Anna Torv before Fringe or maybe from the other side??

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I was rearrange some of my Morgue Files for drawing last night when I ran across a bunch of E3 booth babes files I had and I swear I think this is Anna Torv from Fringe doing some pre starring role gigs. I even remember five or six years ago when I downloaded them that blonde chick in the green looked kinda like a Travis Charest chick.

Here is the link to my newly created and sparse deviant art page where i put them up at.

If you guys want to repost them here that would be cool to.


I don't know man, I can't not see it. I even did a google search for her and was going back and forth comparing and the ears match up and her left eye is a little different shaped then her right and they all seem to match up. Eh but I could be wrong just thought it was neat.
I could see younger sister or cousin or something but it looks like her face is shaped very differently to me.
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