Amazon.CA sucks

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This was an opinion I always felt.

Compared to the website, we're limited to the mere essentials of Amazon catalog... movies and books... sometimes special items for a short period of time. The .COM has pretty much EVERYTHING and sometimes has deals that makes me feel stupid if I didn't take up on them. Every few months, I log on Amazon and order a batch of books, my fiancee and I are mostly into reading used books that are in near mind condition to save a few bucks. Instead of paying full value, we get books as low to a dollar.

Last night, I brought up 5 books I wanted to order for us and looked at how much they costed and the used books were nearly as expensive as brand new books. (Total was close to 90$) I switched over to the .COM, get the same books and collectively the 5 books cost me 26$ and since it was over 25$, there is also NO SHIPPING COST (.CA never has this).

My jaw dropped when of course... .COM doesn't "ship" to Canada and have no "option" beyond... go to the .CA and pay triple for the same exact product.

This was enraging.

/end rant
I'm feeling your pain. I wanted to order some stuff from and had to send it to a friend in the US and have him ship it to me in Canada.
Get a trustworthy US friend and use him as a mail service. With the Canadian dollar the way it is, you'll save a crap-load of money.
A quickstop on the other side of the border from us will let you order in packages to their mail address. You just go down, show ID and they give you your package (with a little fee.) It's awesome.


I have felt this pain, and it is a pain that no person should feel.

It boggles my mind that shipping and items have such drastic differences, especially now with our dollar. If the internet can't keep up with our dollar then it is truly a slow medium that needs to be rectified.

also: U.S. friends are golden for shipping.
That's a negatory, I want to feel the book in my hands. I don't want to be a Starbucks drinkin' tech geek when it comes to reading actual books.
It's not that bad. Let your geekiness consume you. Come to the Dark Side.
Yeah, same here. Though I was looking at them at Chapters last week and thinking about it. Definitely couldn't do it for comics, but for non-fiction or quick reads? I'm thinking about it.
We must UNITE! And since somebody decided to drop their forum gimmick about unionizing people, it's up to me...



Really? (I haven't ship to Canada via amazon) but I have ship to other countries and had no issues (except one lost mail which later found)


Look at the bright side... Here in Brazil we pay even more than you ever would for English novels.
Just another reason why living in the USA is so great.

<- Baerdog, who got his package from a day early yesterday.
Abe books (
and Powells ( and if you ever get a chance to go to Portland... go there!

I've never bought from Abe books, but they sell textbooks, so they're alright by me. But Powells will ship to Canada, and occassionally they have free shipping deals too.

And I hate it when Amazon does that too... stupid Amazon....
Yeah, is terrible. Many a time I have searched google for something and found it was available on amazon, only to learn it was only available at .COM and not at .CA.
Last night, I brought up 5 books I wanted to order for us and looked at how much they costed and the used books were nearly as expensive as brand new books. (Total was close to 90$) I switched over to the .COM, get the same books and collectively the 5 books cost me 26$ and since it was over 25$, there is also NO SHIPPING COST (.CA never has this).
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