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  1. Squidleybits

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    Poor Baby Coconut got on our old cat Lu’s bad side. He isn’t aware of his size and sits on her all the time. Sometimes she isn’t a fan.
  2. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    Thank you!
  3. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    This MH game had a super long tutorial for sure. Once it’s done, the game is super fun. I am super weirded out that my Palico (cat hunting partner) is voice acted now. For as long as I can remember, they would meow and we’d get a subtitle. Now, my buddy chats during our hunts. It’s not right lol.
  4. Squidleybits

    Whats for Dinner?

    I made Dal Makhani and was able to get a few more of the ingredients in the recipe I didn’t have before. It turned out super well. And I didn’t accidentally add the seeds of a hot pepper :)
  5. Squidleybits

    The Random Crap Thread 2: It Hits the Fan.

    He shared the website with me :)
  6. Squidleybits

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    Beta blockers and off label use of another drug have helped mine significantly. They’re still there, but mostly in the background if that makes any sense. I still get frequent auras though.
  7. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    Monster Hunter Wilds is downloaded and ready! Who had the bright idea to release it at 1:00 am?!
  8. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    Is anyone playing the current season of Diablo 4? I’m trying to finish the season journey and the last few tasks are proving rough and would love to team up with someone :)
  9. Squidleybits

    New PETure Thread (aka: Pet Pic Thead)

    My friend made them sweaters.
  10. Squidleybits

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    I tried the Open Beta last night. I made my Hunter and Palico then did the first hunt which was really fun and very pretty. My computer got a “good” on the benchmark as well. I turned off that frames generator thing to play the beta. There were a few laggy points, but I wasn’t surprised as I...
  11. Squidleybits

    Video Game News and Miscellany

    Monster Hunter Wilds comes out at the end of the month on PC, PS5 and the XBox equivalent of that. Yesterday, a benchmark test came out that lets you determine if you can run the game and if so, at which settings. Today, the second open Beta test starts. Super exciting! Is anyone else...
  12. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    Have any of you tried it on Steam Deck?
  13. Squidleybits

    Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

    No gifts at my work either. I will gift myself sushi tomorrow at the office. I found a place near my office with great sushi and they sometimes put fancy drink umbrellas on the sushi.
  14. Squidleybits

    What are you playing?

    I’m enjoying a different new game this week. Once I learned that I could dress up my cat buddy, I was in!
  15. Squidleybits

    Whats for Dinner?

  16. Squidleybits

    Whats for Dinner?

    I’m trying a few variations of a recipe my boss shared with me: sweet potato pie (ricotta and brown sugar) rainbow carrot pie (arugula pesto and random spice mix) They’re baking and I’m hungry.
  17. Squidleybits

    Games on SALE!

    I may need this bundle. I already have Fae Farm though.
  18. Squidleybits

    The Lego appreciation thread

    I need to find these!!
  19. Squidleybits

    Minor victory thread

    It’s a beast that also works as a battery back up.
  20. Squidleybits

    [Gaming] Diablo IV (this time we get horses)

    I got the expansion and have a level 60 Spiritborn at about 230 paragon seasonal character. The campaign is a lot of fun. I’ve enjoyed the seasons. I usually play summoner necromancer, but the new class is really good at killing huge rooms full of stuff.