It's... close. Could be hours... could be days... doubt it's going to be more than a week, but it could also be that. Lots of signs, though, and waiting uncertainly is driving me crazy.
It's... close. Could be hours... could be days... doubt it's going to be more than a week, but it could also be that. Lots of signs, though, and waiting uncertainly is driving me crazy.
In order, from right to left, the time it takes to complete a revolution is (in seconds)
960 240 64 16 4 1
Each image has four frames, so the one on the right is 25mS per frame. The next one on the right would have had to be 6mS per frame which is faster than most browsers like.
So you can think of the first two as the minutes, and the last three as the seconds. It's not an ideal quaternary clock, and I only stopped at 960 because you can't have more than 256 seconds per frame in an animated gif (240 seconds times four frames). I could have fudged it with multiple similar frames, but I wasn't too keen on the minute/second separation anyway - it would have been better if I kept it as a strict quaternary clock.
How can you be anxious? Haven't you already been through this a dozen times or so?
Chad Sexington
He has to put on a good show. How bad would that kid feel when he finds this forum in 20 years only to discover his father was completely nonchalant about the birth? "Here we go again," alternate universe stienman wrote in the Whine thread, "I have to act like 'oh miracle of life', and 'new child to love' and oh no, all the 'learning' and everyone with their 'oh that's a fun age!' comments, damn you, trust me, it was fun once, now it's all poopy diapers and sleeplessness! Oh yes, whoo-hoo, so much excitement, so much anxiety."
Pfft, how many kids does Steiny have now? Make them raise the new one.
Just, you know, step in if you find them fighting over a conch shell.
400.999 and a half...
400.999 and three-quarters...
They need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back? it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids. they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his children ; i am truley sorry for your lots Source(s):
There DOES come a point when you HAVE to call them on their bullshit.... but to do so would mean instant death from pregnancy hormones.
My husband told me I "nested" for 8 months while I was pregnant with my daughter. Of course, he only mentioned it when the baby was already a few months old. LOL
Oh, my wife made no secret that she knew she was "nesting." Except for the handful of times she INSISTED sh was simply doing cleaning that she'd meant to do for a while. In a room she'd never touched, nor really had any reason to go into...
Oh, my wife made no secret that she knew she was "nesting." Except for the handful of times she INSISTED sh was simply doing cleaning that she'd meant to do for a while. In a room she'd never touched, nor really had any reason to go into...
So the Tuesday appointment went well, but various concerns have led them to schedule labor induction Friday at 38.5 weeks. So I get to trade my anxiety for an unknown date/time for the worries of complications associated with inducing labor. Things are progressing on their own, so it's not like starting from zero, and if we made a bell curve of all our gestation lengths, 38.5 would be at or near the median, so it's not particularly risky, but it's in my nature to worry about such things anyway.
So we'll probably have the baby by Friday night.
Guess I ought to seriously start thinking about names. My wife's been bugging me to help her with names for months now...
And, since it's not a secret, and perhaps it will satisfy someone's curiosity, the reasons for inducing labor include:
- Gestational diabetes, which leads to big babies, and a deteriorating placenta, which leads to low amniotic fluid
- Strep B, which requires 4 hours of antibiotics immediately prior to birth, coupled with our typically fast deliveries (we've delivered a few of our kids within 2 hours of going to the hospital, and one within 20 minutes of arriving)
- Signs of early labor suggesting that it won't be more than a week until it happens naturally
Join me in welcoming Davis boy #7, born at 6:57pm December 7th, 2012, weighing 6lb 12oz, and measuring 19.7". We will give him a name tomorrow after we've spent some time with him.
The picture is spoilered because he is just minutes old, and most people are used to cleaned up day old babies. I don't think it's yucky, but this isn't my first rodeo...
Chad Sexington
I think that's the first time I've loved a post. And naturally you should name him Chad. Or Leigh. Just saying.
Or, if you round those numbers a bit...
Davis boy #7, born at 7pm Dec 7th weighing 7lbs and measuring 19.7in.
Gonna name him Lucky Seven Sampson?
Congratulations! Hope mom and the new Davis baby are doing well!
Why isn't he already baptized as "Hal"?
Congrats! I saw this on Facebook first, but had to come here and make it official. Welcome to the Halforums Army!
Congratulations![DOUBLEPOST=1354940169][/DOUBLEPOST]When is #8 being born? I can only assume that time and space are being violated and it will be next month?
It's the only way he can call them in case he forgets their names. "Dark green, get over here!"
Congratulations to stienman and family and thank you for single-handedly insuring the human race will endure well after the apocalypse.
Your kids are super cute.