Recent content by ThatNickGuy

  1. ThatNickGuy

    [TV] Talk about the last TV you watched, the catchall thread

    What was the real life reason for it? I've never heard.
  2. ThatNickGuy

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Me: Oh, hi paycheck! *pays bills* Me: Oh, bye paycheck!
  3. ThatNickGuy

    Rant VIII: The Reckoning

    Just lost a mental health appointment because whoever was in charge of sending the Zoom RRSP didn't change the rescheduled time. So I moved my work schedule around to accommodate it, only to find out the meeting isn't until this afternoon. I've been waiting MONTHS for this fucking meeting. Now...
  4. ThatNickGuy


    Me, screaming into the screen: "Look for the fourth one, dammit! Nine-banded armadillo litters are always in sets of four!"
  5. ThatNickGuy

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    It's been one year since I adopted Ruff & Tuff. Happy Gotcha Day to those two void weirdos.
  6. ThatNickGuy

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Well, now I have two reasons to continue living. (The other was seeing The Order of the Stick to the end.)
  7. ThatNickGuy

    Canadian Politics

    Welp, Mark Carney is the new leader of the Liberal party with a whopping 85% of the vote. That also means he's the interim Prime Minister until the next election, which will likely be called soon.
  8. ThatNickGuy

    Canadian Politics

    In a recent reply to @GasBandit, I was reminded of this compass and decided to give it another whirl. I still track very left and progressive, but not as much as last time. Then again, the questions are a bit dated now, like "Should there be restrictions on people who didn't get the Covid-19...
  9. ThatNickGuy

    Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

    It's only been a few years, but I'd be curious to see if your political compass shifted at all from the last time you did it. (Mind you, it's a political compass according to a Canadian survey, but a lot of the same rules could apply to the US.)
  10. ThatNickGuy

    Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again

    I laughed at this way harder than was probably necessary.
  11. ThatNickGuy

    Funny (political, religious) pictures

    Slowpoke! (Heh, I debated whether to post it here or the Twitter thread. Either easily works like.)
  12. ThatNickGuy

    [Brazelton] Twitter

  13. ThatNickGuy

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    I talked to my doctor today. I'm not getting my hopes up yet because it might not be approved, but he said there's probably a good chance it will be. Especially given my history, losing jobs and other opportunities due to mental health, past suicide attempts, etc. He said it all plays a role in...
  14. ThatNickGuy

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    I just applied for a new position at work. It's for a Trainer position, training new hires. I enjoyed helping training new hires last year, so now I have experience and references to give ne a good word. I doubt I'll get it, but I'm crossing my fingers. Wish me luck, folks!
  15. ThatNickGuy

    Games on SALE!

    I'd be interested in Mafia 2 and Let's Build a Zoo, if you don't want them.