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50?!?!?! needles inside a 2 year old boy??




Holy snap... this is weird. According to the article, there are no external wounds (well depending on the needles I guess it wouldn't make a big wound) how in the world did that happen?




How did it happen? Either the boy's mom, dad or someone who watches him is a fucking monster that needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

The needles were entered 1 at a time over an extended period.




Okay please stop the world I want off





I was wondering if it this would show up this.

The current believe is that it was his stepfather who is missing.

The pseudo-human that did this is better hope that he is caught by the police, If the general populace get "it" will know what is to have several interesting stuck in "it"'s body. I would approve u.u




This is actually pretty common in underdeveloped countries (which is odd, because Brazil is actually pretty developed.) It happens a lot in the backwaters of China... basically, if some couples have a girl instead of a boy, they'll stick needles in to try and kill it via infection so they can try again (or just not have to take care of it... Apparently it's worse to put the kid up for adoption then it is to MURDER IT). Autopsy's are pretty uncommon on children and needles don't leave much of an entry wound, so the parents usually get away scott free.



This is actually pretty common in underdeveloped countries (which is odd, because Brazil is actually pretty developed.) It happens a lot in the backwaters of China... basically, if some couples have a girl instead of a boy, they'll stick needles in to try and kill it via infection so they can try again (or just not have to take care of it... Apparently it's worse to put the kid up for adoption then it is to MURDER IT). Autopsy's are pretty uncommon on children and needles don't leave much of an entry wound, so the parents usually get away scott free.

I didn't know that in China. Generally, they just drown them (still inhuman and I'm ashamed of my homeland still practice that)

edit: I didn't even think of possible child abuse. I guess I cannot even THINK of doing this level of cruelty to a child (adult maybe but they have to really deserve it IMO) but a child? 2 year old at that. If that have been happening for some time (over a year??) that is just plain cruel and insane. I have to agree with GL that "it" doesn't even deserve to be call a human being.




Read the article, it was DA VOODOO!




Mmmmm....sexy voodoo.








I vote that when we catch whoever did this, we stab them with 50 needles. And by needles, I mean knives. After all, they're about the same size proportionally.



I vote that when we catch whoever did this, we stab them with 50 needles. And by needles, I mean knives. After all, they're about the same size proportionally.
How about railroad spikes? that can work. I'll use a sledgehammer.




Did someone say "rail"?




Kid shouldnt have fucked around with that puzzlebox:



Kid shouldnt have fucked around with that puzzlebox:

....so wrong




Wrongly awesome, yes.




Great. We now have a tag for "child abuse".





Halforums: Stay Classy.




Come on everyone be good. We don't want people to think we are another 4chan do we?



Come on everyone be good. We don't want people to think we are another 5chan do we?
wouldn't that be 1/2chan? or HalfChan?




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
What kind of idea is that?




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
I agree with this. Afterwards we can donate him to science for use in the most cruel and unusual experiments available to mankind.




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
I agree with this. Afterwards we can donate him to science for use in the most cruel and unusual experiments available to mankind.[/QUOTE]

I have an even worse idea.

If he's found guilty, let the authorized entities determine a prison sentence in accordance to the law of that land. In solitary confinement.

Shit, I think I need a shower, I feel dirty now.




Solitary confinement is so worthy of a crime like this. I totally agree.




This is actually pretty common in underdeveloped countries (which is odd, because Brazil is actually pretty developed.) It happens a lot in the backwaters of China... basically, if some couples have a girl instead of a boy, they'll stick needles in to try and kill it via infection so they can try again (or just not have to take care of it... Apparently it's worse to put the kid up for adoption then it is to MURDER IT). Autopsy's are pretty uncommon on children and needles don't leave much of an entry wound, so the parents usually get away scott free.
Someone watched an episode if house a couple years back...




This is actually pretty common in underdeveloped countries (which is odd, because Brazil is actually pretty developed.) It happens a lot in the backwaters of China... basically, if some couples have a girl instead of a boy, they'll stick needles in to try and kill it via infection so they can try again (or just not have to take care of it... Apparently it's worse to put the kid up for adoption then it is to MURDER IT). Autopsy's are pretty uncommon on children and needles don't leave much of an entry wound, so the parents usually get away scott free.
Someone watched an episode if house a couple years back...[/QUOTE]

That was on House? Gonna have to check the back episodes.




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
I agree with this. Afterwards we can donate him to science for use in the most cruel and unusual experiments available to mankind.[/QUOTE]

I have an even worse idea.

If he's found guilty, let the authorized entities determine a prison sentence in accordance to the law of that land. In solitary confinement.

Shit, I think I need a shower, I feel dirty now.[/QUOTE]

You're a funny little man if you think the court system works. I'll let you in a little secret, whether you're innocent or guilty, how you evade conviction is how well you can spin a story, and how much you're willing to pay a laywer. ;)


Gill Kaiser

Didn't this practice show up in an episode of House?


Philosopher B.

Gah, I can hardly read a story like that without squirming. Especially when seeing the X-ray.

Put the culprit in a pit with horny tigers. See how they like barbed cat-doodles.




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
I agree with this. Afterwards we can donate him to science for use in the most cruel and unusual experiments available to mankind.[/quote]

I have an even worse idea.

If he's found guilty, let the authorized entities determine a prison sentence in accordance to the law of that land. In solitary confinement.

Shit, I think I need a shower, I feel dirty now.[/quote]

You're a funny little man if you think the court system works. I'll let you in a little secret, whether you're innocent or guilty, how you evade conviction is how well you can spin a story, and how much you're willing to pay a laywer. ;)[/QUOTE]

Next, on Wisdom Pearls:

Democracy is inefficient
The Man wants to keep you down
Your position and most of what you will ever do in the world is determined before your birth by conditions outside of your control
Better nate than lever

But oh my god, thanks for breaking it to me that Brazil's court system (I assume you have extensive experience on it) is not fair. That obviously means we should go back to lynching and other much more efficient practices. Just like the imperial creed says, better a hundred innocent die than a single sinner go unpunished.



Solitary confinement is so worthy of a crime like this. I totally agree.
Was that sarcasm or not?

Because solitary really is pretty nasty - good way to drive someone slowly insane, in fact. Not that he/she/it'd find general-population that much more fun. Child abusers generally don't.



there must be pirates in this thread

its sinking..fast




Solitary confinement is so worthy of a crime like this. I totally agree.
Was that sarcasm or not?

Because solitary really is pretty nasty - good way to drive someone slowly insane, in fact. Not that he/she/it'd find general-population that much more fun. Child abusers generally don't.[/QUOTE]

Actually it's kind of pleasant, you get a TV, free meals, don't worry about bullshit from the other inmates. And if you behave for certain time, you'll get other privileges. They keep you satisfied so you won't get restless and act crazy. The worst type of prisoner is one who doesn't care anymore. The only threat the guards would have against you is putting you BACK into general population; you're in for a world of pain if that happens.




Solitary confinement is so worthy of a crime like this. I totally agree.
Was that sarcasm or not?

Because solitary really is pretty nasty - good way to drive someone slowly insane, in fact. Not that he/she/it'd find general-population that much more fun. Child abusers generally don't.[/QUOTE]

[strike]Actually it's kind of pleasant, you get a TV, free meals, don't worry about bullshit from the other inmates. And if you behave for certain time, you'll get other privileges. They keep you satisfied so you won't get restless and act crazy. The worst type of prisoner is one who doesn't care anymore. The only threat the guards would have against you is putting you BACK into general population; you're in for a world of pain if that happens.[/strike]I don't know bullshit about Brazilian Prisons[/QUOTE]

You REALLY don't want to got to prison in Brazil.




Solitary confinement is so worthy of a crime like this. I totally agree.
Was that sarcasm or not?

Because solitary really is pretty nasty - good way to drive someone slowly insane, in fact. Not that he/she/it'd find general-population that much more fun. Child abusers generally don't.[/QUOTE]

[strike]Actually it's kind of pleasant, you get a TV, free meals, don't worry about bullshit from the other inmates. And if you behave for certain time, you'll get other privileges. They keep you satisfied so you won't get restless and act crazy. The worst type of prisoner is one who doesn't care anymore. The only threat the guards would have against you is putting you BACK into general population; you're in for a world of pain if that happens.[/strike]I don't know bullshit about Brazilian Prisons[/QUOTE]

You REALLY don't want to got to prison in Brazil.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I was only stating what it would be like in North America. I'm sure Brazil's prisons are a nightmare.




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
I agree with this. Afterwards we can donate him to science for use in the most cruel and unusual experiments available to mankind.[/QUOTE]

I have an even worse idea.

If he's found guilty, let the authorized entities determine a prison sentence in accordance to the law of that land. In solitary confinement.

Shit, I think I need a shower, I feel dirty now.[/QUOTE]

With this likely being a first offense, he will be back on the street in 3 years tops. Then he can remarry.




Isn't that awesome Denbrought!




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
I agree with this. Afterwards we can donate him to science for use in the most cruel and unusual experiments available to mankind.[/quote]

I have an even worse idea.

If he's found guilty, let the authorized entities determine a prison sentence in accordance to the law of that land. In solitary confinement.

Shit, I think I need a shower, I feel dirty now.[/quote]

With this likely being a first offense, he will be back on the street in 3 years tops. Then he can remarry.[/QUOTE]

Y'alls knowledge of brazilian law astound me. Sauce please? Regardless, if that's what the lawmakers judged proper, then so it is until changed =_=



I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
I agree with this. Afterwards we can donate him to science for use in the most cruel and unusual experiments available to mankind.[/quote]

I have an even worse idea.

If he's found guilty, let the authorized entities determine a prison sentence in accordance to the law of that land. In solitary confinement.

Shit, I think I need a shower, I feel dirty now.[/QUOTE]Amen.

But thankfully, this is Brazil. Child abusers never survive long in prison, and are always raped.




I say we grab the motherfucker, maintain his presumption of innocence and judge the shit out of him in a court of law with buttloads of fairness.

But that's just because I'm that horrible of a person.
You....you monster!!




This is actually pretty common in underdeveloped countries (which is odd, because Brazil is actually pretty developed.) It happens a lot in the backwaters of China... basically, if some couples have a girl instead of a boy, they'll stick needles in to try and kill it via infection so they can try again (or just not have to take care of it... Apparently it's worse to put the kid up for adoption then it is to MURDER IT). Autopsy's are pretty uncommon on children and needles don't leave much of an entry wound, so the parents usually get away scott free.
Someone watched an episode if house a couple years back...[/QUOTE]

That was on House? Gonna have to check the back episodes.[/QUOTE]

Season 5, Birthmarks.







a trance? so the stepfather is going to try to pin on another person?





Unintentional lulz?



Aaaaaaaaand countdown till the guy tries to evade justice and bury the story by causing a witch hunt



a trance? so the stepfather is going to try to pin on another person?[/QUOTE]

Hopefully less than 50 times.



a trance? so the stepfather is going to try to pin on another person?[/QUOTE]

Hopefully less than 50 times.[/QUOTE]

hehe :)

Dave: it was intentional ;)



Aaaaaaaaand countdown till the guy tries to evade justice and bury the story by causing a witch hunt
Doesnt work here much.




Aaaaaaaaand countdown till the guy tries to evade justice and bury the story by causing a witch hunt
Doesnt work here much.[/QUOTE]

Got rid of all your witches year ago, ey...


Philosopher B.

Roberto Carlos Magalhaes, a 30-year-old bricklayer, told detectives the woman went into trances and would "command him to stick the needles in the boy's body," police inspector Helder Fernandes Santana said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.
Welp I guess that's okay then.





He should have gone with "i thought he was a pin cushion, honestly! I totally stopped once he started talking and i thought he was a talking pin cushion... i'm not the sort of person that would stick needles in a talking pin cushion you know."



Aaaaaaaaand countdown till the guy tries to evade justice and bury the story by causing a witch hunt
Doesnt work here much.[/quote]

Got rid of all your witches year ago, ey...[/QUOTE]Nah, he'll get jailed and raped, some sensationalistic news channels will run specials on witchcraft then everyone will forget about it.




Aaaaaaaaand countdown till the guy tries to evade justice and bury the story by causing a witch hunt
Doesnt work here much.[/quote]

Got rid of all your witches year ago, ey...[/QUOTE]Nah, he'll get jailed and raped, some sensationalistic news channels will run specials on witchcraft then everyone will forget about it.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I am worried that this might turn in another RPG witch-hunt.




no witch hunt. He's changed his story.
A Brazilian man publicly confessed to pushing dozens of needles into his 2-year-old stepson, saying Sunday in a jail cell interview that he intended to kill the boy out of spite for his wife and didn't think he would be discovered.



no witch hunt. He's changed his story.
A Brazilian man publicly confessed to pushing dozens of needles into his 2-year-old stepson, saying Sunday in a jail cell interview that he intended to kill the boy out of spite for his wife and didn't think he would be discovered.
so that means we can go with the original asserting pain to this "thing" cause that is inhuman!!



no witch hunt. He's changed his story.
A Brazilian man publicly confessed to pushing dozens of needles into his 2-year-old stepson, saying Sunday in a jail cell interview that he intended to kill the boy out of spite for his wife and didn't think he would be discovered.
Whoa. Wonder how long the queue was behind the reporters and what sort of weapons they were holding.
