An Open Call for Artists

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The Divided Soul fan comic has always been an opportunity for Angels fans w/ artistic leanings to practice their art whilst also contributing to the ever-expanding mythology of the Angels Universe. Around five artists have contributed thus far (with 2 participating regularly), and we are always open to new people coming into the group. This is strictly a volunteer effort, so the pressure is low, and because the idea is for artists to practice, there are no minimum "artistic" standards. All we ask from you is an interest in Angels and a passion for storytelling through pictures.

Post here if you are interested, or send me a PM. And thanks for taking the time to consider helping our cause. :)


Hrm...a while back, I made the Angels themselves in 3D...the models could use some improvement, that's for sure, but still, they're there. Granted, Divided Soul doesn't deal with them, but...

If I didn't have my own comic to think of, I'd go for it. But given how time-consuming building stuff in 3D gets, I just couldn't do it, not with everything I have on my plate right now.
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