BananaHands, you know, normally, the opposite sex stays far away from me, so my awkward interactions are pretty limited. The two that stand out in my mind are ones I've told before.
When I was dressed as Poison Ivy, this guy came up to me and bowed to me, then kept talking to me like I was Poison Ivy. And I had know idea what was going on, so I just awkwardly laughed and held onto my friend for dear life.
Second is the Con Creeper. I was at a pony convention dressed as Fluttershy and this guy would not leave me alone. He kept coming up to me and telling me these things that I had no clue what he was talking about. But then he started re-inacting a portion of the show with me and got so close to my face and made physical contact. It was awkward..
I will also throw in school dances, because I was not comfortable touching the opposite sex, so I was probably the worst dance partner ever. And I'm also going to give you high fives. Now, I say high fives because I high five people, especially guys, who are not looking for a high five. Like they have their hand out pointed at something, but I think they want a slap on the hand, so I do, and they just look at me like 'What?' and..ugh, it's so embarassing! And it happens to me a lot...way to much.