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Aaaah, sweet memories of the 8/16-bit gaming era..



... and that god-awful dialogue. Whats scary, is that I can remember most games below-



Frankie Williamson

Ahh man, Bloody Wolf, the game to the right of the Art of Fighting screen at the top was one of my favorite TG-16 games. That game was complete bad-assedness.




Some of those aren't from the 8/16 bit era though. There are a couple of Pokemon screenshots, while "I dreamt I was a moron" is from Final Fantasy 8.

Although the town of Assaram made me giggle.



What's wrong with "How appropriate, you fight like a cow"?



bhamv3 said:
Some of those aren't from the 8/16 bit era though. There are a couple of Pokemon screenshots, while "I dreamt I was a moron" is from Final Fantasy 8.

Although the town of Assaram made me giggle.




JCM said:
bhamv3 said:
Some of those aren't from the 8/16 bit era though. There are a couple of Pokemon screenshots, while "I dreamt I was a moron" is from Final Fantasy 8.

Although the town of Assaram made me giggle.
... yes?

Not sure what you're asking.




Asserack, mayor of the town of Assaram.




I can almost just remember the game with the dolphin in pilot gear.

Wish I could fully remember it because that game looks hilarious as hell.




I want to say Darius...




Dubyamn said:
I can almost just remember the game with the dolphin in pilot gear.

Wish I could fully remember it because that game looks hilarious as hell.
Yeah, I remember playing it with my brother, the other dude is a ninja or something. I think it was something like picking a pilot from various nationalities, and for some reason one was a dolphin.

-- Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:04 pm --


Aero Fighters 2 for Neo-Geo. I remembered the first one which was on SNES.



bhamv3 said:
JCM said:
bhamv3 said:
Some of those aren't from the 8/16 bit era though. There are a couple of Pokemon screenshots, while "I dreamt I was a moron" is from Final Fantasy 8.

Although the town of Assaram made me giggle.
... yes?

Not sure what you're asking.
Where is FFVIII in the screenie, that is.

Oh, and the gameboy is an 8-bit gaming machine.




It's right near the FFVII quote from Aerith/s.




you have not enough golds.

you have not enough golds.

you have not enough golds.

Loved that game.



JCM said:
bhamv3 said:
JCM said:
bhamv3 said:
Some of those aren't from the 8/16 bit era though. There are a couple of Pokemon screenshots, while "I dreamt I was a moron" is from Final Fantasy 8.

Although the town of Assaram made me giggle.
... yes?

Not sure what you're asking.
Where is FFVIII in the screenie, that is.

Oh, and the gameboy is an 8-bit gaming machine.
I think the point being made here is that the PSX wasn't a 16 bit machine. The last 16 bit machines were the SNES and the Genesis.

Yes, I couldn't sleep, someone was wrong on the internet.



I still cant find the FF quote :waah:




JCM said:
I still cant find the FF quote :waah:
Look at the center of the image. You'll see Tellah calling Edward a Spoony Bard in Final Fantasy 4. Now look to the right of THAT image and you'll see lines from Locke and Kefka from FF6, with a line from Aerith in FF7 right below them. Below THAT is the line "I dreamt I was a moron", which is from Final Fantasy 8. It's from when Squall, Selphie, and Zell wake up on the train after doing the first Laguna, Ward, and Kiros dream.



Thanks, for a while there I thought I was going crazy.



AshburnerX said:
JCM said:
I still cant find the FF quote :waah:
Look at the center of the image. You'll see Tellah calling Edward a Spoony Bard in Final Fantasy 4. Now look to the right of THAT image and you'll see lines from Locke and Kefka from FF6, with a line from Aerith in FF7 right below them. Below THAT is the line "I dreamt I was a moron", which is from Final Fantasy 8. It's from when Squall, Selphie, and Zell wake up on the train after doing the first Laguna, Ward, and Kiros dream.
I wondered where in FF8 the 'moron' was from :clap: Sad thing the 'moron' is far more likeable like that trainwreck of a heroic figure Squall is.




Aisaku said:
AshburnerX said:
JCM said:
I still cant find the FF quote :waah:
Look at the center of the image. You'll see Tellah calling Edward a Spoony Bard in Final Fantasy 4. Now look to the right of THAT image and you'll see lines from Locke and Kefka from FF6, with a line from Aerith in FF7 right below them. Below THAT is the line "I dreamt I was a moron", which is from Final Fantasy 8. It's from when Squall, Selphie, and Zell wake up on the train after doing the first Laguna, Ward, and Kiros dream.
I wondered where in FF8 the 'moron' was from :clap: Sad thing the 'moron' is far more likeable like that trainwreck of a heroic figure Squall is.
That's because Final Fantasy 8 was supposed to be two games, with one being about Squall and his friends and the other being about Laguna and his friends. The problem is that the executives thought no one would buy two games for a complete story, so stuff from the Laguna game got put into the Squall game. This is why we have a story that makes NO FUCKING SENSE in Final Fantasy 8.



Now that makes sense. More sense than most of ff8... Hmm and the funny thing is this is something that would've floated nowadays. Maybe even back then. Will there ever be a ff after 6 that has people raving about the main character?




I thought the main characters in FFX and X2 were good?




Shegokigo said:
I thought the main characters in FFX and X2 were good?
The didn't start out good, but at least they developed into interesting ones. I need to get another copy of FFX... my old one got stolen along with .hack/Infection and GTA3.



Aisaku said:
Now that makes sense. More sense than most of ff8... Hmm and the funny thing is this is something that would've floated nowadays. Maybe even back then. Will there ever be a ff after 6 that has people raving about the main character?
I dunno, these two are pretty more popular, looking at the number of spin-off games with them that Square makes and sells well, and to tell the truth, I prefer over the previous tragic heroes.




What are you talking about? Both of those characters are pretty tragic. I'll spoiler the Tidus part, but not the Cloud part: It's been over ten years. If you don't already know this, then you deserve it.

Cloud left home at an early age, failed to reach his dreams, and then later became delusional and believed he HAD become a SOLDIER because he was fucking experimented on. Everyone he knew from his home town except Tifa was murdered before his eyes by Sephiroth. His best friend Zack dies defending him from the Shinra Army (in a scene that is FAR more bad ass than anything Cloud ever does). There is also the whole thing with Aerith, who only liked Cloud because of how much he reminded her of Zack! Cloud is pretty fucking messed up by all of this and he spends most of Advent Children avoiding everyone he knew from FF7 because of it.

Tidus: Dude spends most of the game egging on Yuna, telling her not to worry about about the things she's missing out on during her Pilgrimage, as she can always come back and do them on the way home. [spoiler:7o1e8fa3]He then finds out she's going to die when she summons her Final Aeon and has a Heroic BSOD when he realizes what a jerk he's been... and this is before he finds out that he's not even real and will disappear once they destroy Yu Yevon. He goes into that fight with Sin/Jeckt KNOWING he's going to die if they win, never telling his friends the truth because he knows they won't go through with it if he does.[/spoiler:7o1e8fa3] That's pretty god damn tragic right there... [spoiler:7o1e8fa3]Too fucking bad they ruined it in FFX-2's True Ending.[/spoiler:7o1e8fa3]



Okay, tragic wasnt such a great word. How about "less drabby?"

Anyway, I doubt any previous FF character before Cloud and Tidus managed to get such exposure, spin-offs and fans, seeing that before FFVII the JRPG was just a niche that would barely sell a million out of Japan.




Tidus has only been in 6 games. He hasn't got as much exposure as you think, most likely because American audiences hated him due to his annoying voice.

- FFX-2
- Kingdom Hearts 1
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- Dissidia
- Itadaki Street Special,

Cloud, on the other hand has been in a combined 15 titles, if you combine his movie and game appearances.

- FFVII: Advent Children
- FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus
- FFVII: Crisis Core
- Last Order: Final Fantasy VII
- Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
- Itadaki Street Special
- Itadaki Street Portable
- Chocobo Racing
- Ehrgeiz
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- Kingdom Hearts 2
- Dissidia



Tidus has only been in 6 games. He hasn't got as much exposure as you think, most likely because American audiences hated him due to his annoying voice.
- FFX-2
- Kingdom Hearts 1
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- Dissidia
- Itadaki Street Special,

Cloud, on the other hand has been in a combined 15 titles, if you combine his movie and game appearances.

- FFVII: Advent Children
- FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus
- FFVII: Crisis Core
- Last Order: Final Fantasy VII
- Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII
- Itadaki Street Special
- Itadaki Street Portable
- Chocobo Racing
- Ehrgeiz
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- Kingdom Hearts 2
- Dissidia
It does show how the market has grown, where a character who some americans hate can have quite a lot of appearances titles.

And that post-FFVI heroes have had a bigger fanbase.

The only other FF hero that comes close may be the FFIV gang, but thats due to the episodic nature of the cellphone games/Wiiware sequel, with Cecil having a few extra appearances, and Final Fantasy XII's Vaan, who has two FF games, and some appearances.




Aisaku said:
More sense than most of ff8...
Hey, it all made sense until the whole time compression thing... and time travel never makes any sense...
