[News] 1 year ago yesterday.

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Over in my neck of the woods these past 5 months have had:

(Four Months) Hunter in woods near school fires a rifle while hunting, bullet goes awry and hits two students at the school. One has been hospitalized for 3 months.

(This week) Middle School Student punches a kid in the face and pulls a gun on a student, loudly exclaims he'll shoot any police that come. Police arrive, he points the gun at the officers, they open fire and killed him. Student had a pellet gun.


Staff member
My post was to show Sammi on the news. I cringed when she sang but then again so did she. The reporter asked to hear the song that was written and Sammi didn't know they filmed it...


You should have explained what you were trying to get across with the first post better. I can see the video and I didn't get that the point was your daughter was on the news either.

It's good that they are all able to do something like that.
I barely even know her, but already, it's obvious that Sammi's a damn strong girl. Takes a damn good father (and mother!) to create that.
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