Introduce Yourself!

Well, since I've (insanely) decided to de-lurk into the Politics forum, of all places, I figured I'd better do an intro. ;)

I'm Sara. I've been lurking around since Before Halforums and I actually did make a few posts in the NSFW forum back in Halforum's early days (I guess it requires drama or naked men to make me de-lurk :lol:).

I'm a comic book fan, a casual gamer, and an all around nerd. I'm a Mac fangirl and wannabe game developer.

I'm an Air Force spouse and currently live in the Omaha area. Don't worry, Dave, I'm not a stalker (unless the price is right :ninja:).


Staff member
If all of your posts are as good as the DADT one you are going to be a GREAT addition.

If they aren't we'll still like you but we'll make fun of you.

Air Force spouse, huh? OMAHA, huh?!? OH SHIT!! (-heh-)
Welcome to the forum! Your first post was very reasonable and well thought out. Don't worry, you eventually give up and act like the rest of us idiots after a while. ;)


Hey there Halforumites.... it's been a while! I was reminiscing with a friend/co-worker about our respective forums and other general nerdery and I realized I was really sad about not spending as much time doing things I used to do. I poked around here a little bit a couple times but things had changed so much and I have that lurker mentality, so I didn't say anything... but I remembered how much I enjoyed spending time on here, so I'm going to make an effort to be around more and actually be active. I also figured I had never done an intro post before, so now would be an opportune time! I guess! Who knows!

Around the time I fell off the face of the earth (last fall), those of you who know/remember me may recall that my boyfriend and I bought a house, and I have been juggling two retail jobs while trying to a) find a career in my field and/or b) be a freelance writer/editor. All of that has been sucking up most of my time (and still is), but I've been really down the last 6 months or so and I feel like it has a lot to do with doing a lot of "have to" stuff and not a lot of "want to" stuff. So I'm trying to change that.

So, intro posty stuff. I'm Laura, I live in the U.S. (Maryland), with my boyfriend, our cat, and whatever friend or family member is crashing over (it happens a lot). I graduated from the University of Maryland last year with an English degree (see: two jobs and increasingly desperate job search, paragraph 2), and ever since then I've been trying to make a career in publishing. I like anime, video games, and (for the most part) terrible music, and I'm a huge lit nerd.

I kinda feel like I'm rambling on here, so... I'm not sure what else to put in my intro post, so ask me whatever you want to know!
Thanks for the welcome, everyone! Hopefully I can add to the insanity here. :biggrin:

I'm a Mac fangirl
Eeeeeexcellent.:D Whatcha running?[/QUOTE]

A new 27" iMac (OMG THE SCREEN REAL ESTATE!) is my primary machine, plus a house full of Macs/iDevices (even a Newton!) of various ages going back to a 512K Mac. I've never been able to part with my old ones, and we somehow became a "Mac Orphanage" for a while in the 90s. Instead of cats, I'm a crazy Mac lady. ;)
Thanks for the welcome, everyone! Hopefully I can add to the insanity here. :biggrin:

I'm a Mac fangirl
Eeeeeexcellent.:D Whatcha running?
A new 27" iMac (OMG THE SCREEN REAL ESTATE!) is my primary machine, plus a house full of Macs/iDevices (even a Newton!) of various ages going back to a 512K Mac. I've never been able to part with my old ones, and we somehow became a "Mac Orphanage" for a while in the 90s. Instead of cats, I'm a crazy Mac lady. ;)[/QUOTE]

And yes, you did pass the steak test!
Oh dear... Shego's tracking again *looks around for tranq howitzer*

Welcome aboard! I was reading through your additions on the DADT subject, and I like your repartee and your reasoning. Here's hoping to hear more from ya!