a delicate issue

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Whenever you feel like removing her. If she gets upset at you over a facebook issue, she's not worthy of your attention. Likewise, if you care to keep her on but have an obsessive friend who gets upset because you didn't remove his now ex, he's a retard who is unworthy of your friendship. Don't let other people's drama rule you.
Well I guess this is a fail on my part if people are reading into this as a serious thing.

To better explain the situation, she's the type of girl who adds everyone she ever meets and I accepted her friend request 'cause she's my friend's girlfriend, you know? Now that they're not together I'll probably never see her again.

I check hers and my "friends in common" and it looks like most everyone else dropped her of their list! Time to prune the hedges, if you know what I mean.


Staff member
If she's really a friend, keep her. If not, get rid of her unless it'll hurt your Mafia, Cafe or Farm.
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