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  1. M

    Too much Texting leads to smoking, drinking and sex??? whua?!?!

    Correlation does not equal causation. I hate how the media reports on science.
  2. M

    So I was minding my own business, right?

    I've been doing martial arts for about 10 years. I can hold my own pretty well.
  3. M

    C o l l e g e

  4. M

    C o l l e g e

    Oh Andrew Makar, what a character. I never liked having him talk in class, because it guaranteed we'd be there five more minutes.
  5. M

    C o l l e g e

    Haha no it's not Jeed. I haven't heard anything about that guy since we graduated. Good old Tom Shawe. I knew someone who TAed for him and told me he would bring in vodka to 8 AM labs.
  6. M

    C o l l e g e

    Oh shit. And you were biochem/molecular biology? Fuck, I bet we had classes together. You have classes with Chernin and Nyquist? Orgo with Scoville? Let the game of wits commence! EDIT: I know who you are! My GoogleFu is strong.
  7. M

    C o l l e g e

    Lurker here. Wait wait wait. You went to Bucknell? When did you graduate? I'm class of '04. And I live in Philly too. Weird.