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  1. nfldraftman

    Monday Night Football Irony

    Anyone else find it ironic that last night during the MNF Titans-Jags game, after spending a lot of time talking about helmet to helmet hits, how bad they are, how people are going to be suspended, etc etc that they then celebrated Titans defensive coordinator Chuck Cecil and showed a montage...
  2. nfldraftman

    The Last Exorcism

    Just wanted to hear people's thoughts if they had seen it. It has gotten a respectable 70% on rotten tomatoes, but my date and I were thoroughly underwhelmed by it. Didn't think it was all that scary or clever, and the ending was poor, in our opinions.
  3. nfldraftman

    Enough Lurking

    Time to start posting. You folks crack me up, enlighten me and generally brighten my day. I just wanted to say hi. You may resume responding to cease and desist letters, cougars in Starbucks, and getting angry because someone is wrong on teh intarwebz. That is all.