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A rebuttal to Alexandra Wallace of UCLA




This is in response to the dumb blonde's rant against Asians in the library. Now it's stuck in my head.



I tried to post earlier and wouldnt let me. I have had this in my head all day. Hehe. This guys is very talented I checked out the rest of his stuff.




lol nice.



I sent it to my friend who has a somewhat disturbing Asian fetish and now she says that guy is her dream guy and they /will/ be married.

So I guess I either made a loving match or united a stalker and stalkee.




You know, I almost feel bad for the girl in the original video. It's like she was created in a lab where they used every major stereotype in the US as their foundation.




This is brilliant. Time to help it spread on Facebook.




This guy is my new hero. Awesome!


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

I had no idea who Alexandra Wallace was. So I hopped on the 'tubes and searched her out.

I palmed a hole through my fucking face, and cried for humanity.

THEN I came back to watch this video, and I felt much better.

Ching chong, Halforums. Ling long




You know, I almost feel bad for the girl in the original video. It's like she was created in a lab where they used every major stereotype in the US as their foundation.
I did my undergrad at San Diego State and I can assure you that stereotype has a very strong basis in reality, at least in southern California. The bimbo has apparently gone into hiding and UCLA is not happy with her in the slightest.


Wasabi Poptart





That was a great rebuttal.

She needs to learn to say that she was trolling...



There was another video that was FUNNY!!! but I can't find it now. It is one of the Asian going "What? We can't fend for ourselves? We Grow our Food!!"
My wife and I were laughing hard on it.
Added at: 09:36
I did my undergrad at San Diego State and I can assure you that stereotype has a very strong basis in reality, at least in southern California. The bimbo has apparently gone into hiding and UCLA is not happy with her in the slightest.
Well, I would think so. You know, I kinda feel sorry for the girl. Really. As an Asian, I am not offended, I am just sad for her.
Of course if I WAS evil (my wife said I am) I say take away all of her stuff that is Asian related (manufacture by, produce, created, copied, etc etc) . She might sing a different tune REAL quick ;)




I actually feel sorry for that girl. It seems as if she has a very valid point "Please be respectful of others when in the library." but is struggling and mangling that message as she tries to put it forth. My son struggles with the same problems as he tries to express himself and his conversations often end in frustration and unwanted outbursts.



here is the original video



next semester
You tube ranting 101 - how to rant and rebutt on you tube without being a doorknob.



Woo. I found it!! This is hilarious!!!




I love how in the OP video he fakes a horrendous "Chinese" accent. That is some strong pwnage.




I just read that Miss Wallace has decided to withdraw from UCLA. The university decided to not take any disciplinary action because she didn't violate the code of conduct, but she says that most everybody has ostracized her.



I'll cry one tear.

And then listen to that song again.




I just read that Miss Wallace has decided to withdraw from UCLA. The university decided to not take any disciplinary action because she didn't violate the code of conduct, but she says that most everybody has ostracized her.
Awww, poor her. Do you have a link?




Sure do.


And no, I don't feel sorry for her. She reminds me of too many girls I disliked at SDSU.




Wow. I actually do feel a little bad for her. I'm cool with trashing the girl in video responses and whatnot, but death threats are taking it a teensy-bit too far.



I think the choice of her presentation is not well thought out. My co-worker (who is white) was very offended for me (like I said I wasn't too terrible offended) and said she could have just said that people talking on cellphone (not anyone in particular) and would have gotten away with it, but she single out a single culture and she got burn for it.

edit: I don't think she is really studying Political Science. I had to look it up and it is a study about politics and it effects. IF she REALLY did study poli-sci then she would have done the video differently (IMO)




She can very likely land a gig at Fox News.






Yup. My wife and I bought a couple of his songs on iTunes.
The guy is so awesome that all proceeds will go to Japan Tsunami victims.
