Kags' Cosplay Thread

Um, lots!!

Like current gen stuff, yeah?

My favorite game/series of all time is God of War. But some other favorites are: Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Uncharted, Bayonetta, Tomb Raider (I, Legend, Anniversary and Underworld), Ico/Shadow of the Colossus, LittleBigPlanet, Darksiders, Dragonage, Prince of Persia. And I love the crap out of dancing games; Just Dance, Dance Central.

Then, there are the games that I like, but will never play myself: Gears of War, Bioshock, Left for Dead and Assassin's Creed (I might play Assassin's Creed III though, looks AWESOME!).

Also, I just bought Rayman Origins yesterday and Nate and I are loving it!
I love your guys' suggestions, they're totally awesome.


Friends are stilling finding pic's of me and..HNNN, it makes me so impatient! I want more pic's from the shoot we did. *pout*
I may be wrong then, I thought the slave girl was blue, but after looking it up, it is the Jedi Master Twi'lek that's blue.
So, the characters as I can place them are:
Top Row: Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Luke, Chewbacca, Imperial Guard, Grand Moff Tarkin
Bottom Row: C3-PO, R2-D2, Bobba Fett, ???, Han Solo (not sure why Han has a sonic screwdriver...)
Some how I skipped over your post and just saw the two from Cheesy. :/ She's probably supposed to be Aayla Secura then. She's one of my favorite characters when I play Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga with my son.
How okay are you guys with me spamming a bunch of pictures from the photoshoot? I don't want them to get boring, I can always try to just pick my absolute favorites to post. :)
guys, guys, let us not become base animals, this is high art she is sharing with us...oh who am I kidding...that costume really accents your (insert body-part here) may I lick them!? :zoid:

(this is for comedy, please dont hurt me mods...or kags)

EDIT: and kags beats me in with another awesome photo.

damn kags, explain to me how you have not become one of the big cosplayers that everybody flocks to for their next big costume? because seriously your stuff just keeps getting better and better.