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  1. Zappit

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    Yeah, and the Bradley stuff is really fucked up, especially when you see the 48 Rules of Power screen background he used. It’s like a friggin’ guide to sociopathy, and he’s following it to the letter for this “apology.”
  2. Zappit

    The Generations Thread

    And you’re in Germany? I’ll see if I can wrangle up an extra when (and if) I get my hands on them.
  3. Zappit

    The Generations Thread

    I’m looking at it like the Rainmakers. They were scarce at first, then heavily restocked.
  4. Zappit

    The Generations Thread

    Argh! The Earthrise Thundercracker and Skywarp figures are a two pack Target exclusive. They went on sale last night at 1:45AM, and were gone in less than a minute. Really hoping they restock, because I won’t miss out on getting the main three jet Seekers.
  5. Zappit

    The Generations Thread

    I am watching this listing like a hawk. They’re going to be doing the Conehead Seekers, too. And did someone say “dead Optimus Prime?” Seriously, this is a thing you can...
  6. Zappit

    Zap’s Next Project Development Thread

    Just a panel from the next one. I’m actually moving pretty quickly. I think the ol’ twice a week update schedule is very likely.
  7. Zappit

    Zap’s Next Project Development Thread

    Hmm. I think I figured out how set up my lettering app for this new project, so that’s nice! I can still create print quality copies in that, too.
  8. Zappit

    Zap’s Next Project Development Thread

    Now here’s what I’m talking about! This is something I think I can get some years out of. Unlike Supervillainous, I’m saving print quality copies of these strips. Let me know what you think about this one, because I’m moving forward with this.
  9. Zappit

    Zap’s Next Project Development Thread

    I’ve done a lot of thinking over the last few weeks, and I’m realizing that my sci-fi comedy comic just...won’t hit the way I wanted it to given the way 2020 has been going. I had a storyline that lampooned QAnon but a big part of that was people wearing breathing masks. That really doesn’t come...
  10. Zappit

    The Generations Thread

    That’s a very good Magnus, though.
  11. Zappit

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    It’s in reaction to this Reddit thread that gained a ton of attention. Hopefully, they’ll actually address the concerns about racism in the workplace rather than just ban cards. Seriously, read the initial post because - uh, WOW. The Invoke Prejuduce bam is one people have requested for...
  12. Zappit

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    New Commander rule change: Commanders now hit the graveyard, then move to the Command Zone when they die. This means Commanders with death triggers like Kokusho, Child of Alara, and Elenda do their thing if they bite it. Also, they have shot up in price. Exiling with effects like Banishing...
  13. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    So things with Lindsey Graham might go fucking bananas in the next few days. I chose the words specifically. It appears the male escorts in DC are not only familiar with Lindsey, they claim he’s been using their services for years and used the name “Lady G”. It looks like a lot of media is...
  14. Zappit

    Transformers The Collecter’s Shopping Guide

    You want them, but TF figures are a little...notoriously difficult to find sometimes, particularly when dealing with special or limited releases. Outside of stores like Amazon, Target, or Walmart, where else can you get your hands on official or 3rd party Transformers? Hopefully, this little...
  15. Zappit

    [Movies] The Movies Thread

    Word is there are two new movies in the works. One appears to be a Beast Wars movie. Beast Wars. Hell. Yes.
  16. Zappit

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Just found out I’ve been transferred to a new position in a new building. Doesn’t affect pay or anything, but I worked with the people there for over nine years and really liked it there.
  17. Zappit

    The Generations Thread

  18. Zappit

    The Generations Thread

    I just completed my Seacons set. I’ve gotta get some pics of those up here.
  19. Zappit

    [Webcomic] PVP Discussion

    Honestly, future Miranda should be a straight-up theft of the Park and Rec joke about Jerry’s wife Gail in the future. Gail and their daughters didn’t age a day.
  20. Zappit

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    There are red Mutate creatures, though none of them are legendary. Maybe next set?