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All right, you knuckleheads!




I'm out until the changeover day. I'm leaving for Colorado and won't be back until late Saturday night but HOPE to be here for the upgrade Sunday. If weather gets too bad then we may have to reschedule. But suffice it to say that Ame & I have a grip on the whole thing and this upgrade is gonna kick ass.

All of you have a Merry Christmas, unless you don't celebrate the holiday, to which I will say Happy....Friday or something.

No, I'm still not feeling the Yuletide cheer, but I'm making an effort.

Be safe, be warm, be happy.

I'll see you on the flip side.

(Watch the news. If you see an HHR has been demolished somewhere between Omaha and Colorado Springs it's probably me. This car hates me.)




Well since you won't be here until Saturday I will will wish you an early Merry Christmas! :)




Merry Christmas right back atcha, boss.

I, too, will be gone for the holidays starting tomorrow. Going to the countryside for a family Christmas = very little time to be spent online. But don't get too comfortable; I'll be back on Sunday. And if there's been shenanigans... well, I'll come in with my hands on suspender clips, ready to release :twisted:




Tonight, I'm heading up to the second coldest city on earth so I'm sure that all of the computers will be completely frozen solid and the Internets will be broken. Thus Yuletide greetings to all!




Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Crazy Kwanzaa, Awesome Agnostica, Wonderful Winter-een-mas, and assorted well wishes to everyone :)




What about Saturnalia?




Take care, Dave. I hope you enjoy your holiday despite your misgivings.



Merry Christmas Dave!!! Catch ya on the flip side.




Festivus and the Saturnalia are both covered by the assorted well wishes, dammit.

Besides, why not join us in celebrating agnostica, huh? :-P



This is the first time I can recall being labeled a "knucklehead."

What's next, ya gonna pull out "hockey puck," gramps? :D




I will be here, putting up more terrible and crass avatars each day!




I may or may not have sex on your bed while you are gone. Either way, you might want to wash your sheets when you get home.




Psht, I'll be impressed if the forum's still standing when Dave's back. I bet he'll return to a smoldering pile of tags and dead links, while we crouch in a huddled bunch with many of us missing body parts.


Occasional Poster

Have fun!




Dad's gone for Holiday?

Oh yessssssss.....

I got your messages Amorous, it will indeed be quite manically fun. :twisted:




Early Happy Holidays to everyone who will be gone beforehand!




Psht, I'll be impressed if the forum's still standing when Dave's back. I bet he'll return to a smoldering pile of tags and dead links, while we crouch in a huddled bunch with many of us missing body parts.





Whoever put in the tag gets a "Perfect Execution" award.




[STRIKE]Stein um [/STRIKE][STRIKE]Stein mauer[/STRIKE] ich dich ein
[STRIKE]Stein um Stein
Und[/STRIKE] keiner hört dich schreien



Alright, that's it, I'm going to ask that a mandatory board-wide spell checker be installed which includes my username.




What is that song about, anyways? I Babelfish'd it, and got something that sounded like housebuilding instructions by Green Day...




Oooooh! So it's your version of "It puts the lotion in the basket"? ;)




It did not take long for the coup d'etat to take place.




It did not take long for the coup d'etat to take place.
Coup d'etat would mean that they disposed and replaced Dave by force. He left on his own, so naming this situation a coup d'etat doesn't fit. The truth is; Dave abandoned us! :sad:




I'm scared.




Okay, I'm off for the holidays. Merry Christmas to everybody and see you on the flipside.

Don't. Frak. Things. Up. Or I'll be pissed.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Okay, I'm off for the holidays. Merry Christmas to everybody and see you on the flipside.

Don't. Frak. Things. Up. Or I'll be pissed.
Hey guys, I think it's party time.




Okay, I'm off for the holidays. Merry Christmas to everybody and see you on the flipside.

Don't. Frak. Things. Up. Or I'll be pissed.
Hey guys, I think it's party time.[/QUOTE]





No parties on my watch!


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

That's fine. It's not on your watch. It's in a house, away from any and all timepieces you may or may not own.




I too will be around for a good part of the holidays.


General Specific

General Specific

Okay, I'm off for the holidays. Merry Christmas to everybody and see you on the flipside.

Don't. Frak. Things. Up. Or I'll be pissed.
Hey guys, I think it's party time.[/QUOTE]




General Specific

General Specific




Well, I ended up working until only 12 Tuesday and then jetted out as quickly as possible to beat the weather. Going from Omaha to Colorado Springs was supposed to be an adventure. We hit the road about 1:50 CST and I drove an average of 76 MPH, which counts being in town and several construction areas. This means on the open road I was doing about 90 or so. voom.

Everything was hunky dory until I hit Brush, Colorado. Then all hell broke loose. We saw trucks going into ditches, one guy was off the side down a big fucking hill and there was a semi that I honestly couldn't tell if he was on his side or just listing lazily to the left. But they all had people already stopped to help them and if we stopped we weren't getting moving again so we continued on at a slow crawl.

It then cleared up and the next 35 miles to Denver were great.

And then we started going South to the Springs.

Oh. My. God. The snow was very, very difficult to see through and the people driving around me were acting as if nothing was going on. It was the most harrowing hour of driving I've ever spent. By the time we slipped and slid into Colorado Springs, my hands were cramping and my eyes hurt from concentration. But we made it.

Come to find out that we had a storm roll up behind us and roll in after us so we timed it incredibly good and had the absolute minimum that we'd get on the trip.

So I'm here and jacked in through someone's unsecured wifi. I may check in a couple times before Sunday. I'll see what I can do about Shego and Ame taking over in my absence.

Merry Christmas!


Rob King

Rob King

Good to hear! I heard on the radio about the blizzard over there, and my first thought was "But ... Dave's out there!!"




Ame, you really know how to make me all tingly. :heart:




Well, I ended up working until only 12 Tuesday and then jetted out as quickly as possible to beat the weather. Going from Omaha to Colorado Springs was supposed to be an adventure. We hit the road about 1:50 CST and I drove an average of 76 MPH, which counts being in town and several construction areas. This means on the open road I was doing about 90 or so. voom.

Everything was hunky dory until I hit Brush, Colorado. Then all hell broke loose. We saw trucks going into ditches, one guy was off the side down a big fucking hill and there was a semi that I honestly couldn't tell if he was on his side or just listing lazily to the left. But they all had people already stopped to help them and if we stopped we weren't getting moving again so we continued on at a slow crawl.

It then cleared up and the next 35 miles to Denver were great.

And then we started going South to the Springs.

Oh. My. God. The snow was very, very difficult to see through and the people driving around me were acting as if nothing was going on. It was the most harrowing hour of driving I've ever spent. By the time we slipped and slid into Colorado Springs, my hands were cramping and my eyes hurt from concentration. But we made it.

Come to find out that we had a storm roll up behind us and roll in after us so we timed it incredibly good and had the absolute minimum that we'd get on the trip.

So I'm here and jacked in through someone's unsecured wifi. I may check in a couple times before Sunday. I'll see what I can do about Shego and Ame taking over in my absence.

Merry Christmas!

Glad to hear you made it in safe :)



Anyone else actually LOVE the new banner?

Like, when Dave comes back and we upgrade the forum, I think our banner should be in this style

Obviously with the Ame/Shego but I like the tid bits of our forum culture up there and of course the memes we've found hilarious, that is very original and really makes it look A LOT better than before



