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Ah... nothing like a good tech support call (NSFW language)




Some, well, quite a few swears. So not safe for work language.

It's a little long, but if you can get through it the last few seconds are pretty dang funny.

What's your most aggravating support call? Mine is Qwest, they actually hung on me when I told them there service wasn't working and that I had no qualms about switching. Yeah, THAT helped.




If the guy had just answered the information quickly and didn't spend half the time swearing he could have gotten his answer a lot sooner. Granted it was an extremely simple question but the technician was just doing his job.




God that was hilarious. I'm glad I don't work at a helpdesk... yet. But seriously, when the costumer is swearing at you profusely isn't it right to hang up on them for abusing you verbally? I'd think that would be company policy.




I feel both of those guys pain though. Going through all that to get a dumb answer is really frustrating, having to deal with an total asshole is also very frustrating, owning a dell is even more frustrating though. :heythere:


This is NOT a joke and I'm not kidding around.

That sounded just like my brother in both voice, tone and language skills. The only reason I know it wasn't him is that my mother doesn't have a laptop.




Espy said:
I feel both of those guys pain though. Going through all that to get a dumb answer is really frustrating, having to deal with an total * is also very frustrating, owning a dell is even more frustrating though. :heythere:
Fuck that, there is no excuse for how that guy acted. Absolutely none. Its one thing going off on a telemarketer. They make money by being whores. This guy literally is there to help. No excuse. This guy is a douchebag (and a moron too boot).



working telephone tech support, i can tell you i get calls similar to this almost every day

customers that never shut up so you can troubleshoot their issue
customers who feel the need to use profanity at you (which is actually fun, i can give them a warning about it 3 times then hangup on them without it counting against me)

list goes on and on

they aren't all bad, ive found that elderly people are quite polite and even though they can be very difficult to work with (i.e. not knowing how to navigate a simple webpage) they are a nice change of pace compared to the assholes who feel the need to take their issue out on you as if you caused it.

still, i'll take my comfy office job over working construction any day




Well from the sound of it he'd been redirected around a bunch and had already dealt with a bunch of bullshit. So I mean, yeah, it's really fucking irritating.




Ugh, angry customers. I worked in the computer lab at a local college for a while. There was a girl that would come in at least once a week, and she was beautiful. Early one morning she stormed in swearing like a sailor, ranting that the testing center wasn't open yet. She went from a 9 to about a 3 in less than 30 seconds.

On the other hand, there's Sony tech support, who were so rude to my sister, recovering from cancer, that they made her cry. In a completely unexpected turn of events, Circuit City, who she had an extended warranty with, was willing to fix the laptop after only one call, and they had it back in under a week. It'd had a bad motherboard for months and Sony wasn't willing to do anything about it. You'll never catch me buying a Vaio.

Comcast support around here is maddening. They always assume that the problem is on the customer's end, and if they send someone out to check, they'll bill you for the time, even if they find nothing wrong and the problem persists. The problems keep getting worse too. Channels randomly drop out, get funky colors, lose captions, audio volume rises and drops, etc.

Then there was an online store I bought a game from (Purplus). When it came the first disc couldn't be read. It took about a dozen emails, each of which was responded to with generic insructions that ignored what I told them, before they authorized an RMA. They kept insisting that some systems couldn't read the second disc because it was a two-layer DVD, completely ignoring that I was having problems with disc #1.

Then there's the fact that just every video card maker I know of takes months to replace a defective card under warranty, and none of them cross-ship. *sigh* ATI did back when I bought my Radeon 7500, but I don't think they sell cards themselves anymore.

Companies that have given me good customer service, beyond what I expected, when I had an issue include: React (makes console accessories), Newegg, ATI and Crucial.




Oddly, I've only ever had very positive customer service from EA. Admittedly, EA Belgium, but still, they wer every nice and helpful (and competent. A tech helpdesk staffed by actual techies, imagine.)




Mav said:
still, i'll take my comfy office job over working construction any day
Personally, I am much happier working in manufacturing now than I was working for Hp/Compaq Tech support. At least now I can work my 8 hours without "forced overtime" and rediculous metrics (sales quotas).

I would help 20-30 customers a day, most to a solution, and was almost fired because I couldn't sell enough warranties and printers and such.

Now I just go to work and order and move large pieces of glass around for 8 hours.



grub said:
Mav said:
still, i'll take my comfy office job over working construction any day
Personally, I am much happier working in manufacturing now than I was working for Hp/Compaq Tech support. At least now I can work my 8 hours without "forced overtime" and rediculous metrics (sales quotas).

I would help 20-30 customers a day, most to a solution, and was almost fired because I couldn't sell enough warranties and printers and such.

Now I just go to work and order and move large pieces of glass around for 8 hours.
We don't really have quotas for sales since we're tech support. We are required to pitch stuff to customers, but if they dont liven up to it thats ok. And we're only required to pitch on "good" calls, i.e. ones where the customer is happy, i fixed their issue, etc

The only forced OT is, I get off at 7:30 each night right, if I'm on a call prior to that time and it continues past that time, i obviously just cant hang up or tell the customer i have to go, i have to finish the call first BUT I do get that time counted as OT time if I go over.

It has its draw backs.. I only get two 10 minute breaks a day, which as a smoker is freakin brutal. They're pretty strict on the time of everything. My breaks are 10 minutes, if I get back to my cubicle at 10 minutes 03 seconds, I'm 3 seconds late and thus late from break and can be written up for that. Considering we have to go all the way out back to smoke, or if you're in the break room all the way to the front of the office, you're looking at, at least, 1 minute "travel time" to and from anywhere so you're only really getting 9 minutes break.

5 minutes, max, per day, for bathroom break. And no sadly, I can't save my bathroom break and go outside for a cigarette either.

Aside from that call center work aint too bad. It gets repetative especially when you're fixing the same handful of problems day in and day out but sometimes you get an interesting call or two that makes up for it.. (I had a guy call in one time with 9 routers daisy chained together, they had gone down and he wondered why he got no dial tone..I had to reboot and reset 9 damn devices..)




This is insane. If the tech support dude had just told the customer from the first how to shut the computer down, he would have defused the situation and the gentleman would have been more amenable to all the stats taking. I've worked in customer service, and the idea is always to deal with the customer's problem, if at all possible, as swiftly as possible, and if it's not possible, to explain why in simple language. Then you do the administrative bullshit. I've had people calling me with murderous intent, absolutely livid with rage, and I've managed to get them to hang up ten minutes later, thanking me that I'd basically saved their marriage.




Lamont said:
This is insane. If the tech support dude had just told the customer from the first how to shut the computer down, he would have defused the situation and the gentleman would have been more amenable to all the stats taking. I've worked in customer service, and the idea is always to deal with the customer's problem, if at all possible, as swiftly as possible, and if it's not possible, to explain why in simple language. Then you do the administrative bullshit. I've had people calling me with murderous intent, absolutely livid with rage, and I've managed to get them to hang up ten minutes later, thanking me that I'd basically saved their marriage.
Yeah, I know Necronic is going to disagree here, and Nec, man, I agree that the guy is a moron of the first degree, but that rep totally could have handled the call better, but he's completely goading the guy on, he knows he's losing it and you can almost hear how much he's enjoying this guy freaking out. I don't blame him, but as someone has spent hours getting shuffled around voice prompted menus it is really aggravating.
That's not an excuse for the guy's actions or yelling or anything though, he's a grade A dick here. I've had worse happen when I owned a dell and I never cussed out the people I called. I just never bought a dell again. :uhhuh:
