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A Halforums Christmas Poem




Hey guys. I just had a sudden fit of creativity and came up a version of the Night Before Christmas poem for you all. I hope you enjoy it. And now...

‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through Halforums,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a door…ums.

When in through the chimney,
Santa crept without a peep,
And left presents for all the good little forumites,
All tucked in their sleep.

For Shegokigo, the charming young lady
(though considered psychotic),
He left an Eyelander, Chargin’ Targe,
And lingerie photos of the Nostalgia Chick.

For North_Ranger, the mighty warrior,
Hailing from the land of Finn,
There was a comb for his beard
And a new sauna to hang out in.

For Dave, the leader now panic-stricken
With a daughter age sixteen,
A turbo-inscribed Louisville Slugger
To defend her from guys obscene.

For CajunGal, from New Orleans,
The lover of cats and cuisine.
He left a new kitchen,
That was quite the scene.

For Shannow, who walked the Earth
Just like Caine in Kung Fu,
There was the perfect gift for journeys:
A walking stick made of bamboo.

For Espy, the young infant
Seen frequently in coughing fits,
A pack of Marlboros and E-Cigarettes
(The latter for when he quits).

For Charlie and Kissinger,
Who, against Transformers 2, took action,
He left some DVDs and a Lady Gaga CD
(the latter with a puzzled reaction).

For Chazwozel, the Picard of this crew
Shouting out, “WTF-AH!”
He left DVDs of Shark Week,
To which he might yell, “ALPHA!”

For Allen his gift,
could not be for n00bs:
Clear 8x10s
Of Droll's perky boobs.

For Li'l Sin and Jet,
A fancy gift dem gains:
A lunch invite at Cthulhu's
For some chianti and brains.

For DoomDragon6,
Who has too many syllables to rhyme,
He shall not be in this poem
(At least for this time).

A present for Gusto,
That would make his girl bluster:
A night with Felicia Day,
And all the sex he could muster.

And for that zombie kitteh
(Gruebeard's the name):
A dozen blind mice,
For dinner or for game.

For that Dutch Vyxen,
Amorous or Impure,
Kirk Hammett bound and gagged,
(scared sh-tless for sure).

To all the rest of the Halforums crew,
He left their heart’s desire
(Hoping this would keep them quiet
And prevent a war made of fire).

To those neglected and my rhyming errors,
I apologize and will take any slight.
With eggnog in hand, I wish to you all:




Heh heh heh, good stuff! :thumbsup:

(Obligatory "I'M NOT IN THERE YOU SUCK!!1!1")




I was not mentioned so there can only be one course of action for me





Very cute :)




So if you're not in, write your own. Or write one for someone who needs one!

For Allen his gift
could not be for n00bs
Clear 8x10s
Of Droll's perky boobs.




So if you're not in, write your own. Or write one for someone who needs one!

For Allen his gift
could not be for n00bs
Clear 8x10s
Of Droll's perky boobs.

Nice, Dave. Two birds, one stone.




For Li'l Sin and Jet,
a fancy gift dem gains,
a lunch invite at Cthulhu's
for some chianti and brains.




Cajungal, from Lafayette,
Who's not the biggest cat fan
Said, "the thought is what counts"
And made Filmfanatic some flan.


Seriously tho, :clap:


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

So if you're not in, write your own. Or write one for someone who needs one!

For Allen his gift
could not be for n00bs
Clear 8x10s
Of Droll's perky boobs.

Nice, Dave. Two birds, one stone.[/QUOTE]

It is one of those gifts I didn't even realize I wanted.




Make it the gift that keeps on giving and post them in the NSFW forum. :p





Saving this one in the archives! Nice!




For Li'l Sin and Jet,
a fancy gift dem gains,
a lunch invite at Cthulhu's
for some chianti and brains.
Aw. I didn't know Jet was a forum member!

Still, this is awfully sweet. :p




Aw. I didn't know Jet was a forum member!

Still, this is awfully sweet. :p
Well, I figured he's the forum mascot ;) Or at least the best-known of the forum babies.




Excellent! Great job! I love it when people do this kind of stuff!




Cajungal, from Lafayette,
Who's not the biggest cat fan
Said, "the thought is what counts"
And made Filmfanatic some flan.


Seriously tho, :clap:
Sorry for the mistakes. I figured I'd end up messing up with someone.

Glad to see everyone is enjoying this. The idea came to me while shaving this morning. First Shegokigo, then North_Ranger and it snowballed from there. I wasn't sure if it would work, but glad to see it did.




For DoomDragon6
Who has too many syllables to rhyme
He was not in the song
At least for this time




Cajungal, from Lafayette,
Who's not the biggest cat fan
Said, "the thought is what counts"
And made Filmfanatic some flan.


Seriously tho, :clap:
Sorry for the mistakes. I figured I'd end up messing up with someone.

Glad to see everyone is enjoying this. The idea came to me while shaving this morning. First Shegokigo, then North_Ranger and it snowballed from there. I wasn't sure if it would work, but glad to see it did.[/QUOTE]

It is very cool, and New Orleans works better in this poem than Lafayette anyway. ;P Just playin around.

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------

A present for Gusto,
That would make his girl bluster
A night with Felicia Day,
And all the sex he could muster.


Kitty Sinatra

I'm still not included? Man, I suck.




And for that zombie kitteh,
Gruebeard's the name,
A dozen blind mice,
For dinner or for game.

For that Dutch Vyxen,
Amorous or Impure,
Kirk Hammett bound and gagged,
scared s*itless for sure.


Kitty Sinatra

Wheeee! mice!





For gruebeard,
A chef/mail order bride
I stop getting proposals,
He gets food and a ride.






Kitty Sinatra


I couldn't ask for more . . . and just now, I almost proposed again after your bacon post.




Updated with additional verses! As created by you all!




Awesome ^_^

Now to find something that rhymes with -ubble....:-/

Though I'll gladly just appreciate the holiday spirit by sharing in Allen's gift :-P


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

And for Bonhomme Richard
So his back won't be tortured
A shiny new Deere
To plant his apple orchard.





---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 PM ----------







Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Though I'll gladly just appreciate the holiday spirit by sharing in Allen's gift :-P

No you won't.


Kitty Sinatra

Updated with additional verses! As created by you all!
I think I'd prefer Ceej's gift of a chef/bride. Why'd you go and give edit in the damn pesky mice?:p




Updated with additional verses! As created by you all!
I think I'd prefer Ceej's gift of a chef/bride. Why'd you go and give edit in the damn pesky mice?:p[/QUOTE]

Why, I'm shocked.

Don't expect a birthday gift, you ungrateful undead lap-monkey :p


Kitty Sinatra

Well, if your idea of a goodgift is a pile of dead mice, I'm glad I didn't participate in Halforums' Secret Santa.

Also, my birthday was last month. I sincerely thank you for missing it. ;)
