Podcast TONIGHT!! - DELAYED!!!

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Staff member
Tonight, folks! 7 PM CDT! The return of the Podcast.


If you need instructions about how to get involved, go here and read up.

Topics for tonight:

  1. April Contest and the discussion of the contests as a whole.
  2. The podcasts themselves and their future.
  3. Colorful stories and stuff from Dave.
  4. Whatever else we want to talk about.
So far I don't have a copilot, but Shannow said he was down with it so it may be the Dave & Shannow Hour.

Come on by, give us your thoughts and let's have some fun!


Staff member
Podcast TONIGHT!!

Oh, man, D+D AND A Podcast! I'm gonna be all over the internet tonight. You might get a call from InebriatedCajunGal.


Staff member
Podcast TONIGHT!!

I'm looking at software to try and get away from TalkShoe. Hell, I may even buy a webcam and do a UStream.


Staff member
Podcast TONIGHT!!

I'm trying to do this to be able to get as many people involved as possible.


Staff member
Podcast TONIGHT!!

That's kinda the idea.

---------- Post added at 02:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

Podcast TONIGHT!!

Heyyyy daaave.. Dave.... i mig' piss muh panfs and i niid tips to not [eeeeeee on meh cats...

didnupeeonapussyonce omg hahahahhhhhhhha


Staff member
Podcast TONIGHT!!

Never mind. Fuck TalkShoe. Fucking thing won't even load for me. I get Javascript errors. Reboot & Retry for another night.


Staff member
I wish. Fucking TalkShoe. Rasp even came in while I was trying to kill the fucking call and it wouldn't let me.


Staff member
I totally just dl'ed the stuff for my computer and got it up and running. I could call in for a bit.

Edit: If you're using Windows 7, right click on the program (or installer if that's not working) and click on Properties. From there, open the Compatibility tab, enable Compatibility Mode, and select Windows Vista (Service Pack 2).

I had to do this for Talkshoe and the Gizmo5 installer before I could get them working.
downloading now!

This is going to be so awesome!

I'ma make a cheese quesadilla in the meantime as well to celebrate!
I don't have a microphone :(

But if it's got a text chat I can join in and have so much fuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnn
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