Halforums Lookalikes

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Well I just got back from my lunch break, and at Inga's Deli, I saw a dude who, I swear, was North Ranger from 40 years in the future. SAME beard, same build and very very similar face. No suspenders, though...

Has anyone else experienced this? I've also seen dudes in this dorm who looks like David and Batdan.


Staff member
Dave you need to contact that guy.

Droll--does he sometimes have a friend present whose hands resemble fruit?


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O right. :eek: We've actually discussed this...

Shows how much I know (or retain) about Satanic churches.

Kitty Sinatra

I know a chick who, until I learned that Vyx lived in the Netherlands, I swore was that babe.


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Alas, he is GONE, probably forever! I've never seen him before on campus.. don't think he was a professor. He was behind me, ordered a turkey sandwich, and then mysteriously disappeared.

He seemed like a nice old man. He couldn't tell where the line began, so he asked me. When he answered he grinned a big grin and said, "Ok, thank you dear."

Seriously, dude. YOUR EXACT FACE, with longer white hair. Exact same beard. How tall are you, though?... because this guy couldn't have been taller than 5'7", 5'8".


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Awww. :D Man.. you know, I love talkin' to old dudes. I wish I had an old dude friend who would have coffee with me every day and share wisdom and scandalous stories.


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Unfortunately, at 26 I hardly qualify. At present, I am at the lower rungs of loveable eccentricity, just a tad over "Weirdo".


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I still think it's nice. It doesn't bother me at all when guys use little endearments like that. I know some people do, and I guess I understand why, but it's all over the place down here-- People get familiar real fast, heheh.

I should have asked that guy if he'd ever been to Finland! Silly me. Because really. I got goosebumps. That's only happened once before when I saw a man who looked very much like what the fellow will probably look like when he's older. It was a very, very good omen. :unibrow:


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This "older doppelganger of the fellow"... it happened in a sauna or spa, didn't it? ;)
:rofl: Just on the street. Very handsome--olive skin, salt-and-pepper hair, smart, pinstripe jacket, and the same sweet puppy dog eyes, only a little wiser. Those cute wrinkles around the eyes.... *squeal* AUGH Hooray for cute, older men.

Never been to a spa. :( (i wish, though)


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I'm on a mission. :thumbsup:

That'll be a fun request. "May I have a picture of you for a Finnish friend? I think you might be him from the future. :D I'll buy you a turkey sandwich if you say yes!"
Old_ranger sounds like that kickass gradpa or uncle that is both funny and that man that brings you candy and buys you ice cream while your mother has already told you you can't have any.
My first time skydiving, in March of this year, I ran into a guy I SWEAR was WolfOfOdin. Looked a lot like him, mentioned he was from a law school in the Eastern part of the US, really polite. I eventually asked, and it turns out it wasn't him.

....or WAS it?


Staff member
Old_ranger sounds like that kickass gradpa or uncle that is both funny and that man that brings you candy and buys you ice cream while your mother has already told you you can't have any.
Well... I believed I was a good uncle to my sister's two children. Alas, they are in their teens now, and Unca Mikko's no longer cool. *sighs*

When they were younger, I made them "gift certificates" for Christmas, promising to take them to see a movie of their choice. That way, I could get away with seeing films like Shark's Tale and not have to worry about getting the right brand of some thingamabob that was all the rave that 'mas time; they'd get to see a movie they liked - and my sister and her hubby would have a little time to themselves.

It's strange, seeing these somewhat quiet teens and remembering the time when they were little kids. They'd be so glad to see me they would run up to me and hug a leg each, making me walk about with a kid in each trouser leg.


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Man, every time you tell that story I think of how big my little niece is getting. She turned FOUR this year. She looks like a tiny little lady... no more chubby little Ada with the Dr. Zoidberg-looking rolls on her back. I try and make up new stories for her when I see her, because some day she'll be too busy texting and listening to angsty music... :tear: I want to be cool Aunt Leslie forever!!! :waah:


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Last week she hopped up in my lap, hugged me, made a cute little "ahhh" noise, and said, "I dery dery love you, Aunt Leslie."

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