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Any folks here from NYC?




Starting this weekend, me and my friends are making weekly Saturday night drinking trips to nyc via megabus. We leave at 145 from here, arrive in NYC at about 630...we stay there drinking and partying until bars close at 4, and we get back on a bus at 715 am to return home by 1 pm sunday. Total cost for the next 8 weekends of this, round trip, 4 tickets each time...4 dollars. Bless you megabus and your free trip deal that you had going in december.

Now, we have been looking online, etc, and getting intel on places to go to drink and have fun as cheaply as possible. My one friend has been loading his ipod touch with bar apps, and subway maps, etc. The goal here is to drink and have fun in NYC, at the price we would pay just to go out here at home. Great idea, and a way to change the normal for a Saturday night for the next few months.

It seems quite doable with bars like the continental down there (10 bucks for 5 drinks), but I figured I might as well ask you folks here if any of you live/have lived/been to NYC a bunch, what might you reccomend for this plan. not looking into siteseeing at all, since we are just going to be there for a night out. We are looking to stay in the city, most likely our time will be spent in East Village, from the looks of what we have found...just want to know if any of you folks might have an idea or two in your collective knowledge banks. Looking to have fun and enjoy ourselves down there like we would at home anyways.

Thanks for any help you all might give.



Been looking to try this place, maybe you'll be the test case and let me know:




Yeah, we saw that one, it is on our list. :)



Bull Mccabes
Thristy Scholar

Ace Bar



KGB bar (I have always wanted to create a bar across the street from this one and call it CIA bar;)

If you need more, let me know. These places are off the top of my head.





cool, ill let you know. thanks!




I would be terribly surprised if there weren't a site or facebook group detailing that. Toronto has a facebook group that lists the cheapest places to drink each night. Someday, when I have free time, that will be helpful.



You also should make a point to hit:




Yeah, we are definitely hitting mrsorelys at some point. there is mycheapbar, myopenbar, urbandaddy, and a few other sites we have been checking. I was more asking for personal experiences.



Thirsty Scholar has a great bartender but you have to get there before 8. That is when his shift changes. I keep forgetting his name because we keep getting drunk there and forget. He has red hair and super friendly. It is a fun place. He will hook you up with drinks as long as you having a good time. :)




nice. Well, we leave in a bit. i will let you know how the first of these many weekends goes!




That was an awesome time.




So? Dish!




Bus trips were comfortable and fine. More scouting in NYC than anything. We got there, and hit the subway, figuring out the way over to east vilage. Once we realized how easy that was, we started going place to place, hitting up continental (holy shit thats a lot of shots passed around there) to mcsorelys (awesome) to smaller dives like cherry tavern, aces, and a few others. Basically, it was a lot of walking as we learned our way around there for the next coming weeks. (Felt liek I put 20+ miles on my shoes that night)

A friend met up with us at one of the bars about 1 am, and we all contined to drink until closing time at 4, got breakfast at a diner, and made our way back to penn station for the 715 pickup. Next week, a bunch of our college friends are meeting us, and going to be doing the whole night thing with us, so that will be the true blotto beginnings




Trip number two....hoooooooooo!
