Just bought this nonworking LCD monitor for $15 from Goodwill. One blown capacitor replaced (and one extra added in an empty identical spot next to it for good measure) and it's up and working again.. looks like I may have to play with the color / brightness a little, but it looks like a good monitor.. phase and all is good. Only problem? When I was disassembling it the top half of the plastic cover snapped in half. >< DOH!..
Oh well, THIS one's DVI port works (as compared to the last 22" I got).. question is now : What do I do with it? Sell it or keep it?! My home computer is screaming for it, but also need $$$....not sure if people will want to buy a monitor (even used/repaired) that has a noticeable black line (the case is grey, I used a black Sharpie on the edges, plus some hobby glue to repair that plastic break) at the top? Pics if need be..
Oh yeah, and max resolution is 1680x1050... JUST shy of 1080p!
Oh well, THIS one's DVI port works (as compared to the last 22" I got).. question is now : What do I do with it? Sell it or keep it?! My home computer is screaming for it, but also need $$$....not sure if people will want to buy a monitor (even used/repaired) that has a noticeable black line (the case is grey, I used a black Sharpie on the edges, plus some hobby glue to repair that plastic break) at the top? Pics if need be..
Oh yeah, and max resolution is 1680x1050... JUST shy of 1080p!