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19 year old american breaks Indian record



By playing GTA4 for 40 hours straight-
Tennessean Plays GTA for 40 Hours Straight, Pees Three Times

Barely four months after an Indian equity broker logged a world record by playing Grand Theft Auto IV for 40 hours and 20 minutes, a 19-year-old college kid in Tennessee has beaten it.
David Scherer (pictured), an honors student at Austin Peay (student section chant: \"Let's Go Peay!\" True story.) logged his 40th hour, 21st consecutive minute playing GTA IV at 4:22 a.m. U.S. Eastern today, and according to WTVF-TV of Nashville, was still playing at 6:30 a.m. Scherer proudly noted he had actually completed more of the game than Chirantan Patnaik, 26, and took one less piss break than Patnaik's four. I don't know that I take fewer than three piss breaks in four hours, much less 40.
In Patnaik's favor, he's probably richer. Scherer said his marathon was inspired to raise money for his swim team to build an indoor pool. Maybe he can wager for some of Patnaik's personal equity.

Clarksville Student Breaks Video Game World Record
[WTVF-TV via The Kartel; image by WTVF-TV]
I dont know what scares me more, that you can raise money by playing games for almost 2 days without sleeping, or that people keep track of these records.


Rob King

Rob King

The joke among our family is to compete for world records in ridiculously arbitrary categories. Around Olympics time, my father will inevitably propose that we break up all of the existing categories to account for the color that the athlete was wearing.

"World record speed for the 100 meter dash while wearing red" for example.

Another world record that my father has been 'encouraging' me to pursue was 'Length of time spent wearing a sink plug around one's neck while also wearing a green tee shirt and jeans.'




Another world record that my father has been 'encouraging' me to pursue was 'Length of time spent wearing a sink plug around one's neck while also wearing a green tee shirt and jeans.'
My personal best for that is 6 days, 21 hours, 11 minutes and 33.45 seconds. It would've been longer, but I needed to shower.



Another world record that my father has been 'encouraging' me to pursue was 'Length of time spent wearing a sink plug around one's neck while also wearing a green tee shirt and jeans.'
My personal best for that is 6 days, 21 hours, 11 minutes and 33.45 seconds. It would've been longer, but I needed to shower.[/QUOTE]Turn up the air conditioning, it gains you a day in the unshowered record.




Rajesh Koothrappali is not amused.




40 hours straight just doesn't seem that long. I swear my friends and I did that with computer games when I was in my teens and twenties. Maybe it's the fog of memory but I swear I played Empire or X-COM through at least two sleep cycles. I would think this would be an easily broken record.



I don't know. Have you played GTA IV? It's... it's just awful for super long term play. But anyway! People make money for charity off of gaming at times, look at the Mario Marathon just last year.



40 hours straight just doesn't seem that long. I swear my friends and I did that with computer games when I was in my teens and twenties. Maybe it's the fog of memory but I swear I played Empire or X-COM through at least two sleep cycles. I would think this would be an easily broken record.
I could play X-Com for two days straight. Thanks to you, Im gonna dig out and install it again (or see if the homebrew DS version is ready)




Hahahaha... console players, they think 40 hours straight is a lot...




yeah i've played civilization longer than that several times


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

I think the real story is if it was the XBox version that it didn't RRoD during that time.



I think the real story is if it was the XBox version that it didn't RRoD during that time.
I think that is the real story ;) There has been gaming session (like Starcraft) we play for like 2 day straight (almost mission after mission)



I think the real story is if it was the XBox version that it didn't RRoD during that time.
I think that is the real story ;) There has been gaming session (like Starcraft) we play for like 2 day straight (almost mission after mission)[/QUOTE]Is the Xbox really that useless at non-stop gaming?




Blech... how? Sitting and playing a game for too long makes me feel sick and ill-tempered. I think my record is probably more like 5 hours total. I would say 8, but I take large breaks in between to stretch, walk around, eat, rest my eyes, and relieve myself


Philosopher B.

I sometimes get the urge to do something, if not like this, then something like those Mario guys do. I'd stay up for 40 or more hours just to see if I could have hallucinations. I stay up for a twenty-four hour stop-motion animation contest every year. There's a hump you get over and you feel great again, then you feel lousy the next day.




I think the real story is if it was the XBox version that it didn't RRoD during that time.
I think that is the real story ;) There has been gaming session (like Starcraft) we play for like 2 day straight (almost mission after mission)[/QUOTE]Is the Xbox really that useless at non-stop gaming?[/QUOTE]

No, it's really not that bad anymore, but old jokes are the best ones apparently. People still make fun of the super big controllers on the original X-Box.




I'm gonna admit, that's pretty impressive regardless of all the "e-peen wagging" this thread has produced. I remember doing the Ancient Cyclops camp in Everquest for 28hrs straight and my mind was losing grip on reality pretty well there for a while. Granted it was killing a single npc, every 6minutes, in the hopes that the rare spawn would appear next so it was a bit more mind numbing than playing a game, I think the longest on console I went was about 17hrs of Final Fantasy Tactics, leveling up the NPC ninjas in Deep Dungeon so that they would toss Chaos Blades to my "catchers".


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I think the longest on console I went was about 17hrs of Final Fantasy Tactics, leveling up the NPC ninjas in Deep Dungeon so that they would toss Chaos Blades to my "catchers".
...That's brilliant!
