crawfish myself. 'Course once you've peeled em it's not really 5 pounds of food. Still. That's a lotta crustacean to put away at once. Mix me up a lil sauce, pour em out on a table covered in yesterday's newspaper, crack me open a beer, and get to peeling.... oh man. I want them NOW. I want to pour them into the boiling water myself!
So last Saturday at DnD my friend Tommy was talking about how he intended to start taking shaolin kung fu lessons because it'd been a while since he had practiced a martial art and wanted to get back in better shape. After mulling it over this weekend, I decided to tag along to the class tonight and it. Was. Awesome. I think this will be a really fun way to get myself in better shape.
If one were going to order themselves an embroidered white lab coat, would you recommend going with just the last name, or would you go so far as to put "Dr." in front of it, despite the fact that there is no justification of such a title other than owning a sweet white lab coat?


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I'm not crazy, but sometimes I get the feeling there's someone else living in this apartment--a tall guy with red hair who's always looking through our DVDs and asking me to share my V8.


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Had my last tutoring session with a 3rd grade kid today. We got into a non-math conversation--talked about what super powers we would both want. He wanted X-ray vision so he could look at ladies. :confused:


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I just keep forgetting that kids as young as 9 can think about that kind of thing. Makes me very suspicious of hugs.
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