Annonymous Vs WBC round 1 Fight!

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Hacker group Anonymous appears to have singled out its next target - the controvesial anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church in the US.
An open letter, purporting to be from Anonymous, accused the church of bigotry and fanaticism.
It warned that Westboro's websites would be attacked if the congregation did not stop its public protests.
In a defiant response, the church said it would not be silenced, and urged Anonymous to "bring it".
Westboro Baptist Church has been widely condemned for its aggressive anti-gay campaigning.
A number of US states have passed legislation, banning Westboro's members from protesting close to military funerals.
The church's leader, pastor Fred Phelps, was banned from entering the UK by the Home Office in 2009.
Activist hackers
Anonymous is known for its "hacktivism", targeting individuals, companies and governments whose behavior it objects to.
The group recently crashed a number of Egyptian government websites, in support of the country's pro-democracy protests.
It also attacked several online companies that it believed had helped clamp down on Wikileaks' activity, including Paypal and Amazon.
Pastor Fred Phelps was banned from travelling to the UK in 2009.
Laying out its case against Westboro Baptist Church, the letter said: "We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion".
Despite being posted on an Anonymous news site, there was some uncertainty surrounding the provenance of the letter.
Further messages on the same website questioned its authenticity.
The confusion is understandable, according to Graham Cluley from security firm Sophos.
"Anonymous is a headless organisation," he said.
Mr Cluley warned that its followers could potentially be led into mounting a major hack under false pretenses.
"There are dangers in future that someone may pose as Anonymous and say that they want an attack".
The Westboro Baptist Church issued a statement, branding Anonymous "a puddle of pimple-faced nerds".
It called the threat a "bad miscalculation", and appeared to goad Anonymous to action, with the phrase "bring it!".
The church's website, was unavailable.
This will be interesting.


Staff member
The fact that Anonymous may have called the WBC people "an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists" strikes me as irony of the highest order.


Staff member
Really? I don't see a losing side for us with Anon winning....
I agree. I love the fact that Anonymous is taking these douchebags on, but there's no way WBC wins this one.

But I see this as Anonymous giving up on Scientology and setting their sights on a smaller, weaker target.
I don't see a losing side for us if WBC wins either. Internet losers spend time battling real life trolls. What a hardship for us gawkers.
Really? I don't see a losing side for us with Anon winning....
It's a reference to a movie tagline for Alien vs Predator. This is not a serious contribution to this topic, should not be treated as such, and it's completely pointless to rebut it.
Added at: 11:56
I don't see a losing side for us if WBC wins either. Internet losers spend time battling real life trolls. What a hardship for us gawkers.
It's a reference to a movie tagline for Alien vs Predator. This is not a serious contribution to this topic, should not be treated as such, and it's completely pointless to rebut it.


I don't like any of them so quote or not. I agree that we lose no matter what.


I don't see a losing side for us if WBC wins either. Internet losers spend time battling real life trolls. What a hardship for us gawkers.
I do, if WBC wins, they continue doing what they're doing and causing more pain and suffering to truly innocent people.
Looks like it's actually an attempt by WBC to appear relevant:

Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is not a target of Anonymous, according to a new press release by the elusive hacker group. In fact, says Anonymous, the open letter that targeted Westboro Baptist was actually written by the church itself — not Anonymous — in order to gain publicity.


Problem is, Anonymous apparently didn’t write the original letter threatening WBC. According to an Anonymous press release posted to AnonNews on February 20, the “Operation Westboro” letter was actually written and posted by WBC in an attempt to draw more attention to itself.

Anonymous — which has successfully waged cyber-attacks against Visa and Master Card, as well as the governments of Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen — goes on to warn fellow members not to attack Westboro Baptist’s web properties because it’s just “a trap.” To the media (us), Anonymous says that, “just because it was posted on AnonNews” doesn’t automatically mean it’s Anonymous-sanctioned.

While the hackers deny declaring this attack, they do leave the option of a future battle open for consideration:

“We are not BAWWWING sissies, nor are we afraid of your false god; we’re just really busy,” says the press release. “Stay tuned, and we’ll come back to play another day. We promise.”
And the press just ate it all up - falling for it hook, line, and sinker, giving the WBC more of the public attention it so dearly craves.


Staff member
If WBC wanted to go to war with Anon it would be easy. Their site is godhatesfags and Anon attaches the word to anything. They could have come out publicly decrying Anon as Godless heathen "fags" and gone on a tirade about them. Basically they could have made it personal and gotten their attention that way.

With Anon you have to make them think it's their idea.


They may have gotten the publicity they want, but now they're on the "list". Idiots have no idea what can of worms they opened.
There's isn't anything to WBC except publicity. By doing something - anything - to them, you give them what they want, publicity.

About the only thing anon could do that might be effective is defaming the WBC leadership. Finding, showing, and proving irrefutable that Phelps participates in activities he condemns would be a start.


Staff member
I disagree. Anon could do a lot to disrupt the WBC financials and possibly uncover the smoking gun email where we find out Fred Phelps is a flaming homosexual - because his hatred smacks too much like self-hatred and denial.

If Anon found actual documentation that Fred Phelps was gay I'd give them a slow clap of appreciation and give them a tip o' the hat.


You know what I really want to see? Someone siccing the WBC on the Church of Scientology. Think about it - a bunch of fanatics who see trolling as a religious duty versus a bunch of fanatics who see crushing any criticism of their group with overwhelming force as a religious duty.

The escalation would not stop. Ever.


Staff member
You know what I really want to see? Someone siccing the WBC on the Church of Scientology. Think about it - a bunch of fanatics who see trolling as a religious duty versus a bunch of fanatics who see crushing any criticism of their group with overwhelming force as a religious duty.

The escalation would not stop. Ever.
We said the same thing when Anon targeted Scientology. I call Scientology the winner as Anon basically got bored and wandered away looking at the latest bright, shiny object.


Thing is, Anon are ADD script-kiddies. The WBC are genuinely obsessive. They may be tiny, but I can see them duking it out with the Scilons for much longer... and probably getting ground into the dust as a result. Which is hardly a bad thing.


If you think that's all Anon is, you should read up on their Scientology results.


No, I mean like the sites they helped shut down with protests. The people they exposed that most likely saved lives. The documents they released that hindered possible recruiting. etc
Score cards! Get'cher score cards here! You can't tell a wanker from a douchbag without'cher score cards!


Oh no doubt that they're also total douches, I'm just saying Anon Douchebaggery < Scientology/WBC douchebaggery.
So one group of people who parade around with offensive signs and don't really accomplish anything may or may not bout heads with another group of people who hold silly signs while wearing guy fawkes masks and also don't really accomplish anything.

I'll be here, on the edge of my seat to see how this doesn't turn out.


Yeah, really, who cares?

The fact that people feel the need to take sides because one is less of a douchebag then the other just kind of baffles me.

Although it obviously doesn't matter since it didnt happen.
Fuck Anonymous, fuck the WBC, and fuck the fucking fuckers who consider this fucking news.

And by that, I mean the fucking BBC.
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