An Audience With the King (AMA)

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I figured I'd post an Ask me Anything thread. I wanted to do one of these things when everyone was doing them, but I didn't for some reason. North Ranger's is going strong after so many weeks, and Ross is rocking his image-reply variation.

Areas of expertise:
Dropping out of College
Newfoundland Pride
Not Writing
Living Vicariously
Describe your ultimate computer.

Take a laptop. I'm imagining a MacBook because that's what I have, and it's schmoove. Now separate the screen from the 'body.' Put the guts from the body into a thickened casing behind the screen. Downsize to somewhere near eight to ten inches from corner to corner, and make it a multi-touch screen. If at all possible, put a hinge straight down the middle, to allow for folding the device in half, protecting the screen, and making the entire thing more compact.

I don't care much for processing power. Just enough to check the web, watch the occasional movie, and do word processing would be fabulous. More would be great, but I wouldn't want to sacrifice either durability or style in a compromise.

If I could fit more functionality into it, I would add GPS functionality, and Satelite Phone (internet, specifically) capabilities, and I would be happy.

OS-wise, I would like something apple-inspired, but I don't have a huge brand loyalty there. Options for an on-screen multi-touch keyboard, or an external typing device are two requirements, though.
Do you like Great Big Sea?
I do, very much. I like when they do folk music a lot, because it feels like home. But I have heard that they prefer not to play shows in Newfoundland anymore, which made me lose some respect. I'm not certain that it's true, but if it is ... that's just stupid. What, are you too big for the rock you came from?

What's you favorite music genre?
I like a variety of music. Most of my playlist is alternative or lightish rock. I do enjoy folk music a lot more than your average bear though (as mentioned before). Most of the reason for that is that it's equal parts history, folklore, music and entertainment. I've been meaning to learn some folk arts in the next few months, too. Playing a jig or two, singing a few of my more favorite songs. I'd also like to learn a few folk dances.

Next year I'll be leaving Newfoundland, so I'd like to be able to take some of my home with me.

Newfie or Labrador?
Newfoundland. Grew up on the West coast (without question the most beautiful part of the island), currently living in St. John's, which is the capitol.

Who would win in a fight? Bangladesh Dupree or Shegokigo?
I didn't know who Bangladesh Dupree was before looking her up. I rule in favor of Shego, but since I don't know much about the other character, it's more a matter of not wanting to upset the one more likely to hurt me.

But it is a fight that I would be very interested to see. :eyebrows:
What's your favorite thing about Newfoundland?
Is it the Newness? I'm gonna guess the Newness.[/QUOTE]I thought maybe it was the fact that it was found. Or land.[/QUOTE]

Ha-ha. Strange names are just one thing to love, as I expressed in another thread recently. I have an aunt from a town called Dildo, to give the most obvious example.

As for my favorite thing ... I'm not sure I could boil it down. I guess I could probably just say 'our identity.' It's pretty useless to say that we're a place like no other: every place is a place like no other. And I know that there are people just as passionate about their heritage in Virginia, or Scotland, or South Africa or the Philippines. But that is their identity.

I am a product of my corner of the world: a Newfoundlander. Hardship over centuries has made us humble, communal, and hard workers. We had that reputation in years past, too. An older gentleman from Ontario I met once told me that years ago, when he was responsible for hiring new workers for his company, if it came out that an applicant was a Newfoundlander, he would make up his mind to hire him on the spot, to capitalize on the Newfoundland work ethic.

We've gained a reputation in recent decades as the hicks of Canada: lazy bastards who only collect unemployment. Some of it is true, but when you get to the core of things, it's all a result of the hand we've been dealt. And in another half-century, when we look back at today it'll just be another chapter to take pride in, where we stayed strong through the hard times.

I just want to share bits and pieces of my home, because it's a huge part of who I am. I realize sometimes that I might get a bit off topic in other threads with an anecdote about Newfoundland, but I'm just excited about it. My home is a beautiful place, and a thing I wish I could share with everyone in the world ... especially the members of this forum.
Is your name promoting theft of a monarch?

My newfie/lab question was to determine your preference of the canine indigenous to your homeland.
which do you prefer: novelty, not being lost, or terra firma?

To address it as a serious question though, while I think all three are neat, I prefer not being lost out of those three.

why do you want to hurt nobel prize winners?

Is your name promoting theft of a monarch?
My name can be interpreted how you wish, although I take no responsibility for the results of your actions.

My newfie/lab question was to determine your preference of the canine indigenous to your homeland.
Oh! Well, now I feel silly!

The answer is still Newfoundland, though. Despite having genetic heart problems, shedding like mad, and drooling like crazy, I'm astounded at the average Newfoundland's personality. They're massive big dogs, but gentle as a lamb, and protective as all hell, and all of this besides what seems to be a natural tendency to rescue people from drowning.


Staff member
What's your favorite food? Why?

Who makes you laugh the most?

What movie can you watch over and over again?

What song gets you moving the best?
I have been negligent with this tread. Oops.

What's your favorite food? Why?
I like most food, but recently I've been coming back to Beef Stroganoff. If it's done well, you've got delicious beef, filling noodles, and a heavy and potent sauce ... everything you could want in a meal.

Not sure if it classifies as my favorite, but it's the one that popped in mind when I read the question.

Who makes you laugh the most?
I've got a friend Zach, who I've been spending a lot more time with recently. In his company I generally laugh my hardest. We can talk about the heaviest topics around: personal issues, personal philosophy, god, etc. We don't always agree, but there is always an appropriate amount of levity in the situation.

Recently we've been wrestling with the idea of doing the Responsible thing, or the Awesome thing. When the awesome thing wins out (98% of the time) is when I laugh the hardest.

What movie can you watch over and over again?
Ooh, good question. Probably The Empire Strikes Back or either of the first two Jurassic Park movies. I could probably watch any movie many times though. I've been intending to hunt down The Hangover to watch again, as well as Up, Wall-E, and when I can get them I'll be seeking out Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs and Tetro.

What song gets you moving the best?
As in ... dancing? After the recent thread, I've been listening to a bit of Lady Gaga, but truthfully, the songs that get me moving the best are the ones that kind of sneak in there. Something that starts slow and heavy, but then picks up and gets charged as it goes on. "I Will Posses Your Heart" is the one I'm thinking of right now. By the end of it all, I'm feeling ready to get up and just RUN somewhere.

Do you do the monkey?
Listen, I don't know how it works over there in Europe, but the last time I tried that I got kicked out of the Zoo.

don't you know you're riding with the king?
I know nothing of this song (googled your text). I will have to listen to it soon. Maybe I know it but just don't remember it. Music is funny like that sometimes.

Will the ancient queen of the winds come back to murder the lord of the stars?
So it is written. Thus it shall be. Amen.

Mr. King,

You've been holding out on us. Why, sir? Why?

Jealous in the USA
I don't understand how that's even allowed, to be honest. Screeching in is something that generally happens when someone visits Newfoundland, although I guess I can see why one would make an exception for Conan O'Brien. That said, I know they have made exceptions for when someone marries a Newfoundlander elsewhere.

It's kind of like a hazing ritual, so it's never something I've had to do myself. It's for come-from-away's. Once you are "Screeched In" you're basically an honorary Newfoundlander. It's funny. If you told a Newfoundlander that you were an honorary Newfoundlander, they would understand exactly what happened.

I actually haven't had screech yet myself. But I'm working on it. I only even had alcohol for the first time a few months ago, so ...

That said, come to Newfoundland. Here are my favorite two Tourism Newfoundland commercial of all time:

This one always gives me chills:

And this one gets me so damn excited:


Staff member
Do you do the monkey?
Listen, I don't know how it works over there in Europe, but the last time I tried that I got kicked out of the Zoo.

I'm sorry, sir, but I will have to ask you to hand over your Johnny Bravo Avatar license and discontinue the use of Mr Bravo as your image.

Also, what kind of a king are you? The high kind, the rocking kind, the burger kind or what?
"It's lonely up there, you gotta make your own fun." - lol

Man, that is one beautiful country though.
Breathtaking landscape.

What do you love the most about it?
It's true. Or rather, less than lonely: it's isolated. I live in the most densely populated part of the island, so there are plenty of people around. But if I want to go somewhere else, it's either a plane ticket, or 20 hours by car and ferry to the next major city, which is Halifax. And I mean, really ... Halifax. In Halifax they're all Haligonians ...

As for what I love most about it is just a sense of identity that I derive from this place. I mean, everyone can do that for wherever they're from, but it feels special to be from an island. Especially from an island as unique, and with such great history as Newfoundland. And the fact that only sixty years ago we were still our own country doesn't hurt the identity thing. I loved looking through one of my friend's photos from London, and discovering references in monuments and statues to "The Dominion of Newfoundland."

Do you do the monkey?
Listen, I don't know how it works over there in Europe, but the last time I tried that I got kicked out of the Zoo.

I'm sorry, sir, but I will have to ask you to hand over your Johnny Bravo Avatar license and discontinue the use of Mr Bravo as your image.

Also, what kind of a king are you? The high kind, the rocking kind, the burger kind or what?[/QUOTE]

I ... I ... I have no excuse.

I am the worst kind of king: none of the above! "Robert King" is an assumed name I used to use a lot on the internet ... I guess I still do. If I ever did get something published, I had intended to do it under the pseudonym of "Rob King," because I thought there was something neat about choosing one's own name. I'm less concerned about using an alias now though, and "Joshua A.K. Thompson" is a pretty decent name for a writer anyways, I think.

I do love Burger King though, and I fully intend to go one Halloween as The King.
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