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  1. I

    Another Anime Thread

    Actually my understanding is from what I read years ago was that it got pulled not for doing poorly but because of content inappropriate for the time slot(lots of death and violence, horrors of war, hints of teenage pregnancy). This was still when studios knew jack about anime beyond 'kids love...
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    Actual Conversations With Your Friends

    This is a transcript of an actual IM conversation between myself and my real life best friend. [00:40] TyrielKing: would you like to see what I just posted on hulu about the new Knight Rider series (that seems likely to have been canceled)? [00:40] FnordBear: sure [00:41] TyrielKing: The...
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    Free stuff for your birthday?

    As a fellow Virgo I am also interested in this thread (especially since I want to celebrate my third decade on this planet with as much free shit as possible)
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    So...I need a new time sink...

    So today I canceled my World of Warcraft account. I won't deny I had fun but after hitting 80 I found I only really had two things to do...Raid and Dailies...neither of which entertain me. The final straw has been my three ral life friend who play WoW all deciding to drop their accounts as well...
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    The Golden Compass: Movie vs Book (No Spoilers)

    Frankie actually make's my point as that movie was produced/distributed by by the Mexican film company Esperanto Films, not Hollywood :)
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    The Golden Compass: Movie vs Book (No Spoilers)

    Not to hammer home a point already made but I thought I would add that the books, even though the main character is a young girl, are not targeted at a young audience. The movie however took the books and made a kids movie out of them. Sadly Hollywood still has two very outdated concepts still...
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    I have a tiny 1 inch bladed knife on my keychain, 2 very sharp swords, and various locking folders in my room. And I carry a gerber mk II combat knife in my car. What...?
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    He should pull out his maker hooks and ride the worm as a true leader of men.
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    I second the devil/breakdance idea and add in the devil places music on a golden fiddle
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures Basement cat explained.
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    Bob says yes then leads him downstairs in to the waiting clutches of Basementcat.
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    Bob tells God James is there and he has cake to apologize. Bob then tells James to go get cake because God will not broker the cake being a lie.
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    Bob invites god over for cake and beer.
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    Summon Longcat and consult his wisdom.
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    He should recognize the man as one the mechanics who holds reality together, throw up a temporal barrier, then interrogate his friend about what he did to upset universal balance.
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    The Amazing Doodle Adventures

    Bob ignores him and sits back at the comoputer and logs on to 4chan.