Another older game review: Fallout 3 (PS3)

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Staff member
Whoa, I saw this one drop from 39 to 9.99 at gamestop. Not sure why, but I knew I was grabbing it. I haven't played Fallout since like 1997, but I loved it. This game does not disappoint. The story is excellent, and unlike some RPGs , your leveling decisions actually seem to have quite an effect on gameplay. I chose to play a sneaky rifle expert scientist. I love getting up in a Super Mutant's face and chunkifying its head before it even knows I'm 10 feet away.

The good: The storylines. I love a good story, and the quests here are really engrossing. You actually care about the people you meet. The VATS system is fun. I don't always shoot for the head. Sometimes it's more fun to blow the gun out of the badguy's hand and run. People have personalities and even moods. The 1950s-esque pre-war culture you uncover is fun

The bad: Not much. The graphics are boring. I know it's a nuclear wasteland, but it'd be nice if things weren't so monotone. Some of the art is poor for a big budget game with a successful pedigree, too. I love Three Dog, but I wish they'd made the Galaxy News loop a little longer. At least throw some additional songs on the radio. Character movement is blocky and floaty. Mole rats, for example, move like solid blocks with no spines. I wish there was a PS3 quicksave mechanism. The game has a lot o bugs, too, and it has even crashed a few times for me. All of these issues are all fairly minor, though.

All in all, I give it an 8.5/10, deducting for technical issues.
2008 is old?

Glad you're enjoying it. I'd had it for 9 months now and I still feel like I'm nowhere, but it's enjoyable whenever I pick it up.

Three Dog is so damn great. I don't even know how I'll play New Vegas if there isn't some equivalent awesome.

I like that you picked a specific take on your character; I seem to have such a hard time with than and just blow points into what I feel will be useful rather than doing proper roleyplaying.


Playing it on the PC with a couple of user mods would have made it a 10/10 for you then, considering your review.
Three Dog is so damn great. I don't even know how I'll play New Vegas if there isn't some equivalent awesome.
New Vegas has Mr. New Vegas. He's much more laid back... sort of like an old fashioned country western singer. He's not as entertaining as Three Dog, but he was never meant to be funny and fits the style of New Vegas very well. Too bad you never get to meet him... I've never been able to find the radio station he broadcasts from.
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