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  1. Baerdog

    Fuck you

    It's ok Poe, I'm here for you. Just come here and cry in my arms.
  2. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  3. Baerdog

    Hey baby, what's your sign?

    I'm just going off of what Yahoo News tells me.
  4. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  5. Baerdog

    Hey baby, what's your sign?

    I think that's because horoscopes are based off of the Tropical Zodiac which is what most of the Western world uses and is NOT changing. The Sidereal Zodiac is what's changing and is used mainly in Eastern countries. So really, your sign is only changing based on one zodiac.
  6. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  7. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  8. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  9. Baerdog

    PA- Where the Toys Are...

    Am I the only one with a very friendly, welcoming FLGS? The married couple who run it are very nice, especially the wife.
  10. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  11. Baerdog

    XenForo Bug Report

    What the heck happened to XFStopFluid?
  12. Baerdog


    It's pretty much this.
  13. Baerdog

    [Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

    It must be weekly creamer.
  14. Baerdog

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    Aw shit, I forgot about that part. *foot in mouth*
  15. Baerdog

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    STOP TALKING TO HER! Jesus fucking Christ how many times to people have to tell you this?
  16. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  17. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  18. Baerdog

    The One Word Only Thread!

  19. Baerdog

    The Guilty Pleasure Thread

    Someone is going to end up getting kicked in the face and the other person is going to be spending a very passionless night on the couch afterward.
  20. Baerdog

    The Guilty Pleasure Thread

    See what you did? You made Bumble all sad!