First of, the implication of the way you post that is a pretty low blow.
Secondly, I was student advisor and person of contact for people with issues that didn't dare go to an authority figure (teacher etc). Quite a few of the stories I heard there drove me straight up the wall; I convinced some to go to the police and/or therapy, others were too ashamed/scared/under control of a perpatrator at the time to do anything about it. In one case I informed a principal because it was just too horrible.
Obviously I didn't exactly have hundreds of girls at my school who were all raped. It was mostly smaller stuff; though plenty of that was bad enough as it was. One of the earliest things I was confronted with and chose not to handle myself was a 12 y/o girl who apparently had no-one at home to turn to to ask questions about her period (I supposed just what you learned in Sex Ed didn't exatcly help answer all private questions and I understand not wanting to talk about it in a classroom full of 12 year old boys - but going to a 17 year old boy to ask about it struck me as weird - I handed it off to a female teacher). Some were confused about their sexuality (It's great fun having the girl you have a crush on tell you in fullest confidence that she thinks she's lesbian after having tried boys for a while; though I guess that may have been just to let me down easy
Some had experimented with sexuality in ways they shouldn't have (niece/cousin), some had had a bad first time (amazingly, a first time can hurt if you're 13 for a girl. I still don't get how people do so much things without thinking about them! [this is being sarcastic]). From that period, I can remember three or four rape cases - dependingon your personal point of view on what constitutes rape. She didn't want to name it that, but it was another one of those grey areas CDS seems to think don't exist. "Not daring to say no" doesn't necessarily mean the other one literally forced you - not even that the other one took advantage of you and is fully responsible. Perhaps the other didn't know any better either - boys' minds can be warped just as much as girls' minds.
Thirdly, while I didn't have any official reason for doing so, I still got to listen to a lot of women's problems. I had - and still have- the "shoulder to cry on" vibe pouring off me in waves. Fraternity life in Belgium is mixed; quite a lot of contact with drunk girls - and since I'm one of those eternal "good guys" and eternal friends and whatever (though, lately, I've found out there were actually quite a few girls who did at one point or another have a crush on me - I just never dared to react and/or never picked up the signals...oh well); especially when certain girls were slightly drunk in the not-happy way, but in the melancholic/sad/drama way, some of them poured out their hearts to me.
Besides my ex girlfriend (beaten by her drunk father, abused by her stepfather, gotten into drugs, ended up with involuntary-but-too-doped-to-react gangbangs,...she crawled out of a
VERY deep hole. That she still had too many issues for me to live with in the end, well, can't blame her fully - though she did refuse therpay when I offered to pay for it for her...Oh well, I'm better off with my current girlfriend, and last I heard she got her life back on track as well), I can name at least one girl raped by her grandfather, one who prostituted herself to her foster father and friends to protect her baby sister (they'd been placed in foster care together because their mother was a drunk and their father a drug abuser), one who was molested by all three of her brothers for years and several who were in several degrees of abusive relationships, from the "my boyfriend lends me out to his friends" category over the "I'm not allowed to enjoy sex because it's all about him" to the "I live for him and he treats me like dirt" categories.
To pay for my last years at uni, I worked in a hospital, as security; mostly in the psych ward. There, I met quite a few people who had been on the
other side of the rape fenomenon - mostly not the malicious type, but people who didn't know any better, were severely mentally ill,... and of course, some more girls (and a boy) who ended up in the psych ward of the hospital (or in the children's psych ward) as victim. Some real gems of stories there, too - but I don't know any real specifics of most cases there, since I wasn't directly involved. Only know what nurses or psychiatrists deemed necessary to interact with them.
Anyway, yes, for someone who hasn't been personally involved in one way or another, and isn't working in the sector professionally, I've been in contact with rape victims and the fall-out surrounding it a lot.
And SpecialKO is completely correct. This is just a very dangerous tpoic to talk about, I've butted heads about it before with people here, and I don't think that's going to help anyone. I'm backing out here.