A Webcomic I thought you all may like

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I have been reading this comic for a a month or so now and it seems to be a decent webcomic so I thought I would share it with you guys. It seems to try to go for an XKCD meets Cyanide and Happiness at least that is the way it seems to me.


The first two didn't do much for me, the parachute one got a smile, I didn't get the milk one at first but after I did I still didn't find it very funny, and the last one seemed... I dunno... like a wasted opportunity. There were ways to go with the last panel to make it even funnier, but the artist didn't go for them.

All in all, not too bad, I've certainly seen worse, though unfortunately I probably won't be reading it much.


Not bad, per se, and certainly gave me a chuckle or two, but seems a little too close to xkcd to make me wholly comfortable.
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