[NBA] 2011-2012 NBA thread

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Well we can start this off by officially railing against the NBA owners for vetoing the Chris Paul trade. This was a travesty that should never have happened. Honestly, I forgive LeBron for leaving Cleveland now. I wouldn't want to work for Dan Gilbert if I could avoid it.
Huh? What now? What is this "En-Bee-Aye" thing you speak of? And who is a "Chris Paul"? Also, you might want to update your spellchecker, you misspelled "LeBaron".

I guess since the rigging scandal, and just over-all crappy officiating; I just can't really care about basketball much anymore.
I didn't realize how screwed up the NBA was until I read about the strike. Over 2/3 of the franchises are operating in the red? Holy crap.
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