About Damned time! July Contest!

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Staff member
Okay, this one was tough. Very, very tough. But I've finally made a decision. Here's the individual winners of each picture.

Original picture:

Favorite Shop: Selgeron!

Original Picture:

Favorite Shop: Laurelai!

Original Picture:

Favorite Shop: Laurelai!

Original Picture:

Favorite Shop: Laurelai!

Original Picture:

Favorite Shop: Fade!

So adding up the points and we see that the winner is LAURELAI!! What's amazing is that Jake & Tinwhistler were both extremely close to the top and that Laurelai almost came in second! But the Zoolander had me rolling as did the one with Scott coming out of the midget's unitard.

So Laurelai gets to pick the game of her choice from Amazon.com (it can be from any platform) and as long as it's under $60 it'll be winging its way towards her post haste!


Staff member
Not sure. The September contest should be starting but I have no idea what to do. I think we talked about it in a podcast but I don't remember.


Staff member
Tin, you were 2nd or 3rd in every category and so was Jake. You guys ALL did a kickass job!


Staff member
[STRIKE]I demand a recount![/STRIKE]

Laurelai - 19 points
Tinwhistler - 18 points
Jake - 17 points

Let me count them again.

19, 18, 17. Yup. Still the same. But thanks for playing, Mr. Franken.
Tin, you were 2nd or 3rd in every category and so was Jake. You guys ALL did a kickass job!
I figured I would be..I was hoping Lt. Cmdr Data Dave would net me first in that category, and maybe the Suck My Dick Shark...just enough to give me the winning edge :)

Thanks for the fun, all..i had a great time, and learned some new photoshop tricks in the process..
I confess that I haven't used Photoshop in years (since my academic copy became obsolete). I use Paint.net for all my graphical buffoonery.


I am SUCH a dork! I checked this contest for a week or so after Dave asked for assistance in the judging and no one really seemed interested in helping him out (at least out loud where I could see) so it just looked like interest petered out.

Thank you for the points!! I could have sworn I was going to lose to Jake because everything he put out was pure awesome-sauce. Looks like Kurtz popping out of the midget's spandex put me over the top. Yay for shotgun effect! I'm so surprised!!!11!1!!!
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