RocketGirl, aka BionicDance

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I'm an animator living in Seattle; it would be equally fair to say that I'm self-employed and unemployed at the moment, though I do work on indie flicks on occasion.

I have a webcomic called The Adventures of Kanira Baxter, a cheesy pulp sci-fi romp that is probably best described as "What Star Trek woulda been had I been in charge..."
I also have a YouTube channel:
"RocketGirl" was long taken, so I went with "BionicDance", one of my other internet names from way back.

I hang with goths cuz the Seattle goth crowd is mostly made up of geeks who'd rather be scary than nerdy; they accept me even though I'm not really one of 'em, being more of a punkish lesbian, myself...

Not sure what else to say except that I'm here because the Angels 2200 board moved here, and we'll see what comes from that, neh?



Staff member
Yay and welcome! I'm going to check out your stuff in a little while. Enjoy your time and let me know if there's anything you want/need.

We're very accommodating here.
Welcome, hope you enjoy your time here, watch out for grues in dark corners, try not to get into too many flamewars, and we'd appreciate your input on what we should do in a zombie apocalypse.

Oh, and please believe me when I say we're not at all creepy.

Right guys?


Staff member
Seriously, guys, stop being so damn creepy. I mean, even I was courteous enough to put on a pair of pants...

Anyhoo, welcome. Can we ask you questions or is this purely a meet-n-greet?


Seriously, guys, stop being so damn creepy. I mean, even I was courteous enough to put on a pair of pants...
Hey, I rollerblade naked in parades; don't put on pants on MY account! :D

Anyhoo, welcome. Can we ask you questions or is this purely a meet-n-greet?
Well, there'z no guarantees I'll answer--depends on the question--but I'm not averse to an inquiry or two.


Staff member
Seriously, guys, stop being so damn creepy. I mean, even I was courteous enough to put on a pair of pants...
Hey, I rollerblade naked in parades; don't put on pants on MY account! :D
Damn, now I REALLY like you :D One important question, however: do you sauna?

Anyhoo, welcome. Can we ask you questions or is this purely a meet-n-greet?
Well, there'z no guarantees I'll answer--depends on the question--but I'm not averse to an inquiry or two.
I'll take that as an encouragement to inquire, then ;)

First, what kinda animations do you do?

And second, is Seattle as rainy and grey as the movies an' stuff make it seem?


Damn, now I REALLY like you :D
There'z footage on YouTube, if you know where to look. ;)

One important question, however: do you sauna?
No...but that's primarily due to lack of access.

I'll take that as an encouragement to inquire, then ;)

First, what kinda animations do you do?
Well, I do 3D CGI. Most of what I've got on YouTube is in support of the rabid-and-screaming atheist community--I have a series called "Rational Station" that discusses pertinent issues in kind of sci-fi setting--but there'z also a trailer for a toon-shaded Star Wars fan film that I really ought to get around to finishing some day...

I also have a CGI webcomic called The Adventures of Kanira Baxter, a kind of pulp sci-fi romp through the galaxy sort of thing.

Can you tell that I grew up in the wake of the original Star Wars trilogy? ;)

And second, is Seattle as rainy and grey as the movies an' stuff make it seem?
Well, I suppose that depends on how you want to define it.
Seattle is cloudy a LOT. But it's a weird kind of cloudy; the sky is generally brightly lit, but it's a harsh white light being filtered through a solid grey cloud layer. You feel like you're in a hospital or an airport almost constantly from fall to spring.
As for rain, it rarely, if ever, truly rains here. It mists, it drizzles, it fogs...but it doesn't really pour.


I was in it that year, but the clip starts about halfway through the cyclists and I'm usually at the head of the pack...
You know, as a person who's participated in a naked bike ride (is it something about the pacific northwest? I live in Portland) that makes me wonder about what kind of video/photos there are of me on the internet. Eh. Wouldn't do it if I didn't have a streak of exhibitionism anyway ;)

Anyway, welcome! What's your favorite sci-fi book and movie of all time?


RG is a kick in the teeth that makes you ask for more. ;)
A friendly[ kick in the teeth. ;)

You know, as a person who's participated in a naked bike ride (is it something about the pacific northwest? I live in Portland) that makes me wonder about what kind of video/photos there are of me on the internet.
I've been recognized on the street, myself. *grin*

And every now and then, someone sends me a photo or a vid I hadn't previously seen.

Eh. Wouldn't do it if I didn't have a streak of exhibitionism anyway ;)
Totally. I was raised by do the math. ;)

Anyway, welcome! What's your favorite sci-fi book and movie of all time?
Ooh, those are toughies, especially since my favorites tend to be series rather than individual books or movies.
For example, I'm VERY enamored of the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. It spans something like eleven books; how can I possibly pick my favorite? It might be Brothers in Arms, though Memory and Mirror Dance come close...then again, I might trump the whole series and just go with something from Heinlein like Starship Troopers or Stranger in a Strange Land. Or, heck, I dig Ender's Game like a backhoe (though I could definitely lose most of the sequels). I have no idea how to pic on that score.

For the movies, of course, I'm a life-long Star Wars fan (with the tattoo to prove it)...and I have to admit a certain particular passion for The Empire Strikes Back. It's by far the most balanced of the movies in terms of Jedi content versus Rebellion content, it has what I feel is the most entertaining of all the lightsaber fights, and the imagery of Cloud City--ESPECIALLY the Special Edition version--simply makes me melt; I soooooo belong in a place like that, truly.
I might trump the whole series and just go with something from Heinlein like Starship Troopers or Stranger in a Strange Land.

Ok, you get the official Belgian Seal of Approval for Membership of Halforums :-D

Totally not a question to you, but in general, but... Wait, 6 minutes of frontal naked on YouTube? That's allowed? :confused:


Totally. I was raised by do the math. ;)

Can't i have a say in this ? :D[/QUOTE]

No. Now start lubing up with that patchouli-scented oil! :D

Totally not a question to you, but in general, but... Wait, 6 minutes of frontal naked on YouTube? That's allowed? :confused:
Under certain circumstances, it would appear so. In the context of a public event crossed with it being non-sexual...well, there'z several years worth of Fremont Solstice Parade on the 'Tubes, so I guess either nobody's reporting it as a violation of YouTube doesn't give a flying fornication...


Welcome to the board.
Spank you very much. :)

I don't have any question ;) ah well.
That's okay...your sig is treat enough; I feel much the same way about growing up. I often ask people, "You know what I want to be when I grow up? Shot. You catch me growing up, just kill me, please. It's over."
For example, I'm VERY enamored of the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold. It spans something like eleven books; how can I possibly pick my favorite? It might be Brothers in Arms, though Memory and Mirror Dance come close...
I looove the Vorkosigan Saga, my favorites being Memory and The Vor Game for the stories, A Civil Campaign for all that it is about and then my absolute number one Borders Of Infinity just because it shows what Miles truly can do from zero to hero!

It's so hard to find someone who actually knows this saga, especially here in germany.


I looove the Vorkosigan Saga, my favorites being Memory and The Vor Game for the stories, A Civil Campaign for all that it is about and then my absolute number one Borders Of Infinity just because it shows what Miles truly can do from zero to hero!
Borders of Infinity...that's the one with the dome and the Marilacans, yes? Sergeant Beatrice?

It's so hard to find someone who actually knows this saga, especially here in germany.
Goodness knows I've had to beat a few friends over the head with it...they're more the David Weber/Honor Harrington types if they read sci-fi at all.
I looove the Vorkosigan Saga, my favorites being Memory and The Vor Game for the stories, A Civil Campaign for all that it is about and then my absolute number one Borders Of Infinity just because it shows what Miles truly can do from zero to hero!
Borders of Infinity...that's the one with the dome and the Marilacans, yes? Sergeant Beatrice?

It's so hard to find someone who actually knows this saga, especially here in germany.
Goodness knows I've had to beat a few friends over the head with it...they're more the David Weber/Honor Harrington types if they read sci-fi at all.[/QUOTE]

Borders of Infinity is the Dome one, yep. "And though they came in naked..."

I got The Warrior's Apprentice as a simple gift from a good friend and three weeks later I had bought all the other books to read them in order.
Since then, 8 years ago, I got 7 more people to read the whole saga; 3 of them even bought it for themselves. :)
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