And here's your terrible news for the day...

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Pity, that some one would murder such a smart, pretty woman. It is always a pity when some one is murdered, but when you see some one of such raw potential...

When I heard that she was found in the Lab Spaces, I was pretty sure that the cops will solve this one. It would be like something happening in one of my old server rooms. We knew exactly who was where and when. I am also certain that there will be video evidence of who was also entering those rooms.
I wouldn't be shocked to find out it was socially inept science nerd with a massive crush on her that just couldn't stomach her getting married.

Regardless, bad business. :(


This is as sad story.

I know that the kind of person who would do this isn't exactly thinking things out, but how do you stuff somebody into the wall and not think they will be found.

They had to know that cameras were everywhere. It's not like the cops would say, "Well she goes in but doesn't come out, clearly she is a being of living energy." And then declare the case closed.

Sad all around.
I've been following this since she disappeared. Even though everyone said she wasn't a runaway bride, and she'd left her phone, money, etc., I held out hope that she had just run off. I can't even imagine her family's and fiancé's heartbreak at learning her body had been found on the day she was supposed to get married. She seemed like a smart, awesome woman and this just sucks so hard.

I should contact my niece-by-marriage, who is also doing some kind of scientific post-grad work at Yale. Hope she's okay, emotionally.
I wouldn't be shocked to find out it was socially inept science nerd with a massive crush on her that just couldn't stomach her getting married.

Regardless, bad business. :(
You might be on to something. It looks like their main suspect is exactly that.

The story is a bummer for sure. I don't know what took the cops so long to find her. If they knew she didn't leave the building, you would think it would think it wouldn't be that hard.
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