Recent content by Krisken

  1. Krisken

    Coronavirus Thread

    All 174 pages?
  2. Krisken

    [News] Face, meet Leopard.

    Count down to them saying she's trans and someone should check her genitals in 3...2...
  3. Krisken

    [News] Face, meet Leopard.

    Just reconsidering. Brilliant.
  4. Krisken

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Every accusation is a confession.
  5. Krisken

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Alright, fair enough.
  6. Krisken

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    It's like watching a family give the keys to the very drunk uncle.
  7. Krisken

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    All people who were critical of the Israel committing genocide.
  8. Krisken

    [News] Face, meet Leopard.

    Because their bosses have no spine. They could all end it in one day. Agree to impeachment. It would kick Trump and Musk to the curb instantly. But no, won't happen, because we have the most spineless Congress in history.
  9. Krisken

    Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

    Only The Onion knows for sure.
  10. Krisken

    Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

    Yup, impeachment is the only recourse now, and that won't happen with this cowardly, feckless Congress. These next two years will need to be REALLY BAD to get them to turn on Dear Leader, and I don't wish that on anyone.
  11. Krisken

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    Maybe budda was right, violence against others is violence against yourself.
  12. Krisken

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    This fucking asshole knows very well what caused it. What a piece of shit.
  13. Krisken

    [News] Face, meet Leopard.

    I wish I could muster the empathy for her, but my empathy is for all the people who will suffer because of the job she won't be doing anymore. And still, after her face is eaten, she pleads to the leopard.