Export thread




Well, I don't really want to mince words too much, but it seems there's been a lot of Chaz hate round here as of late. I get the feeling I'm unwanted around here, and rather than waste both my and other's time, I've decided to say adios to it all.

I'm off to drink beer, bang many womens, and watch sports in my underwear as many of you seem to think I do... It's honestly become pretty annoying and almost unbearable to get a post through without someone alluding to that horseshit every other thread.

Peace out.




I don't have the faintest idea what just happened here.



We may have butted heads at times but even for a jock in a sea of nerds, you had some kind advice for me.

viya con dios my friend




Don't let the door hit you on the way out.




We may have butted heads at times but even for a jock in a sea of nerds, you had some kind advice for me.

viya con dios my friend
Psst, he wasn't a "jock" for real, we just liked ribbing him that he was one.


Rob King

Rob King

Take care. We won't rent out your room too quick. You know. In case you want to drop by on occasion.




This is about the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen.

He who spends his forum life mocking goodbye threads decides to post one because he acted like an ass and got called on it.

Best. Drama. EVER.



We may have butted heads at times but even for a jock in a sea of nerds, you had some kind advice for me.

viya con dios my friend
Psst, he wasn't a "jock" for real, we just liked ribbing him that he was one.[/QUOTE]

Ah. I just assumed with his love for hockey, to the point he has hockey action figures.. I stand corrected.

Still, funny forum meme.


Cuyval Dar

Yo, Chaz, Imma let you finish and all, but Fazz Munkle had the most drama filled goodbye thread of all time. All time!



Why didn't this happen back when I posted all the time? I feel ripped off.:(




I really don't want to believe this is real in the least. Chaz really brought a different perspective to the boards, whether people liked it or not and even if he did pull "Chazzhattery" every now and then, it was just his "thing".




I really don't want to believe this is real in the least. Chaz really brought a different perspective to the boards, whether people liked it or not and even if he did pull "Chazzhattery" every now and then, it was just his "thing".
Well, if he chooses to come back after his tantrum, I for one will be more than happy to see him.

But this is still fucking hilarious.




I'm still going with my gut and say this is a "lulz" thread and not serious.





Wasabi Poptart

You made a good-bye post? Seriously?!?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

if that's what you want




The BK King says: "Stay Chazzy"


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Is this for srsly?

I hope it isn't, I always liked Chaz, but that may be because I never take part in any serious topics... Who knowsss

I'll be sure to turn on the next hockey game, before I flip to cartoon network after I lose interest in it, in your memory Chaz. <3



BTW Pittsburgh Still Sucks.




Ugh! I was walking by this thread and suddenly I got man b'awwwwwwww all over my shirt!






By popular demand:




BTW Pittsburgh Still Sucks.

*checks the recent history*

2 out of 3 ain't bad :pirate:

Just lookin' at the facts, here.




My oh my.

I disdain goodbye threads and anyone who make 'em, but you guys seem overly harsh on the guy.


Cuyval Dar

My oh my.

I disdain goodbye threads and anyone who make 'em, but you guys seem overly harsh on the guy.
Considering how he bashes on every other attention whore/goodbye thread, I'd say its exactly what he deserves.




See you when you get back.



Busy watching Oklahoma/Miami and USC/Cal (sssh, I'm using the Internet!) but I absolutely had to post here.

Chaz, seriously, aside from me totally disagreeing with and not understanding your stance towards social anxiety and romance we've never really interacted. I just read all the threads that this drama crap happened in. I was even mostly on your side after reading them. But this?

Dude. After all you've said about drama and goodbye threads and attention whoring.....this?!?! :EPIC FACEPALM:





My oh my.

I disdain goodbye threads and anyone who make 'em, but you guys seem overly harsh on the guy.
Considering how he bashes on every other attention whore/goodbye thread, I'd say its exactly what he deserves.[/QUOTE]

I won't disagree with you.
Chaz has the intelligence to recognize a hypocrite, and the wisdom - I hope - to see when he acts as one. The fact that he made this thread when he's expressed his distaste for these kinds of threads. Indicates that's he emotionally distressed to the point that doesn't care. So, I hope I don't face antipathy in saying I feel a little sympathetic towards the big guy.

Chaz, later homie G.




My oh my.

I disdain goodbye threads and anyone who make 'em, but you guys seem overly harsh on the guy.
Considering how he bashes on every other attention whore/goodbye thread, I'd say its exactly what he deserves.[/quote]

I won't disagree with you.
Chaz has the intelligence to recognize a hypocrite, and the wisdom - I hope - to see when he acts as one. The fact that he made this thread when he's expressed his distaste for these kinds of threads. Indicates that's he emotionally distressed to the point that doesn't care. So, I hope I don't face antipathy in saying I feel a little sympathetic towards the big guy.

Chaz, later homie G.[/quote]

The fact he went into the IRC channel for even more attention after making this thread tells me that he has neither the intelligence to recognize he is a hypocrite nor the wisdom to see when he acts like one.




My oh my.

I disdain goodbye threads and anyone who make 'em, but you guys seem overly harsh on the guy.
Considering how he bashes on every other attention whore/goodbye thread, I'd say its exactly what he deserves.[/quote]

I won't disagree with you.
Chaz has the intelligence to recognize a hypocrite, and the wisdom - I hope - to see when he acts as one. The fact that he made this thread when he's expressed his distaste for these kinds of threads. Indicates that's he emotionally distressed to the point that doesn't care. So, I hope I don't face antipathy in saying I feel a little sympathetic towards the big guy.

Chaz, later homie G.[/quote]

The fact he went into the IRC channel for even more attention after making this thread tells me that he has neither the intelligence to recognize he is a hypocrite nor the wisdom to see when he acts like one.[/QUOTE]

I saw the channel, perhaps he wished to apologize, or further explain his actions. Yet you guys offered no chance, you jumped on him the moment he entered.




If you would take the time to look at Chaz's original inflammatory responses, and try to understand where he's coming from, most of the time his posts had some relevance/truth to them.

And sometimes he was just being an asshole :heh:


Cuyval Dar

My oh my.

I disdain goodbye threads and anyone who make 'em, but you guys seem overly harsh on the guy.
Considering how he bashes on every other attention whore/goodbye thread, I'd say its exactly what he deserves.[/quote]

I won't disagree with you.
Chaz has the intelligence to recognize a hypocrite, and the wisdom - I hope - to see when he acts as one. The fact that he made this thread when he's expressed his distaste for these kinds of threads. Indicates that's he emotionally distressed to the point that doesn't care. So, I hope I don't face antipathy in saying I feel a little sympathetic towards the big guy.

Chaz, later homie G.[/quote]

The fact he went into the IRC channel for even more attention after making this thread tells me that he has neither the intelligence to recognize he is a hypocrite nor the wisdom to see when he acts like one.[/QUOTE]
This. I've never known him to honestly admit to being a hypocrite. Sure, he has no problem seeing the splinter in someone else's eye, but when it comes to the Redwood in his own, that's another story.

---------- Post added at 06:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:45 PM ----------

If you would take the time to look at Chaz's original inflammatory responses, and try to understand where he's coming from, most of the time his posts had some relevance/truth to them.

And sometimes he was just being an asshole :heh:
No, Chaz is a complete asshole.

I really love how people are trying to defend him.




I'm no friend of Chazwozel, and I do agree that he is an asshole, but he would bring up some good points or call people out to defend what they said in many posts, instead of just blindly agreeing or letting it go.



My oh my.

I disdain goodbye threads and anyone who make 'em, but you guys seem overly harsh on the guy.
Considering how he bashes on every other attention whore/goodbye thread, I'd say its exactly what he deserves.[/quote]

I won't disagree with you.
Chaz has the intelligence to recognize a hypocrite, and the wisdom - I hope - to see when he acts as one. The fact that he made this thread when he's expressed his distaste for these kinds of threads. Indicates that's he emotionally distressed to the point that doesn't care. So, I hope I don't face antipathy in saying I feel a little sympathetic towards the big guy.

Chaz, later homie G.[/quote]

The fact he went into the IRC channel for even more attention after making this thread tells me that he has neither the intelligence to recognize he is a hypocrite nor the wisdom to see when he acts like one.[/QUOTE]

I saw the channel, perhaps he wished to apologize, or further explain his actions. Yet you guys offered no chance, you jumped on him the moment he entered.[/QUOTE]

Oh boo-frickin-hoo, poor widdle chazzy just coming by to say he's sorry for his utter failure to act like a even semi-decent human being... and we were mean to him. How sad.

Are you familiar with the phrase "you reap what you sow?" yeah THAT is what is happening here today.




After reading the IRC thing, I'm really actually shocked by this. Damn Chaz didn't think it'd ever happen.



I'm no friend of Chazwozel, and I do agree that he is an asshole, but he would bring up some good points or call people out to defend what they said in many posts, instead of just blindly agreeing or letting it go.
That's what makes this confusing (and hypocritical and thus, hilarious). All the good points he was making about people and their posting habits/behavior, he just totally ignored so he could act like those people and be an attention whore.

My head, it throbs and not just from my sinus cold.


Cuyval Dar

I'm no friend of Chazwozel, and I do agree that he is an asshole, but he would bring up some good points or call people out to defend what they said in many posts, instead of just blindly agreeing or letting it go.
Perhaps so, but the matter at hand is his complete hypocrisy toward attention whore threads.




Don't worry, the whole "Chaz posting a attention-whoring goodbye thread" thing does not get by me :)

I'm just making the point that, despite his (major) faults, he wasn't 100% bad, and some of his posts had more face value than a lot of people here gave them.




I'm just making the point that, despite his (major) faults, he wasn't 100% bad, and some of his posts had more face value than a lot of people here gave them.
He also really did give varying opinions against some really good arguments sometimes, even if we hardly ever did see eye to eye.




Is it really that time again?




If I recall correctly, didn't Chaz make a good-bye thread before? Roughly right after the Guitar Hero flame war with JCM on halfpixel? Anyway, I assume he'll be back, and I'll be glad when he is. At the very least, he's part of what keeps this forum interesting.




If I recall correctly, didn't Chaz make a good-bye thread before? Roughly right after the Guitar Hero flame war with JCM on halfpixel? Anyway, I assume he'll be back, and I'll be glad when he is. At the very least, he's part of what keeps this forum interesting.
They usually come back :p


That avitar will be giving me nightmares for months.





That avitar will be giving me nightmares for months.




I don't blame Chaz, I really don't. The thread, while hypocritical, is to keep everyone from being all "Where's Chaz lately?"

The forums as a whole are taking a new feel to them, almost an attitude that isn't conductive to the place growing. It's becoming very hostile toward anyone that disagrees, at all, and it's even coming from the people that should be keeping the peace around here. It's becoming more of what those other forums were becoming before the great migration.

It's actions like this, from just a few people really, that make me NOT visit here as often as I did before. Too many of the threads turn into the "OMG, you disagreed with me! You're an ignorant asshole." I don't expect to have hugs and roses for everyone, but it's getting where you don't want to post in threads because of people. I... I just don't know what to expect around here from the people that I thought that I knew, and honestly, it's starting to turn me off from here. I have people that I would call a friend, or at least a neighbor, on here, but I've noticed that even they have been posting less of late.

I've stopped, erased and restarted this a couple of different times, I think I have what I wanted to say at least in a semi-literate manner now.

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

And, the tags at the bottom just go to show what asses some people are really being.



God damn it, I liked that guy. You know for all the shit he gave and what you guys call it coming around a lot of you are being just as bad. Fuck, I'm not perfect, I gave NN a lot of shit but what's going on in this thread is pretty disgusting to me, more so then the shit that Chaz posted.




Wow the tags really say something about some of the posters around here that I really didn't expect.




I don't always like the things that Chaz says and does, but I hope he comes back. Yeah, it got kinda harsh in here, but Chaz is a harsh person to talk to sometimes... and he admits it often. So I guess you get back what you give. I still enjoy talking to him sometimes, though. The world needs headstrong, blunt people.




It's becoming more of what those other forums were becoming before the great migration.
Meanwhile the other half of the voters complain that there's too much moderation and it's too namby pamby around here now.


I will nuke those tags at any rate.




I won't tell why the Polanski thread was locked, but you get to guess:
a) I have a chip on my shoulder against Chaz; I think he is wrong and that's why he must be silenced.
b) The thread had turned creepier than NAMBLA's Whipped-Cream-and-Cherries Soirée, involving discussions about schtoinking a fourteen-year-old girl and whether or not it was statutory rape "becuz she wuz so matchoor".

The second one was shot down because it could have been discussed in PMs.

Paraphrasing the crazy monkey cat lady here: "If you have a problem with why threads are locked, PM the mods".

And to make sure this gets through:
:flame::flame::flame:"If you have a problem with why threads are locked, PM the mods".:flame::flame::flame:

I'm sorry I had to use my outside voice indoors. *goes to hose down the smilies that caught on fire*

Also, I do hope Chaz comes back. I don't always agree with him, but hey, that doesn't mean I don't like reading his posts.




Let's take it down a notch folks or this thread isn't going to last long.
It's nice having chaz around, just like everyone else. No one on here is perfect and we've all pissed off other people at one time or the other.




It's nice having chaz around, just like everyone else. No one on here is perfect and we've all pissed off other people at one time or the other.
Lovely. Let's leave it at that.


A-yup. -NR
