Aaaw poor little kitty :(

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Duct taped cat saved, $1,000 reward offered in animal abuse case

A cat was covered in duct tape from head to toe and dumped in a garden in the Rhawnhurst section of Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said.

Published: 12:44AM BST 24 Sep 2009

The female cat covered in duct tape from head to toe which was dumped in a yard in the Rhawnhurst section of Philadelphia. Photo: AP

The PSPCA is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person who wrapped the female cat.
A woman spotted the feline wandering, covered in tape from neck to tail, and brought the animal to the humane society.
Medical staff at the PSPCA were able to successfully cut off the tape and the black and tan striped cat is recovering.
Video of the cat after the removal of the tape shows a seemingly happy animal, purring and apparently unafraid of its human handlers.
Staff at the shelter have named the cat "Sticky".
"This is a very very very sweet cat," George Bengal, of the PSPCA, told Fox News. "I can't imagine someone doing this to this cat. I mean, this is a domestic cat. Obviously, it was owned, it can be handled very easily."
Anyone with information on the crime should contact the SPCA's Cruelty Hotline on 1-866-601-7722.


you know.. I dislike cats (cause I'm allergic and they hates me) but I wouldn't do stuff like this to a cat. I just avoid them.


Staff member
Covering in duct tape is cruel and excessive. Having said that, putting a piece of tape around their paws is great fun.

A bird-loving jack ass neighbour of mine poisoned two of my cats and shot one in the side with a shotgun. The shot one managed to get back to our garden before it died - not a fun sight to see when you're 4. Thank god the prick died a few years ago. He was so hated in our town that they did the funeral in his city of birth 50 miles away since they knew no-one would have come in our town anyway. One of the poisoned cats, just had a litter too and we had to feed them all by hand.
when i was little, 9 or 10 i'm not sure anymore, some asshole who was 17 and lived in the same street at the time kicked my cat for fun.

Not just a playful kick either, he really shot it as if it were a fucking football.

I saw it and became enraged... neighbours told me it was funny to see a 9year old beat the shit out of the dude. Even at 9, i was a big kid and i guess i caught him by surprise. Anyway, he was spitting blood after i was done

The fucker had been drinking and had fun messing with domestic pets in the street.

Worst thing is, he tried to enact revenge on me later with some friends and i was almost mugged by 3 fucktards for protecting my cat (and almost breaking the nose of the fucker).

Last time i saw him was 2 or 3 years ago, he came to me "to say hi", i gave him 20 secs to get the fuck away from the bar or i would gladly spend the night in jail if it meant sending him to the hospital. He ran away.

Don't mess with my pets.
Could have been worse:

Why did I instinctively know that one of the first responses to this thread would be the free cat picture?

Because I'd have posted it myself if shego hadn't beaten me to it...

On topic: Effing heartless cruel bastard... Sheesh...


Staff member
I guess my parents would be hated here :(

My mom dislikes, border-line hates cats. She just simply can't stand them, partly because of the neighbourhood cats keep pissing around our house when they mark their territory. Plus, she tells me that when I was a toddler, she sometimes pushed the pram outside the kitchen window so I could take my nap outside and get some air. One time she saw one of the neighbourhood cats lurking about, and got worried. She took me inside, and a few moments later she saw that the cat had jumped in the pram and was lying where I had been just minutes earlier. She screamed bloody murder, and my dad (who had been upstairs installing baseboards) came outside, took the cat by its back and gave it two quick whacks on the rump with a length of baseboard.

They were afraid that had I been there, the cat could have suffocated me...

Then there was the case when the next door neighbour and their three little daughters had just gotten a new kitten to the family. One day the little thing went missing, and one of the daughters, heartbroken and having heard of my folks complaining about cats in our yard, came to my dad and asked: "Have you killed our kitty?". Heartbreaking, to say the least...

Luckily, there's a happy ending to the story. Later that day we heard pitiful mewling coming from our garage, and what do you know, there was the missing little kitty. It must have gotten into the garage while my dad was doing something in there, and had been accidentally locked in. My dad won some humanity back in the little girls' eyes by bringing the little tyke back to them in his arms.

Not surprisingly, I've never had a pet in my life... but I dunno, a cat might be a nice companion.


Staff member
I said a cat, not an actress who ruined her career by appearing in a crappy film whose main demographic were BDSM furry masturbators.
i've moved out from my folk's home 14 months ago. Since then I've been resisting the urge to adpot a cat.

I live in an (fairly big) appartment on the 2nd floor with no garden (obviously) and i'm used to cats being free to go outside whenever they want so i'm not adopting

But damn, i miss having a cat


Too bad they couldn't do like that episode of CSI where they dunked the tape in liquid nitrogen to solidify the glue, seperate tape layers and get fingerprints.

I'm not a cat person, but I am an animal person, I'd like to take a sack with a brick in it to whoever did this.
i've moved out from my folk's home 14 months ago. Since then I've been resisting the urge to adpot a cat.

I live in an (fairly big) appartment on the 2nd floor with no garden (obviously) and i'm used to cats being free to go outside whenever they want so i'm not adopting

But damn, i miss having a cat
Our cat is indoors only and she loves it. The trick is to get them to play, ALOT or they'll end up fatties.
I guess my parents would be hated here :(

My mom dislikes, border-line hates cats. She just simply can't stand them, partly because of the neighbourhood cats keep pissing around our house when they mark their territory. Plus, she tells me that when I was a toddler, she sometimes pushed the pram outside the kitchen window so I could take my nap outside and get some air. One time she saw one of the neighbourhood cats lurking about, and got worried. She took me inside, and a few moments later she saw that the cat had jumped in the pram and was lying where I had been just minutes earlier. She screamed bloody murder, and my dad (who had been upstairs installing baseboards) came outside, took the cat by its back and gave it two quick whacks on the rump with a length of baseboard.
I think I've heard a superstition where a cat will steal the baby's life or something from its crib? Maybe that's why she freaked?


Staff member
This thread is making me want a pet. The only one I've ever had besides stupid fish is an outside cat named Yogurt (named by my cousin before we took her). I loved her so much. She chased dogs out of our yard when they tried to pee in my mom's garden, and she would always leave us "gifts" (Dead birds, mice, etc... it grossed me out, but I know it meant she liked us. :p)

It killed my brother the most when she died. She was peacefully curled up in our garden where she loved to nap, looking natural as can be. My brother was the one who played with her and cared for her the most. She would always go to him before any of us, and when she went to the vet, Trey HAD to be in the car with her.

I miss her. :(
That's a horrible thing, and could have been quite disastrous for the kitty, but I wouldn't be shocked if someone (clearly someone who wasn't thinking) just meant it as a harmless prank.
So, I had a glass of water on my night stand (from a few nights ago) and Kodo had been bouncing all over the room as usual. Well, he jumps up on the bed, sniffs me, then pounces on the night stand to watch me. He then turns around and playfully bats at the glass with one of his paws. The whole thing was in slow motion...

God, I can't wait until he gets old and fat and lazy sometimes!

...but I wuv my kidden :D


Duct tape is being a jackass. That said, I'll shoot any cat that visits my property more than 3 times.
Duct tape is being a jackass. That said, I'll shoot any cat that visits my property more than 3 times.
I hope B/ never tracks you...

I have to admit I don't like stray cats though, because of my almost obsessive fixation with cleanliness. I don't even like to touch most home pets.

But duct taping them? Thats not dislike, that's beaing mean. I can't comment on the shooting because I don't know about your context.


Duct tape is being a jackass. That said, I'll shoot any cat that visits my property more than 3 times.
I hope B/ never tracks you...

I have to admit I don't like stray cats though, because of my almost obsessive fixation with cleanliness. I don't even like to touch most home pets.

But duct taping them? Thats not dislike, that's beaing mean. I can't comment on the shooting because I don't know about your context.[/QUOTE]

I'm not talking about torturing animals.

I have a fenced in yard, and had insane redneck neighbors that let their 15 cats roam around the neighborhood and shit/piss in your yard, deck, and get into fights with your dog. I've asked them repeatedly to keep their pets under control. My dog (basset) has been attacked several times in his own yard. I've called animal control on them, only for them to get their animal back and bitch me out for it. My dog actually slaughtered one of those fucking cats when it got into our (agained fenced in) yard when it attacked him. The father redneck came over and threatened to kick my ass, until I got out ready to rumble. Then he just threatened to kill my dog. So I promptly called the police. I'm extremely allergic to cats too. I literally couldn't enjoy my deck or BBQ because all the cat dander and hair on it caused my eyes to swell up like balloons. So, yes, one crisp morning I got up, got my coffee, and stepped out onto my deck only to find 5 cats hanging out on my deck, which had like four piles of cat shit on it, and couldn't take anymore. I mowed them down with my paintball gun. Apparently one of my other neighbors was in the same boat and actually killed one of them in a trap he set.

Fortunately, these assholes were forced to move by the homeowners association (they were renters). They apparently broke several of their lease agreements, one of which was having pets. Now that we're moving to a more rural area, I'm getting a .22 and enforcing an "ask three times" rule.

I don't see anything wrong with doing animal control on your own property. Cats can be dangerous to your pets. I was constantly worried about my dog getting worms from these damn things in my yard.
Duct tape is being a jackass. That said, I'll shoot any cat that visits my property more than 3 times.
I hope B/ never tracks you...

I have to admit I don't like stray cats though, because of my almost obsessive fixation with cleanliness. I don't even like to touch most home pets.

But duct taping them? Thats not dislike, that's beaing mean. I can't comment on the shooting because I don't know about your context.[/QUOTE]

I'm not talking about torturing animals.

I have a fenced in yard, and had insane redneck neighbors that let their 15 cats roam around the neighborhood and shit/piss in your yard, deck, and get into fights with your dog. I've asked them repeatedly to keep their pets under control. My dog (basset) has been attacked several times in his own yard. I've called animal control on them, only for them to get their animal back and bitch me out for it. My dog actually slaughtered one of those fucking cats when it got into our (agained fenced in) yard when it attacked him. The father redneck came over and threatened to kick my ass, until I got out ready to rumble. Then he just threatened to kill my dog. So I promptly called the police. I'm extremely allergic to cats too. I literally couldn't enjoy my deck or BBQ because all the cat dander and hair on it caused my eyes to swell up like balloons. So, yes, one crisp morning I got up, got my coffee, and stepped out onto my deck only to find 5 cats hanging out on my deck, which had like four piles of cat shit on it, and couldn't take anymore. I mowed them down with my paintball gun. Apparently one of my other neighbors was in the same boat and actually killed one of them in a trap he set.

Fortunately, these assholes were forced to move by the homeowners association (they were renters). They apparently broke several of their lease agreements, one of which was having pets. Now that we're moving to a more rural area, I'm getting a .22 and enforcing an "ask three times" rule.

I don't see anything wrong with doing animal control on your own property. Cats can be dangerous to your pets. I was constantly worried about my dog getting worms from these damn things in my yard.[/QUOTE]

That was the "context" I mentioned im my post.
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