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Adam McKay is taking your calls




The producer/director/writer of some hilarious movies like Anchorman and Talladega Nights is right now taking calls from people to talk about his new Jeremy Piven movie "The Goods".

Actually he's actually encouraging people who DIDN'T like the movie to talk about it.

This twitter thing is getting very weird, isn't it?

Tweet from Piven with the phone number: http://twitter.com/jeremypiven/statuses/3350189303

Link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/adam-mcka ... ds-call-in

-- less than a minute ago --

I should have mentioned he's broadcasting his call-taking via live video feed.

He's also taking texts.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

This is pretty cool. I love web 2.0. I won't be participating, since I haven't seen the movie and might see it later and don't want jokes spoiled. But I'm just glad it's happening!




Calleja said:
hilarious movies like Anchorman and Talladega Nights
does not compute...

* ok, hey where funny, but hilarious is a biit too much




he's done now, he had a few awesome jokes himself. Piven's giving away Entourage DVD season sets on twitter as well.

It's crazy, this integrated world we live in. When did Stanley Kubrick ever take calls from the audience?
