80's dating video

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"I'm interested in most phases of data processing."

I don't think we have a facepalm pic that could possibly express how much that failed.



and lady

I think we've found the ultimate win on the internet

It was like a rushing crescendo that just got better and better with each clip..diet coke came shooting out of my nose from the lulz..


Is it bad that I found that \"goddess\" guy really hot?

AHAHHAHA, so you're saying you're a total sucker for the Joey Lawrence types?


---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

And fuck all these guys, Barbecue Lou is my stud muffin.

Is it bad that I found that "goddess" guy really hot?

AHAHHAHA, so you're saying you're a total sucker for the Joey Lawrence types?


---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

And fuck all these guys, Barbecue Lou is my stud muffin.


Barbecue lou seemed like the most normal and likeable of those guys.
But that one guy...
"I'd like to stay up late and watch you sleep"
O.O run!


Staff member
That was awesome. I feel like doing my own dating video now ...
Sorry for necro'ing, but I just think that that is a really good idea for a monthly contest.... creepiest dating service video. Phil would mop the floor with us.... because he's used to doing comedy videos, not because he's creepy.
That was awesome. I feel like doing my own dating video now ...
Sorry for necro'ing, but I just think that that is a really good idea for a monthly contest.... creepiest dating service video. Phil would mop the floor with us.... because he's used to doing comedy videos, not because he's creepy.[/QUOTE]

I'd kick all of your asses. I'm the creepiest person on HF, hands down.


Staff member
That was awesome. I feel like doing my own dating video now ...
Sorry for necro'ing, but I just think that that is a really good idea for a monthly contest.... creepiest dating service video. Phil would mop the floor with us.... because he's used to doing comedy videos, not because he's creepy.[/QUOTE]

I'd kick all of your asses. I'm the creepiest person on HF, hands down.[/QUOTE]

Uhm, not at fucking all.


Staff member
Maybe. Think we'd get people to do it? You have to have the equipment, etc.

I like the idea but doubt the execution would live up to expectations.


Staff member
Hmm, that's true. Not everyone has a webcam, and not everyone who has one would be willing to film themselves. Still... if I work up the nerve to make one I might start a thread at least. :D


Staff member
I completely forgot. Bananahands filmed a video for his class. It's a commercial for informational tapes on how to pick up the dames. He should put it on youtube to show you knuckleheads.

Especially to see my sexy ass ;)
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