What did you want to do, What do you do, What do you want to do?

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We all had ideas of what we wanted to do or be as kids. What was your childhood dream?

What do/did you do for a living?

What do you wish you could be doing? (career or not, doesn't have to be job related)
I'm currently training to be an EMT, and after that I'll train to be a paramedic.

If I could, I'd like to be a coroner. I may yet go into med school for that, but right now I'm happy pursuing this.


Staff member
As a kid I wanted to be either a cook or an archeologist.

Studying to be an EFL (=English as a Foreign Language) teacher, thinking about continuing and taking History and Civics as well (they tend to go together in Finnish curricula and teacher-hiring).

My dream career? Publishing author, hailed as the heir of Tolkien :D
We all had ideas of what we wanted to do or be as kids. What was your childhood dream?
Growing up, I was alway changing want I wanted to be on a monthly basis, but even younger I didn't have much idea what I wanted to be on a permanent basis. I think around the age of 10 and up I wanted to be a hunter of some sort, as I spent ALOT of my free time either with video games or my airgun outside. I watched alot of hunting shows early in the mornings and Saturday afternoons. No other real "jobs" appealed to me, though "game hunters" really don't do it for a "living". So again, it was never really decided.

What do/did you do for a living?
Last three jobs:
Toy warehouse store manager.
Major chain restaurant floor manager/trainer/bartender/server.
Currently: Bank accounts officer/New Accounts

What do you wish you could be doing? (career or not, doesn't have to be job related)
Realistically: 2yrs left at this job before my GF is done with school and has a career that can support me to JUST go to Culinary School and not have to work on the side. After that, I'll be "putting in my time" as a chef to gain enough backround to go into my real job future: Food Critic. Having people's entire career balanced on my taste and being paid to try different food/cuisines on a regular basis is my goal.

True Dream: Be paid to torture/maim/end life. Either for a military or personal assignment. Preferrably for a legal use, as the "life on the run" doesn't really appeal to me.
Since I was 5, until 16, I wanted to be a movie director. Spielberg and Stan Winston were my heroes.

Currently, I do copywriting, editing, proofreading.

In the future, I would like to write fiction.
I wanted to draw comics nearly my whole life. My room was plastered with my comics from the time I was able to hold a pencil till about the time my dreams died out of high school.

I am currently a constable with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

I would love to be a game designer since video games are much more of a passion to me than law enforcement could ever hope to be. Realistically, I want to be transferred to major crimes division near my home city where I don't have to wear a uniform anymore and I'll have general duty constables to do my dirty work.


What was your childhood dream?
I wanted to be a Marine Biologist. The thought of spending my life in the ocean exploring sea life made me think I would be the happiest person on the planet. I still love the ocean but it would seem life never goes your way.

What do/did you do for a living?
I work for an evil corporation. I have become one of the corporate parasites which try to churn more money into the corporate machine while keeping my employees in line.

What do you wish you could be doing?
I wish I could write every day. I just want to tell poetic stories and explore the world and my mind. Try my hand at every art form and create great things in each field. I just want to inject a little mystery and magic into people's lives....including my own.


My dad was a cop so I wanted to do that for years. Then I became a Reverend for a time and now I teach AP History at a Highschool and I love it.
I wanted to be a Doctor, taking schooling in the states. Even took my SATs.

I am a manager of products and research for a Canadian financial institution.

My current job rocks, but if I had to choose something else to do I'd be Public Relations for politicians or celebrities. I'd love to be the next Scotty Mclellan or Tony Snow.

Wasabi Poptart

As a child, I wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a nurse, and the President. When I got older that changed to a minister, medical lab technician, or a marine biologist. I settled on the latter with the hopes of specializing in sharks, but several factors keep me from being able to do scuba.

I have worked in retail, as a secretary/receptionist, finance supervisor, accounts manager, bank teller, and delivery person. Currently I'm a stay-at-home mom and full-time college student.

I'm working toward a degree in psychology and hope to become a counselor. I'd love to be a sci-fi/fantasy author though.
As a kid, I wanted to be the president. As I grew up, I realized that that's actually a really hard job.

Nowadays I work as a translator and interpreter. If I work really hard and get really lucky, one day I might be able to translate FOR the president!

Philosopher B.

We all had ideas of what we wanted to do or be as kids. What was your childhood dream?

What do/did you do for a living?

What do you wish you could be doing? (career or not, doesn't have to be job related)

I've only ever had one major dream. That's to be a novelist. I still have that dream.

What I am doing now is going to college for an RTF degree.

What I wish I could be doing was writing novels and spending my spare time practicing guitar and starting a comedy band.

Also, professional pirate be soundin' mighty nice, yaaar. I hear ye don't have to wear a suit.
Growing up I went through the following:

Taxi Driver.
SCUBA Diver,

and a few others I don't remember.

Right now, I'm focusing on achieving a wide area of experience. Since High School I have:

Worked in retail twice, once on the sales floor, once on the cash register,
Been a janitor,
Been what is essentially a courier driver,
Done Homecare,

Eventually, I'd like to be a published writer. I don't care if I make lots of money off of it, but if I could make enough to live life on the road, maybe supplementing my income with odd jobs around wherever, I'd be pretty happy.

I've also been considering joining the Reserves, but that's more of a means-to-an-end. The end being money, and an opportunity to serve in the Army overseas. Not something I particularly care for, but a worthy experience to have, especially considering there are many modern nations out there where military service is mandatory.


I had a pretty lonely childhood as an only child with a single mom who was always at work. I would always dream of having a brother or sister to play with. I was always stuck inside unless mom was home.

I've done all kinds of things for a living, from cart girl to manager of a restaurant, I've always been in some sort of customer service area... from telemarketing, customer care rep, and even hardcore porn agent till I became a manager there too. Now I work for Verizon internal help desk for all of our apps.

The perfect job for me would be one that I don't HAVE to do. I like to work. I don't like sitting all the time but I don't want to have to do it. I think I would be happier at anything I did that way.

Kitty Sinatra

1. Architect

2. I build your smog-makers.

3. I've never been the outdoorsy type, but right now I'd like to vanish into the bush for months at a time . . . and apparently if I take Shego along with me, I can let hunt for our food, which is good because hunting doesn't interest me.


I wanted to be an artist.

Now I am a receptionist/office gopher.

I want to be one of the Idle Rich (though I do wish things had worked out for me in Dental Hygiene)


When I was as little as I can remember I wanted to be a film director. I didn't know what a film director actually did at all. I only knew that one day I asked my mom who makes movies and she told me directors do.

Now my dream job has shifted to a writer. I try to write as much as I can.

I went to college to teach high school English. I Haven't found a job in the field yet. While I enjoy it, if it were ever possible for me to make a living just by writing, I'd drop teaching without much of a second thought.


We all had ideas of what we wanted to do or be as kids. What was your childhood dream?

I wanted to be an airline pilot

What do/did you do for a living?
Worked as a grocery store clerk, sports clerk at KMart, Grease Monkey, Home Depot disgruntled employee, owner of a small cleaning business, and a Lab Tech monkey.

Currently working as a lab manager (i.e. the guy who keeps everyone from killing each other) for a pharmaceutical company for which my department is in cahoots with a children's hospital, doing clinic research. On the side I own and run a small cleaning business. Also working on an NHL/AHL webblog that still has a couple months to kick off. I'm hoping to make a little cash with something I have fun with.

What do you wish you could be doing? (career or not, doesn't have to be job related)

I like what I do, but I really wish I could do nothing all day long and get paid for it. In other words, I wish I was a tenured full professor. :) I'd actually like to start up my own brew-pub someday; maybe finish my book sometime this century. Grad school in particular has made me very jaded towards science. If I would do it over, I'd probably go into mechanical engineering or medicine. To be honest, I think I'm going to save my pennies for a couple of years and possibly take the MCAT and see if I can pull off getting into med school. Science has gotten really boring for me. I think it would be more fun working as a doctor.
As a kid, I wanted to be a comic, writer and probably a few other things like actor that I don't specifically recall wanting to do. Really, I've always assumed I would be dead soon so long term goals have been kind of alien to me.

Currently I am a student, who enjoys writing and performing with my friends.

Hopefully, I can keep doing this and we can actually take our show somewhere. I think I'm also going to star doing stand up again so maybe that'll open a door or two at some point. I'm still young so I might as well reach for the stars while I can.


As a kid, I don't know. I never really thought about it seriously, I guess.

Right now, I'm back in school, trying to finish my BA that I've been trying to get for 10 years due to depression. Hoping or wishing I can go on to teach from there, but I have no idea. Feeling like I've failed at life or wasted it and at this point, it doesn't matter.

What I wish I was doing? No idea. I'm not a good enough writer to make a living at it or write consistently enough. Tried getting into pro-wrestling, but I have a fear of being lifted up (discovered while in wrestling school). I don't know.
What did you want to do?

When I was little, I wanted to be an entomologist. For a little while, I REALLY wanted to join the military and be a fighter jet pilot. That dream was quashed when I realized that, though flying those planes would be AWESOME, the only reason I'd be doing it would be to kill people/bomb targets.

Still wanted to be an entomologist/arachnologist, though. I've always loved insects and arachnids, especially spiders, and would have killed to be one of those guys who goes around for National Geographic and writes the articles.

What do you do?

Currently, I'm finishing up my B.S. in molecular and cellular biology (and will actually graduate exactly six months from today) and am in the middle of applying for neuroscience Ph.D. programs. Most of the areas I'm looking into are in biomedical applications of neural stem cells and gene transfer.

What do you want to do?

Luckily enough, exactly what I'm doing right now. I've always loved learning and figuring stuff out, and a Ph.D.--while I know it's going to be five plus years of me sleeping and eating nothing but a narrow research question--is necessary for me to do any sort of independent research. An added bonus is that, more likely than not, I'll end up moving out of state to somewhere new--I've lived in various places of the same ten-mile-radius area my entire life, with the exception of my year abroad in Japan.

Long-term...I don't know. If I ever got enough free time (heh...likely not, if I get a job as an assistant professor)/cash, I'd like to earn my skydiving license and become a certified instructor. It would be an awesome side-job, and--if you ever got any crappy customers--it'd be SO satisfying after years of customer service to know you had power over their life and death if you so chose.
I wanted to be a spy

I am HR manager of a 100+ people company

I don't know what i want to in the future. Earn as much money as i can i guess

If i could, i'd love to write too


I was obsessed with cars in my youth. I was bound and determined to be a mechanic and then, somehow, part of a pit crew for a racing team.

Then I took a high school course on auto mechanics and found out just what it is: Hard fucking work, and most likely working with jocks and dimwitted people.

I then set my focus on computers, which I'd been exposed to enough at the time to realize would be my true calling in life.

Now if I can just get a job....
1. When I was REALLY little, I wanted to be a librarian. Then I wanted to be a cartoonist like Jim Davis. At recess I would sit and doodle funny cartoons about people I used to know. When I took art classes, they had me sketch and paint, which was fun. Then mom stopped taking me. Sigh...

2. I'm teaching right now. I have a very comfy job, but when I look at facebook and see most of my friends who graduated after me at their high school football games with their very own high school band programs, I feel a little guilty.

3. I would love to be a librarian. Thinking of maybe going back to get my masters in library science or some kind of alt. certification in teaching, should there ever be a huge recession and they drop the music program.

Looking back on my old doodles, I was pretty good for my age at the time, but to go back and try that again, I don't know if I could do it. Plus, the world doesn't need another web comic artist who can't update regularly.

I like my job right now though. I'm home by 3:30, get to take a nap, have cheap yet AWESOME health insurance AND I get summers off...


Staff member
I wanted to be a lot of things in my youth, too. I really wanted to be an astronaut/astronomer until about fourth grade (guess what happened then? I give you a hint--it was 1986). I even wrote illustrated books on planetary science, which the teacher made me present to the class, firmly establishing my rep as a nerd. By high school I wanted to be an archaeology professor, electrical engineer, film director or cartoonist.

Now, I'm a geophysics professor. I did do archaeology also, which is how I got into geology, which felt a little soft to me (it's a very descriptive non-quantitative science), so I boned up on physics and math. I switched to geophysics in my master's and ph.d. programs.

What would I like to do? Be a full time writer or director. I wish I could break into film making. I have a LOT of ideas that will likely never see the light of day because I don't have the money. I watch movies and I think, I could do that better. In fact, I draw a comic because I'm a frustrated film maker/writer, and comics are kind of the closest medium thereto.

I also wouldn't mind being an M.D. I've thought about entering a program seriously several times. Even filled out an application. If I were more religious I've always found something about the Catholic priesthood fascinating. Something about being an earthly conduit for the divine strikes me as very arcane. I've also wanted more Ph.D's, but outside of the movies, it's actually kind of stupid. It doesn't do anything but add letters after your name, because at the Ph.D. level, no one's going to stop you from branching into another science anyway, as long as you can demonstrate competence.


I wanted to be a lot of things in my youth, too. I really wanted to be an astronaut/astronomer until about fourth grade (guess what happened then? I give you a hint--it was 1986). I even wrote illustrated books on planetary science, which the teacher made me present to the class, firmly establishing my rep as a nerd. By high school I wanted to be an archaeology professor, electrical engineer, film director or cartoonist.

Now, I'm a geophysics professor. I did do archaeology also, which is how I got into geology, which felt a little soft to me (it's a very descriptive non-quantitative science), so I boned up on physics and math. I switched to geophysics in my master's and ph.d. programs.

What would I like to do? Be a full time writer or director. I wish I could break into film making. I have a LOT of ideas that will likely never see the light of day because I don't have the money. I watch movies and I think, I could do that better. In fact, I draw a comic because I'm a frustrated film maker/writer, and comics are kind of the closest medium thereto.

I also wouldn't mind being an M.D. I've thought about entering a program seriously several times. Even filled out an application. If I were more religious I've always found something about the Catholic priesthood fascinating. Something about being an earthly conduit for the divine strikes me as very arcane. I've also wanted more Ph.D's, but outside of the movies, it's actually kind of stupid. It doesn't do anything but add letters after your name, because at the Ph.D. level, no one's going to stop you from branching into another science anyway, as long as you can demonstrate competence.
I was really close to actually ditching out and getting my Master's, that's how fed up I was with the program at my school. You're absolutely right they are just a bunch of letters after your name, but tell that to the old farts and pompous asshole P.I.'s. The actual down to Earth Ph.D.s are far and few between.

---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 AM ----------

I was obsessed with cars in my youth. I was bound and determined to be a mechanic and then, somehow, part of a pit crew for a racing team.

Then I took a high school course on auto mechanics and found out just what it is: Hard fucking work, and most likely working with jocks and dimwitted people.

I then set my focus on computers, which I'd been exposed to enough at the time to realize would be my true calling in life.

Now if I can just get a job....

Same here, hence the desire for a mechanical engineering degree.

Seriously though, what is with the jock hate around here? Were you really shoved into lockers Revenge of the Nerds style or something? Just because mechanics are blue collar guys (i.e. they dig watching sports and drinking beer), doesn't mean they used to be athletes pining for their high school glory days.

I just take offense to that term for some reason.


Staff member
And also, in real life, it's never exclusive. There were quite a few jock-nerds in my school (especially among the girls where it was more acceptable). I was one, in fact. I was one of the top distance runners in SC. Ran a mile in under 5 min in track season. Never once got physically accosted. You were/are a hockey player right? Clearly you're intelligent.


And also, in real life, it's never exclusive. There were quite a few jock-nerds in my school (especially among the girls where it was more acceptable). I was one, in fact. I was one of the top distance runners in SC. Ran a mile in under 5 min in track season. Never once got physically accosted. You were/are a hockey player right? Clearly you're intelligent.
I played football, threw javelin and shot-put, and ice hockey, and still pulled in a 4.0 G.P.A. If anything, playing sports helped me learn how to time manage my schoolwork better and discipline myself better. And I know a bunch of guys on my team that were the same way. Of course there were douchebags, but you get those in the "nerdy" groups too. Bottom line is we're all the same no matter what you do, so lay off the 'evil, dumb jock' stereotypes folks. If anything, I've noticed the that the more 'nerdy' groups tend to be both meaner to each other and more vindictive towards athletic students than the other way around.
I played football, threw javelin and shot-put, and ice hockey, and still pulled in a 4.0 G.P.A. If anything, playing sports helped me learn how to time manage my schoolwork better and discipline myself better. And I know a bunch of guys on my team that were the same way. Of course there were douchebags, but you get those in the "nerdy" groups too. Bottom line is we're all the same no matter what you do, so lay off the 'evil, dumb jock' stereotypes folks. If anything, I've noticed the that the more 'nerdy' groups tend to be both meaner to each other and more vindictive towards athletic students than the other way around.
Must.... resist... urge... to ruin... serious... conv....

Oh fuck it:


I played football, threw javelin and shot-put, and ice hockey, and still pulled in a 4.0 G.P.A. If anything, playing sports helped me learn how to time manage my schoolwork better and discipline myself better. And I know a bunch of guys on my team that were the same way. Of course there were douchebags, but you get those in the "nerdy" groups too. Bottom line is we're all the same no matter what you do, so lay off the 'evil, dumb jock' stereotypes folks. If anything, I've noticed the that the more 'nerdy' groups tend to be both meaner to each other and more vindictive towards athletic students than the other way around.
Must.... resist... urge... to ruin... serious... conv....

Oh fuck it:



What did I want to be? When I was young, I saw a list by John Goddard on the things he wanted to accomplish before he died. I decided to do that, make a list, and do it all.
So far, I´ve got 62 out of a hundred things done.... there are still 133 countries to visit, a few places to see, and a shitloads of things to do.

I played football, threw javelin and shot-put, and ice hockey, and still pulled in a 4.0 G.P.A. If anything, playing sports helped me learn how to time manage my schoolwork better and discipline myself better. And I know a bunch of guys on my team that were the same way. Of course there were douchebags, but you get those in the "nerdy" groups too. Bottom line is we're all the same no matter what you do, so lay off the 'evil, dumb jock' stereotypes folks. If anything, I've noticed the that the more 'nerdy' groups tend to be both meaner to each other and more vindictive towards athletic students than the other way around.
Must.... resist... urge... to ruin... serious... conv....

Oh fuck it:


But on a serious note, maybe the jock stereotype has stuck because in schools bullies are usually the strong kids, who also happen to play sports?

I have never seen a nerd go around beating everyone else, and I doubt most could do so.

Anyway, growing up without being bullied was easy, as I had an adoptive uncle who´d threaten to sue the school to hell and put it in every newspaper for lack of discipline and allowing bullying, every time someone threatened me. It also got the only kid to touch me expelled, and after a rigorous beating from his father, into ICU.

The only people who are bullied are those who allow themselves to be.
I was a nerd for the most part. Reading at school functions instead of participating, never attending any pep rallies, spending more time in computer lab/library than gym, etc. I can attest to the "nerd hate" from the "jocks/bullies" but in our case it was less physical violence (though there were still the occassional throwdown) girls have a different way of bullying/torturing.
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