Halloween 2010 Thread!

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I ended up having to explain my newsie costume to the kids. One of the kids in my class was Link--he's the kid with big behavior problems. When he refused to use his work, I marched up to his desk with a triangular piece of construction paper and said, "ONLY BY COMPLETING YOUR JOURNAL ASSIGNMENT WILL YOU BE WORTHY OF THIS PIECE OF THE TRIFORCE." I've never seen him work so hard. I owe him a second piece of the Triforce Monday for working twice as hard as everyone else to clean up his work area. :D
I carved a pumpkin for the first time! My little sister wanted to have one and she absolutely loved it! It was just the classic jagged smiley mouth and angry eyes kind, and I don't feel I can attempt anything more complex than that...
Handed out candy to the neighborhood brats. Most had to be prompted to actually say "Trick or Treat" instead of just reaching for the bowl of candy.
Handed out candy from the prisoner transport van. Was telling folks, with my strobes going "I guarantee that I have the brightest porch lights out here." I also warned them severely about performing "tricks," as I had room enough for them.

Didn't help that one of the cages had a blood smear in it from a prisoner with a scuffed-up knee. *wry grin*
Wee--some pics. I'll have more later. I went with my friends Maggie, Vivan and Yao Yao and man did we have some fun. There was about 2,000 or so people there.


The girls

Mao would be proud

The ninja is always in the shadows. Watching.

Pirate vs Ninja

Hell yes Cobra

It's not really the moose I'm looking at

Yeah that's a man


My friends and I had a potluck with Tandori chicken, Scalloped potatoes, banana bread, cupcakes and pumpkin pie all made from scratch. We carved 5 pumpkins and sat around watching The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror 1-10.
Only 6 of us dressed up, and 4 of us just wore the same costumes as last year.

Had way more kids come by than expected. I was so excited.

Had a couple of punk teens not even wearing costumes who all claimed to be dressed as Justin Beiber for halloween. I gave them each one piece of candy so that they'd go away and not egg my house. Most kids got away from here with a good haul though.

Two little kids actually left us a thank you card for the candy. Its adorable. I hung it up on the fridge.


Staff member
Tonight was quiet. We ate Mexican, listened to some music, and played games. Jake refused to leave my apartment until the trashy dudes yelling loudly in the parking lot took their party somewhere else. They always make me nervous. He just now drove off. Nice day. :)
Had 25 kids in 4 groups at our house. Only took my kids around our street it was so cold for them. It was actually snowing for a bit last night.
Damn kids smashed all our jack-o-lanterns! Only house on the street whose pumpkins got smashed, too! I bet it was those damn Justin Bieber kids.

You know what's sad? Kids these days don't know what a Ghostbuster is. Or Beetlejuice.
You're right. Someone should reboot those franchises.

**flees before being pelted with leftover Halloween candy**[/QUOTE]

And we could get Will Ferrell to play Beetlejuice!![/QUOTE]

Oh god, I certainly didn't mean to imply that. Just, aren't these kids' parents teaching them ANYTHING?! (Also, it makes me feel old, and I'm not even 24. I shouldn't have to feel old yet dammit)

You all recognize my Captain Hammer oufit. My roommate was a Homie. You can get those figures in 25-cent vending machines.
Iron, If you have a pic of you alone, in costume... put that on your profile and state somewhere that the Hammer is in your pants.
It kinda looks like IronBrig and Hylian could be brothers from another mother. Well, at least before Hylian shaved his goatee.


Staff member
I had so much fun last night (despite having to get up at 4 am to drive to a 7am conference in New Orleans). I scared sooo many kids (we had a lot--I ran out of candy). I decorated my front porch and made homemade Go Away signs. I usually dress as Frankenstein's monster, but last night I just put on a Jason mask and really played the character. I never said a word. I just stood there with hunched shoulders, standing there waiting. I had kids run away, and parents get creeped out. I had my picture taken so many times. Oh!, and I put my and my wife's laptops in the upstairs windows with this video on them: on a loop so that it looked like the house was looking out.

Here's a photo of my kids and my friends' kids. You can see the eye in the upper window, but it's not all that cool yet because the sun is still up a little.

I think that another ghost busters could be cool if it was like a passing of the torch with the remainder of the old cast getting together and training the new generation of busters, like they did with that cartoon but better.
Last rumours of the script for Ghostbusters 3 seemed to indicate this is the case.
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