Recent content by JCM

  1. JCM

    What are you playing?

    Please tell me it's on the Switch.... fuck, coming this year.
  2. JCM

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

  3. JCM

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    So I got 3D All Stars (I've pre ordered it because god knows how much it will be worth), but the NSP came out today) and even though all the games are running on emulators, I'm amazed at how Mario 64 has real-time HD texture patching while you're playing the game, and only once did I catch a...
  4. JCM

    Coronavirus Thread

    I finally got the memes I've been seeing of nuclear mushroom clouds and entire planets exploding with the tagline "IT'S A BOY!"
  5. JCM

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    Finally broke down and got a pet for the first time to help entertain the kids during quarantine. She has now decided that my hand is her favorite place to sleep in the world, which means I live on this bed for now.
  6. JCM

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Yep, I'm too bloody hairy to pull off any drag, much less a sex change. Now time to do my 5-year cycle of going through every band, meme, movie and tv shows you guys recommended the past half decade. The entire Grohl-Nandy feud is what we need more of in 2020. AND THE MOTHERF- MANDALORIAN...
  7. JCM

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    You do? So I guess you know about the sex change.
  8. JCM

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I actually made a business connection out of the whole JCM alt story, I post a lot in a polyglot community, some guy started replying to me with the nick JCN and a very similar avatar, messaged him asking if he was one if you guys, and a few conversations later I’m giving online classes for his...
  9. JCM

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    I take a week off from giving online classes and quarantine to discover my American students cancelled their classes because of either smoke or approaching fires. How did this get so bad?
  10. JCM

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Bloody hell... I go offline for a week for a trip after a 6-month quarantine with the kids and I find out the world’s on fire.... rooting for you guys
  11. JCM

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Hey, how are you guys holding up in 2020?
  12. JCM

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    So our ex-vice president Temer who took over after our 3-million + protests led to the impeachment of the previous president, Dilma, is now creating ministries to try and get corrupt allies sworn in as ministers, to save them from a current corruption investigation. Sadly, here in Brazil...
  13. JCM

    Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread
  14. JCM

    Your Favourite Halforums Moment(s)

    Cmon, we had Straub, Larsen, and Kurtz, and the Stalin kid who ran the Ctrl-Alt-Del, gamespot, damn, I did spend too much time in forums back in my previous job.I kinda don't remember much from those years due to drinking and weird Brazilian parties, but a moment I remember until today was a...
  15. JCM

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    274 pages Now onto the political, gif and NSFW ones... Edit: Where did the NSFW boards go to?