When would you call the cops?

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Ok, so I guess I'm not as brave as I thought.. 3 Hell's Angels gang members just pulled up and parked here.

Cops have been called to handle any problems.. if I weren't expecting a customer, I would lock the door and arm myself.

What would you do in a similar situation?
As long as you're not an Outlaw Motorcycle Club member you should be fine. I don't think they do the extortion racket anymore.
The vast majority of Hell's Angels are just guys who like riding motorcycles. Calling the cops just cause they pulled up to your store is bullshit.
The vast majority of Hell's Angels are just guys who like riding motorcycles. Calling the cops just cause they pulled up to your store is bullshit.
Yeah, pretty much this.

You don't need to worry just because they are there, unless there has been some sort of recent activity in your area involving them. Just play it cool, act natural! They can smell fear and don't look them in the eyes.

Remember, they have to keep swimming in order to stay right-side up.

.....wait... I think I got a bit sidetracked at the end..
Hell's Angels are, for the most part, just bikers. Don't mess with them, and they don't have a reason to mess with you. Anything criminal they do, they try to operate low-profile.

Like Doc said, unless you're an Outlaw member, or make an attempt to get on their bad side, they won't hassle you.


Just pull a South Park and call them ***s, that should work nicely :)


I don't really understand the question. If we called the cops every time "scary" biker guys were parked out front our entire economy would fall apart during Sturgis Rally.
Are you sure they're Hells Angels? Did they have the patch on the back of the jacket?

But really, just calling the cops because someone different pulled up is a chickenshit thing to do.


Are you sure they're Hells Angels? Did they have the patch on the back of the jacket?

But really, just calling the cops because someone different pulled up is a chickenshit thing to do.
We have plenty of regular bikers pull up, I have no quarrel with them. When someone brazenly pulls up and they're loud, and obnoxious to others, and have "Hells Angels, California" on their jackets, hell yes I'm taking precautions.

Want me to send them to your house?
Oh, so now you're changing the story. Your original post just said they pulled up, nothing more.

I call shenanigans.
If you've got time to log into an internet forum and ask what you should do, they're not a likely threat.

If the OP is Neon Grue, then it's no great loss anyway.


I thought the hells angels was like volunteering at preschools and shit now?
My parents are huge bikers. They know a few Angels and have said that they are fairly nice, if not shady.

I think this is serious bullshit."Aw! There pipes are so loud! That must mean they are hear to loot my store! :(" Get over it. My parents bikes are loud as God Himself and no one calls the cops on them. They are also members of a biking group, doesn't mean they are out to fucking rob folks.

Just chill.


Someone is a puuuuusay. If I were you, I would go out there and fight them myself. Show them who's boss.
I had to call the cops on a customer in my store yesterday. He wasn't being threatening, and he wasn't a hell's angel. He was just an old guy that was obnoxious, trying to access an account that wasn't his, and getting irritated that I wouldn't give him any information without the account holder giving permission. He was being loud, and rude, and refused to leave when I asked him to. "I'm not leaving here until you tell me what I want to know!"

So I called the cops, and they escourted him out.
My advice is:
Don't let fear create trouble where there isn't any. If they aren't hurting or threatening anyone, just leave them be. It's best for you, and it's best for them.

Wasabi Poptart

As some others have said, Hells Angels are just bikers. Bikers are loud. Their bikes are loud. My dad rides with some guys who have been (and a couple still are) involved in the "outlaw" clubs. They are some of the nicest guys you'd meet. Just don't get on their bad side.


I don't get the replies they aren't a group, they are a bona-fide gang, I am pretty sure they have initiations that involve crime in order to get in. So while they maybe nice, they aren't exactly just bikers, they are bikers that are in a gang.

Are you just as cool if members of the Latin Kings started hanging outside your place?

Now granted calling the cops out right is excessive, but extra precautions should be taken considering they are part of a group of people well known for committing crimes.


My C++ teacher was a Hell's Angel. He'd only cut you if you rode a rice rocket.


I called the cops yes, but I called them for information, and to alert them to their presence. Hells Angels don't exactly have a rosy reputation. I didn't yank the phone off the hook and scream "911!".. I called the non-emergency line. I didn't "change my story". Time elapses you know, between parking and then proceeding to be obnoxious to others. But all that is done, they're long gone, no further trouble or hassles had.

So if we can put personal attacks and forum drama behind us, back to the original question: WHEN would/do you call the cops in situations that might call for it?
I think that question's been answered. When they're actually doing illegal shit and not just parked outside.


I don't mean JUST in this situation. Yes, fine, that's been answered.

I'm seeking other personal stories, not just with Hells Angels.
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