Halforum Members MIA

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I have noticed a few people (avatars) missing since the move(s).

I know we lost TNG/NN/Grue, Invader, and Fazz/M-80, but there are more folks not around.

Like where's Scarlet Varlet? That guy used to post a ton.

Who else is missing?


At the beginning of the summer, Neon Ninja/Grue made the initial halforum move, but in the early summer, I think, posted that he was going through some things and would be back at some point in the future. I think I saw him post once after that, but it may have been a thread necro.

I'm fairly sure Fazz/M-80 is still here under another name. Don't quote me on that, I may be wrong. There is a name somewhere around here that I still associate with him subconciously, but can't remember it.
Totally forgot about Batdan and Rolling Samus.

Is Cassie and Samus the same person? I didn't talk to her much. I just remember the dudes attacked her like they hadn't ever seen a girl before.


Staff member
Invader didn't make the move. Can't say I miss him, though...

Neon Grue, Batdan, Scarlet Varlet, Rolling Samus, Crone... I miss them, no doubt about that. Fazz... well, I was kinda hoping he'd be back after the hissy fit had passed.


Believe it or not..I miss Chaz. He added...ummm...something to the forum.

Philosopher B.

Come back l33tn00b/Computergate! :Cry:

And Incenjuncar. Though I don't think he ever left Image.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I thought Menopausal Rogue was cool. I didn't realize until recently that many here didn't like her.
There was a big flame war with RS and some other people about something based in feminism or something to that effect, and she didn't really post at all after that, I think.
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